Small overclock problem

Gray Fox

Aug 22, 2004
Reaction score
First my specs

CPU q6600 b3
RAM 2gb 4-4-4-12 corsair xms
HDD 500gb spinpoint t166 samsung
Mobo P-35-DS3P gigabyte motherboard bios F6 rev. 1
PSU 750 watt Thermaltake Thoughpower

I have a small problem. But it may be a sign of something bigger so that is why I am asking. The problem is when I OC my CPU from 2.4 to 3GHZ.
And turn my PC off and completely remove it from the power grid. The next time I start it up, it starts up,
then after 5 seconds shuts down and then restart and works fine with the OC still in place.
But it only happens if I totally unplug it from the power grid, so if the power cable remains connected to the power socked it does not happen.

Also, this is the second time I OC'ed my pc. The first time was when I first got it about 2 months ago.
It would not OC, when my external USb hard drive was connected, Once I removed it the pc OC'ed just fine. And I did not have this problem.
I returned it back to 2.4ghz, because my VGA card was bottlenecking my system anyways.
But now I am using CPU intensive applications I OC'ed it back to 3 ghz and got this problem.

Now I'm thinking this is a mobo problem. I mean since it did not let me OC when I had the external HDD.

My Vcore at normal ghz is 1.22500, I tested it with orthos and the PC is stable at that Vcore.
The default is 1.28750, although CPUZ and other apps say my Vcore is still 1.28750. So it maybe that my bios is displaying it wrong.
My OC used to be totally fine and stable at 1.25
I tried putting ti to 1.3 but my minor problem still remains.

Obviously when I OC I always set my PCI to 100hz,
my memory to 2.4 so it runs at 800hz. And turn off any mobo enhancements.

Like I said, it's a small problem, but I still want to know whats causing it.
And if your wondering how come I unplug my power cable from the socket.
Well I don't. But the power cable is attached to a multi socket like this one
except with a switch, which my mother, likes to turn off whenever she wanders in my room when I am asleep.

Thanks in advance for any help.
Could be a motherboard issue. Probably more specifically with power. Probably why cycling the power (removing the power cord) lets it work again.
I don't think this is a problem. I get the same thing on my P5B Deluxe. I think it's just the mainboard setting up the voltages right before booting.

Don't worry about it, I've had this since I got this rig (a year ago) and I've been overclocking like crazy. I doubt there's anything wrong.