You might not want to be in New York this weekend

Damn, once the hurricane left yesterday its been the nicest weather we've had all summer! Its ****ing beautiful outside right now. Its like Fall.
Yeah I definitely meant compared to other storms. Obviously any death is too much death, but 18 for a hurricane is pretty average. It could have been a lot worse.

Damn, once the hurricane left yesterday its been the nicest weather we've had all summer! Its ****ing beautiful outside right now. Its like Fall.

Agreed, I'm sad to be stuck inside all day.
I want some inclement weather.... Hating tx this summer. 110 every day and no real rain in months.... Bring on ahurricane!

Been hanging like that since Sunday. I was playing Portal 2 and nearly solved a puzzle when the power went out. Luckily my family didn't buy too much groceries, mainly chips and stuff. My whole neighborhood has had power except my street. It's back on now though and they still have not removed the tree, just sawed off a bunch of branches plus the pole is all crooked but they will probably prop it up with another pole. Yeah pretty crazy stuff happened. Vermont now there is a state that was hit hard with NJ and NY! Small towns in VT are completely cut off due to floods and destruction of roads. *Oh and it was really weird taking showers by a flashlight. Walked the dogs more often and stuff. :)
that looks like an entrance to an exciting Labyrinth