SNES' golden days.

Your favorite SNES game?

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May 29, 2004
Reaction score
Choose your favorite Super Nintendo game from the list.

Mine has to be Super Metroid. Now that game was p-i-m-p. In my list it's closely tied by The legend of Zelda: A link to the past or Kirby...

What's the reason behind your favorite game?
Secret of Mana. A great rpg played on your own is good. A great rpg you can experience with 2 other mates is better! :)

close contenders:

Chrono Trigger - Top game.

Final Fantasy 6 - the best in the series imo. Not even FF7 can match this.

(damn SquareSoft were good ..... before they went to the Playstation :/)

Goeman the Warrior/Legend of the Mystical Ninja - definately one of the best titles on the snes (nearly up there with Secret of Mana imo) - co-op was excellent.

Super Mario World - amazing \o/

Super Mario Kart - by far the best in the series and still one of the best multiplayer games ever made.

Street Fighter 2 - waiting for this game to be delivered from Japan was hell. Never will I be as excited about another video game :'( Happy days

SNES > all other consoles.
Those are all awesome games!
If I have to choose I would go with Zelda III.
I could go on and talk about all those games and how great they are forever, but I don't have time for that at the moment.

I'll just say this: SNES is the best game console ever!
Secret of Mana, I've spend so many hours in that game. I think I could have played HL2 through 20 times in the time that this game occupied me.
where the hell is earthbound? HUH? WHERE RHRE HELL IS EH ATHBOUND@

sorry... all of those are too good to decide.
Those were really the golden days, I grew up with nintendo. I would've probably been really liked in school if it werent for donkey kong. But now hes my best friend....
SECRET OF MANA is the PWN I loved that game... I still have it too!!
Battletoads & Double Dragon was a great game :E

But by far, Super Mario World was probably the best game on the system. I never really got into the 16-bit RPGs much. Except for Earthbound.
stigmata said:
Battletoads & Double Dragon was a great game :E

But by far, Super Mario World was probably the best game on the system. I never really got into the 16-bit RPGs much. Except for Earthbound.


finally some eb appreciation
Chrono Trigger!

But, there are SO many good SNES games.. EVO was my favorite game ever. Still is. Except, I picked out my favorite in that poll.
I played Earthbound at a time when I was very ill and bedridden.

Combined with uber strong painkillers the experience was a trippy one to say the least. Thoughts of Earthbound bring me out in a cold sweat /o\
Super Mario World! It was so fun and addictive. The best thing in the game was when you got Yoshi. I wish I had a SNES
Final Fantasy 3 baby.. all the freakin way!!!! that game kicked every games (aside from Chrono Trigger) ass.
Link to the Past was prolly me favorite... followed closely by Secret of Mana, Super Mario World, and Super Metroid. :)

Oh, and Final Fantasy 3 wasn't called Mystic Quest or anything was it? 'Cause if so... well, let's just say all the save-game slots are filled up with profanity up to this day. Strong words for such a young child... :eek:
Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest wasn't Final Fantasy 3 (6). Different games, both made by Squaresoft though.

Anyhow, I win!
/me owns and still has Super Metroid, EarthBound, Final Fantasy 3 and Super Mario World
I got SPW and FF 3 along with Starfox Mario Kart, and this ninja Turtle fighting game lol
SubKamran said:
SMW, I still play it :D
Me too. In fact, I bought a shiny new* SNES with SMW and Mortal Kombat 2. So I pretty much play SMW on it :p

*Used, with a small hole in the side.
stigmata said:
Me too. In fact, I bought a shiny new* SNES with SMW and Mortal Kombat 2. So I pretty much play SMW on it :p

*Used, with a small hole in the side.

Why? When there's emulators. :D
emulators? Pfft

if you ask me, there's nothing like using the SNES pad on a real SNES on a TV instead of a monitor. I'd take the real deal over an emulator any day.
I agree.

Playing on emulators is crappy compared to the real thing.
i paid 40 bucks for that game about a month ago~
Warbie said:
I agree.

Playing on emulators is crappy compared to the real thing.

It's not half bad if you have a decent controller.. the Logitech Wingman Rumblepad has an almost identical button config to the SNES controller.. works great :)
I have my SNES hooked up thru my tv card so i can play it on my pc monitor
Awww, good times, I remember going over to Foxtrot's house and playing Donkey Kong all night, we musta beat it 1000 times. Then we would play Starfox and thought that in the opening intro they were saying "Hershey's" over and over.
dafreakman said:
I remember playing mario bros 3 and thinking ''Im so ****ing awesome!!''
Mario Bros 3?
Are we talking Mario All Stars here?
It's criminal that StarFox isn't on that list :/
Murray said:
Are we talking Mario All Stars here?

If not, we should be :)

What a collection of games that was \o/ Some of the Lost Levels were pretty damn tough.

I've been debating with various friends over which is the better title, Super Mario World or Super Mario 3, for years now. Close call, and a sign of two great games :)
Murray said:
Mario Bros 3?
Are we talking Mario All Stars here?

Yes we are. meh, super mario bros 2 wasnt exactly a good game, i found it kinda lame, but the rest rocks!
Abom said:
It's criminal that StarFox isn't on that list :/
Oh man, THAT's the game I forgot about! I remembered playing this flying game where you shoot other flying enemies, but I couldn't remember anything beyond that :p

And emulators do suck. It's a hassle trying to find a good game pad for one, especially when all the decent ones are too expensive for you to buy on a shoestring budge without having to forgo more important things (i.e. HL2). The keyboard doesn't cut it either, there's no good place for the R/L shoulder buttons.
Moejoe said:
What's the reason behind your favorite game?

I never played Super Nintendo back in the day, only later on an emulator. I played Chrono Trigger extensively. It's still one of my all-time favourites, no doubt about it. I haven't played it as much as some, but I did finish it at least two times from scratch. A great game. Excellent gameplay, graphics, music, story, characters... and I liked the combat as well.
MrWhite said:

finally some eb appreciation

I think my biggest moment of disapointment on the N64 came when I realized I was never going to get to play the Earthbound sequel that was in the works. SCREW YOU 64 Disk Drive!1!!11!!

*ACLeroK212 hits whoever canceled that project with Casey Bat and Big Bottle Rocket