Small tips to increase FPS

  • Thread starter Thread starter Tenky
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Hi everyone, first post here!

I'm posting this here because i beleive this community rocks, so you all deserve to get this small FPS boost.

anyways, on with the tip:

If you are like me, and run DX9 level hardware, but that just struggle to run a steady 45+ fps in a game, look no further...

just try to run the game in DirrectX 8.1 instead. The image quality is simply the same, the only difference you can possibly notice are the shaders in the VST, they still look very good, just different and a better performance.

I run a radeon9800, setting this tweak set my average of 30fps at 50fps, with 4X FSAA + 16X AF.

to ennable this, simply put in the lauche properties or your shortcut this simple command: -dxlevel 81

For the FPS enthusiast, you can also make your FPS go skyhigh, by putting your game in DirectX 7, but be advised there will be no more refflections at all on anything, and the flashbangs will only flash you white like CS1.6 and CS:CZ, but you average arround 90FPS at all time to compensate... to ennable: -dxlevel 70

enjoy, and have a good day.
Well, I just tested this. This is, of course, common sense, but here's my input:

The floor shaders and the shaders on weapons (Desert Eagle was most noticable) look far less.. shiny, than in DX9 mode. They look more dull, and not as pretty.

I'd rather take the few extra FPS hit for DX9 over 8.1, just for the looks.
i recently formated, so i cannot save any high quality jpegs (no graphics tools) but if anyone could post some comarasions screenshots in the 3 modes, with the FPS display, people could get a better idea and see if it fits them.
Ya know what is strange, I have a P4 1.5ghz, 256mb of rdram, and a radeon 9600XT. I tried using DX 8, and it destroyed my fps. I went into the hallway and looked at the floor and i got 17 fps. I've noticed, at least with my hardware, that my video card performs better when you push it to the limits. For example, when i first installed the beta, i played at 1024x768 on medium texture settings, and no AA/AF, just to be safe. I got about 30 fps average. Now i've turned AA to 4x and AF to 8x and now i get about 45-60 fps on average. And I can get the same average if I turn on high quality textures, only my game stutters to load them due to my memory and processor. but when it doesn't stutter i get great performance.
Tenky said:
i recently formated, so i cannot save any high quality jpegs (no graphics tools) but if anyone could post some comarasions screenshots in the 3 modes, with the FPS display, people could get a better idea and see if it fits them.

In console try messing around with jpeg_quality command ;)
alright, i took those shots for the video quality, all done with 6X FSAA 16X AF.

Direct X 9

Direct X 8.1

Direct X 7

Note: in a 24 players server, the first one (dx9) drops arround 20-25fps, the second one(dx8.1) to only 35-40fps and the last one (dx7)stays up at 100fps
Shuzer said:
I'd rather take the few extra FPS hit for DX9 over 8.1, just for the looks.

Same here, besides I want all the eye candy :)
wtf, dx8 and 7 does better than 9? omg they need to fix that shit
I'm not sure if this works for all DX levels, but if you are having serious FPS issues you can also try mat_bumpmap 0
so whats the console command? dxlevel 81?
that doesnt work. -dxlevel 81? What is it?
most likely, there wont be anymore depth/plastic effect on any surface, eg: look at the first and 3rd screenshot floor, 1st has mat_bumpmap while the 3rd doesn't have it (dx 7 removes all bumps)
ktimekiller said:
wtf, dx8 and 7 does better than 9? omg they need to fix that shit

How can they fix it? DX9 has alot more shiny stuff then DX 8 and 7, so its logical that it does better then 9. :frog:

But anyways, nice find. Im sure many online gamers will use this, cause most of them care more about their FPS then the GFX.
well, isnt the dx9 card suppose to be faster in performance and better in quality than a stupid dx7? thats ****ed up
ktimekiller said:
well, isnt the dx9 card suppose to be faster in performance and better in quality than a stupid dx7? thats ****ed up

Yes it is, but he isn't talking about cards, but talking about modes..

A direct x 9.0 card can run in HL 2 in the three modes he just mentioned. Direct x 9 , 8.1 and 7 mode. 9 has the most eyecandy but is also the biggest fps eater, while the other 2 modes have less eyecandy but thanks to that you get more FPS.
I just spent five minutes looking at the screens again, and I gotta say for that particular screenshot the dx8 version looks better. The dx9 screenshot looks like someone spent 24 hours waxing the floor, too shiney :)
hi i have an ati radeon 9800 pro 128 mb, whats the best perfomance/graphic setting AA? AF?

you could easily put in 4x FSAA 16x AF @ 1024x798, or max out in dx8.1/dx7 modes
how do i set my css to direct x 8.1? it doesnt give me the option in the advanced video settings.
so whats the console command? dxlevel 81?
that doesnt work. -dxlevel 81? What is it?

to ennable this, simply put in the lauche properties or your shortcut this simple command: -dxlevel 81

To learn how to read, Hooked on Phonics will work for thee! ;D

Make a shortcut for CSS on your desktop, right click, go into properties, click on "Launch properties" or something along those lines, and put in "-dxlevel 81" w/o quotes. Do not select all if there's stuff in there, just put that behind it, or where it won't screw the stuff up.

Btw, for op, get spell check. It is a marvelous tool. :p
To find the box to put those commands in, right click CSS and go to properties, you should find 'advanced launch options' button there somewhere. Put those commands in there.
