Small Aircraft hits New York building


Jul 7, 2003
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No signs of terriost related activities according to the FBI.

A small plane has crashed into a building in New York City's Upper East Side, causing a serious fire.

TV pictures show flames and smoke coming out of the high-rise building on Manhattan island.

The FBI has told the BBC that there is no indication that the crash is terrorism-related.

A spokeswoman for the New York Fire Department said the aircraft had struck the 20th floor of a building on East 72nd Street.

Witnesses told the Associated Press news agency the crash caused a loud noise, and burning and falling debris was seen.
The fact that everyone always assumes a terrorist act when something like this happens just tells me that the terrorists have already won. The whole point of terrorism is to change your lifestyle and make you assume every bad thing is related to something on a bigger scale.
Well its not hard not to think "terriost attack" when an aircraft hits a building in New York. Although it seems more likely to be an accident.
Well its not hard not to think "terriost attack" when an aircraft hits a building in New York. Although it seems more likely to be an accident.

I remember at least 5 incidents where an airplane crashed or flew into a no-fly zone and all of them had nothing to do with terrorists, but rather a stupid or a young person.

Edit: Also, why the hell would someone take a small plane and crash it into a residental building. They don't operate like that because it's not very effective.
The fact that everyone always assumes a terrorist act when something like this happens just tells me that the terrorists have already won. The whole point of terrorism is to change your lifestyle and make you assume every bad thing is related to something on a bigger scale.

Well, it should be expected. New York was hit by terrorists in an airplane. Should everyone just assume, "Oh, it was just an accident, lolololol."
its an accident I think.
terrorist attacks at larger scales......
this plane hits one level flat.....
I'm just saying people shouldn't be so quick to think one way or the other. Of course the first thing the FBI is gonna say is "This is not related to terrorists." They practically have to after 9/11.
Yeah i think people are right to think the worst - afterall in the past a 2nd plane followed up the first, so people may be thinking, will there be more? This seems to me to be a technical problem and a terrible accident. Eye-witnesses keep saying it was a helicopter though, but it is confirmed as a 4 seater plane. 2 dead last i heard (from Smash).
There's no way they're going to pull off another attack with a BUILDING & a PLANE in the SAME city again.

Maybe in Hollywood, where remakes are acceptable, but not NY.
One eye witness said he saw the plane doing acrobatics.

There's no way they're going to pull off another attack with a BUILDING & a PLANE in the SAME city again.

Maybe in Hollywood, where remakes are acceptable, but not NY.

Agreed, they have to be more original these days. And remakes are not acceptable. Unless Scorcesse is directing it.
I remember at least 5 incidents where an airplane crashed or flew into a no-fly zone and all of them had nothing to do with terrorists, but rather a stupid or a young person.

Edit: Also, why the hell would someone take a small plane and crash it into a residental building. They don't operate like that because it's not very effective.

What better way of assasinating someone by making it look like an accident ;)
Well its not hard not to think "terriost attack" when an aircraft hits a building in New York. Although it seems more likely to be an accident.

You mean he didnt see the big building coming toward him until it was too late?
How do you 'accidentily' level out a plane (meaning the pilot SURELY must have had control) and fly into a building? If it was a crash landing, it wouldve hit at an angle downward. Nobody said it plumeted, but then theres also no evidence to say it leveled out either. Kind of contradicting myself but meh.

*insert conspiracys below*

here we go report will be it was Saddam Hussain in that plane, where he killed the pilot of the plane taking him on a tour of NY, then smashed it into a building whilst humming to the chipmunks soundtrack...

Chinese whispers ftw!
hmmm after 9/11 you'd think no airplane would ever fly outside of flight lanes least not without being shot down ..I mean how fast could it be flying?
What if it had have been a terrorist plane filled with explosives.
hmmm after 9/11 you'd think no airplane would ever fly outside of flight lanes least not without being shot down ..I mean how fast could it be flying?

Hmm, I guess that they only monitor the jets though.
homeland security: "oh snap! teh terroristz used a hang glider why didnt we think of that?" /slaps forehead
hmmm after 9/11 you'd think no airplane would ever fly outside of flight lanes least not without being shot down ..I mean how fast could it be flying?

Somebody was joyriding in the Wright Brother's Historical remake, so was going only about 25 MPH. It wasn't picked up by radar because radar doesn't detect wood and fabric, and the reason it combusted was because some idiot decided to make the aircraft out of fire wood.

It crashed into the building, and started to set on fire when current passed through the aircrafts body from a nearby mains switch.
I also agree with core407

anytime something happens "OMG TERRORIST?!" that DOES mean they won. They want to inflict terror...
Cory Lidle, apparently was the pilot and is dead. Pitcher for the New York Yankees or something i hear, means nothing to me, but i guess he's well known in the states?
Somebody was joyriding in the Wright Brother's Historical remake, so was going only about 25 MPH. It wasn't picked up by radar because radar doesn't detect wood and fabric, and the reason it combusted was because some idiot decided to make the aircraft out of fire wood.

It crashed into the building, and started to set on fire when current passed through the aircrafts body from a nearby mains switch.


You made my day.

Hectic Glenn said:
Cory Lidle, apparently was the pilot and is dead. Pitcher for the New York Yankees or something i hear, means nothing to me, but i guess he's well known in the states?

Sad, but I wonder what he was doing, with all the aerobatics?
i dont think that this was terriost if it was they wood have hit somthing bigger and in a different place proly theres my opinion
Aye, and in a bigger plane too.

And if it was a terrorist, I think he would have chosen a better disguise than an American Football player.
yea i thout it was baseball ? i saw that pik on core407's haha kinda odd that todays the 11th also
Americans ... fly a plane at the ground and miss. Typical.
Really weird :|

The fact that it was someone that was relatively well known. He was a lesser known Yankee I suppose, but any member of the Yankee's pitching staff is lesser known this year, part of the reason for their early exit from the playoffs.
Actually a anti-aircraft missile was targeting the aircraft, but it missed and obliterated a pigeon instead