Smoke Free


Oct 22, 2005
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A few days after the smoking ban in public places came in the UK, I quit smoking.

I'm using nicotine patches and a nicotine stick and trust me, if you want to quit smoking this a sure way to help against the physical addiction. Only after a few days I noticed a difference it had on my body. The way I feel in the mornings and after a hard days work. My appetite, the taste and smell of food... I've died and gone to heaven...

The down side is short tempers, trouble getting to sleeping and mood swings. But that's not a long term effect.

I feel great. Stop smoking, start living is my advice.
Go you.

I'm just an occasional cigarette smoker, myself, I'll probably at most just have one or two when I'm really stressed out... this is usually only if I'm out of weed.
practically everyone in my uni smoke cigarettes,they breath cigarettes,you can see them smoking together like the litle emos they are
I smoke maybe one or two cigarettes a day. I sometimes get the craving for them, but it's not to the point where I can't go on without having one. At the rate I'm going, I doubt it will get to that point.
I only smoke at parties, so I haven't grown an addiction, thankfully.
I hope forum members don't make the same fatal mistake my Grandpa did in September last year.
I've never smoked but I enjoy the smell. o_0
Stop smoking you mother-****ers!
I smoke maybe one or two cigarettes a day. I sometimes get the craving for them, but it's not to the point where I can't go on without having one. At the rate I'm going, I doubt it will get to that point.

I loled... really hard
Just switch to weed :p

This would be my route to take if I ever decide to quit. I admit to being addicted, but a lot of it also the very act of putting a cig in my mouth and lighting up. And if I'm around alcohol, it's a craving I simply can't deny.

I could deal with the physical addiction if I had something to supplant mental aspect. But then I'd probably smoke myself into a coma.
I quit just barely over a year ago on Independence day.

If I can quit, anyone can, honestly. I know thats cliche, but this is a guy who was in Alchoholics Annonymous. I get addicted to everything.

The thing is, I might want to smoke one once every few months if a friend is smoking one. Then I finish it and go on with my life.

4 a year is better than 4 an hour right?

Now that I've been clean for a while, usually, I think they are just gruesomely disgusting whenever they are around me I try to keep away, and I actually see why people find it offensive.

As a smoker, you become desensitized to the smell and grotesque film that covers you and absorbs into your pores, clothes, hair, and other porous belongings.

It's like sitting in a room full of shit. Eventually, you get used to the smell.

I don't think I'm better than anyone else, but I strongly recommend all smokers quit, if you value your life at all.

I hope forum members don't make the same fatal mistake my Grandpa did in September last year.
What was that? Dying? Dying could be considered a fatal mistake. I think.

Don't tell me he died from Weed, because I wouldn't believe it.

My Grand-dad died from being old as ****ing hell.
Well, I grew up in an environment where pretty much 90% of my friends smoked. Peer pressure was never explicit, like "Dude you gotta smoke one!". But eventually you just sort of lock in place with everybody else when you hang out with them a lot. Especially when a lot of your activities together always involved an impairment of judgment with other drugs. And smoking was a commonality that introduced me to some of my best friends too.

So I can't say I regret picking it up. At least not at this point. But it is a habit I think about breaking more and more. Unfortunately, such thinking rapidly disappears when I'm once again drunk.
Smoking near or in public businesses was banned here a week or so ago but peopel don't seem to care. :|

I was at the airport and some crotchety geezer asks me "Hey is it ok if I smoke out there?"

And I begin to reply, "Well I believe there are designated-"

"EH it looks like people are smokin out there so it must be ok" *walks away*

"-smoking areas... ****er." He woulsn't have asked if he didn't know about the ban. >:/

I go to look outside and a bunch of people are smoking right next to a brand new no smoking sign, and cops are about as always. I'm hoping they got slapped fat fines. Cigarette smoke makes me physically ill and since I have been making numerous trip to the airport for my job I have caught the flu 3 times this year. 3 TIMES. I am sick right now, again, because my body can't cope with the stuff. I used to NEVER get sick. :|

Oh, and good for you Thread guy. Lead by example.
Well i have asthma. so no way in hell am i going ot take up smoking. thats like asking a recovering Alchoolholic to do a shot glass with Chris Farly (When He Was Alive)
Well, I bought some cigarettes the other day, but my mom took them away from me when she discovered the remaining smell of smoke in my room.

I'm planning to move away soon.
Too smoke? Hmm...

Well thanks for the vote of confidence guys, it realy helps. :)
I only smoke at parties, so I haven't grown an addiction, thankfully.

You will. You're already a smoker.

I've heard that excuse too many times. "Nah, I only smoke at parties". They all end up smoking.
You will. You're already a smoker.

I've heard that excuse too many times. "Nah, I only smoke at parties". They all end up smoking.

There is nothing wrong with smoking, I myself do not smoke, but I absolutely frown on anybody who feels the least bit superior to smokers.
You will. You're already a smoker.

I've heard that excuse too many times. "Nah, I only smoke at parties". They all end up smoking.
I've been a social smoker for 3 years.

I smoke whenever I please. It's a little thing called willpower.
I don't buy it. "Social smoker" is a misnomer IMO. It still implies a pattern, in which I'd classify you as a smoker. If you were really stocked up on willpower, it kinda begs the question of why you do it any way.

In my experience, it's always been a matter of time. People who classify themselves as social smokers almost always become one of the fold. I've watched many friends and other people only smoke at social events, but eventually it turns into a habit like any other, even if it takes years.
I don't buy it. "Social smoker" is a misnomer IMO. It still implies a pattern, in which I'd classify you as a smoker. If you were really stocked up on willpower, it kinda begs the question of why you do it any way.

Of course it implies a pattern, yet it obviously isn't as regular as someone who is addicted. Willpower was some what misleading in describing my own situation as I'm not forcing myself to abstain from smoking at all. I do it because I find it enjoyable with friends, not because I crave it or give in to peer pressure, or any other qualitative factors.

Absinthe said:
In my experience, it's always been a matter of time. People who classify themselves as social smokers almost always become one of the fold. I've watched many friends and other people only smoke at social events, but eventually it turns into a habit like any other, even if it takes years.

I too have watched many friends turn it into a regular habit, but it's no surprise to me given that almost all of them come from families who are apathetic towards smoking in general, or smoke themselves.
It's just a form of slow suicide.

It's worse than freaking alcohol.
It's such a disgusting habit. This entire day I had the smell of nicotine in my nose for some reason, I had no idea why, but I just realized it came from my hands. It's probably because this morning I used someone else's working gloves at work, but that guy doesn't even smoke. Another guy does, who used them the day before. Imagine that, the smell survived for two days, and me washing my hands with soap multiple times and a shower. It's really quite gross and can't imagine how the smell alone is not enough reason to quit. Not to mention the shitload of money it costs.
cuz its kool

True, true.
