


I have a suggestion, I think there should be more 'practical' smilies (on the forum) and less...uh...useless ones.

Its just that they're for emotions, right? Well when are you gonna feel like a borg???
I feel like a borg drone most days at work doing mindless repetitive tasks over and over and over again :borg:

We do have the usual smiles such as happy :) sad ;( laughing :LOL: etc but I've thrown a few 'novelty' ones in just for a bit of fun :) If you got any suggestions for new smileys paste a link and I'll soon add it.
I agree.

Is it possible to put the most useful smileys in that box to the left of the text field when you compose a note? Right now there are only borg and beer drinking smileys there. :O
Re: I agree.

Originally posted by Kuros
Is it possible to put the most useful smileys in that box to the left of the text field when you compose a note?'re the 'supermoderator'

But seriously, that was my point :borg:

I can only do evil things to people, not change the smileys list, that's for Munro to do. :(
Ooh. Please, please please replace :D with :E
Is it possible to get these added?



:D and :E dont need swapping around, thats how they're supposed to be!
Re: fu

Originally posted by Kuros
I can only do evil things to people, not change the smileys list, that's for Munro to do. :(

And randomly delet the site from time to time :D
So Kuros can get me banned if I dont behave nicely on this board?