SnipaWars - Media Update


Nov 10, 2003
Reaction score
The SnipaWars Mod for Half-Life 2 recently released multiple renders of several weapons and a couple screenshots of one of their maps-in-progress, called Berlin. In addition they have also updated their entire website’s look and feel.[br]

The mod itself will be focused primarily on all aspects of sniping, including an advanced player movement system, location specific damage, and multiple gameplay modes such as Assassination, King of the Hill, and many others.

Assassination is where one team protects their leader and the other team is sent out to hunt him down before he reaches his objective. We will also have King of the Hill, where teams are sent to hold a position for a set period of time.

[br]The team is also still currently looking for more members. To inquirer further about joining or to see additional media and information head on over to their new site here.
An entire mod based on camping? In theory doesnt sound too good...
maybe its spelled wrong because we want it?
SimonomiS said:
An entire mod based on camping? In theory doesnt sound too good...

Yea, you have right. But our mod is about sniping, not camping...
What a stupid name. I'll never forgive "gansta" talk for what it has done to the English language.
yes i was into rap when i gave it teh name :/ . Now i hate rap but i belive we will stick to the name since it was like that from the begining
why did you decide to call it "Snipa" instead of "Sniper" though?!

it does sound pretty stupid
looks pretty good ..I like sniper type games ..although I have to agree the title is a bit of a turn-off. A tactical gametype like you're planning should have a more serious name IMHO
agreed. consider changing the name. even if i hear its good ill second guess it due to the name alone.
I think tht it is fine, I personlly dont judge book by its cover, nd wont judge mod by its nme.
Untextured gun? (Check)
Untextured grenades? (Check)
Miscellaneous, boring screenshot? (Check)

Not much of an update. :rolleyes: :p
Ok we were thinking of chaning the name. I want to call it "Behind the Scope" and our co-leader wants to call it "SniperWars" what would u guys suggerst
I would go with Sniper Wars (two words). Even tho Behind the Scope sounds a little better, a two word mod would be more memorable. Behind the Scope sounds more like a documentary machinima or something.
Sniper Wars, if either of them, I reccomend new ideas of names all together, but then again, its about sniping, so who knows. Very interested in which way this is going to go: Camp Wars, or CS:S2
SniperWars: Behind the Scope
though that sounds a lot like it should be the name of a "making of SniperWars documentary"
SST said:
Ok we were thinking of chaning the name. I want to call it "Behind the Scope" and our co-leader wants to call it "SniperWars" what would u guys suggerst

sniperwars sounds a little ..juvenile IMHO. Behind the Scope sounds like an episode of Biography. How about something closer to what it is: "Combat Sniper Elite" or "Black Ops: Sniper Elite", "Covert assasination team alpha" or "SharpShooter"
How about naming it: Super Sniper Death Wars
and if thats not cool enough you can always spell wars with a z.
kmack said:
How about naming it: Super Sniper Death Wars
and if thats not cool enough you can always spell wars with a z.

Indeed, and then write a label on the box:
"For children from 3 to 12 years"
lol!! i like the ideo of the name SharpShooter. Im gonna consider that
All you have to do to make up a new name would be to just get a word and add a number to it.

-Execution 17
-Executioner 17
-Gunman 17
-Squad 17
-Undertaker 17
-Sniper 17
-Marksman 17

Alternatively you could replace the 17 with roman numerals XVII.

boom, new name.
boom, shitter name

go for Behind the Scope, most people here seem to dislike it, that's bound to be a good sign
GonzoBabbleshit said:
boom, shitter name

go for Behind the Scope, most people here seem to dislike it, that's bound to be a good sign

I never said it would be a good name.


Just something better than SnipaWars. :D
We were thinking of renaming Snipawars to "Distant Combat"

What do you think?
hehe it sounds like we're going on a trip ....ummm Disneyland? ;)

definately an improvement over snipawars, good to see you guys listening to the community :thumbs: