SnipaWars Update



SnipaWars is a sniper-oriented mod that is set up around the concept of realism. For instance, this is what they are working on regarding the movement system:
In running mode you will only be able to use pistols and knife, and maintain it for a short period of time. In walking mode you will be able to use most snipers(rifles I suspect), all pistols, and knives. While standing you will have good aim, yet a lot of recoil. While crouching you can use almost every sniper (rifle) and will have low recoil and good accuracy. Prone mode will allow you to use all weapons, and will give you excellent accuracy and almost no recoil. Deploying your bi pod while prone will give you even greater accuracy and lower recoil. The most exciting feature will be the dive, in which the player dives and rolls into a crouched position. We are planning to include a leaning system, which will allow you to look around corners and check for enemies, but that will most likely come in later releases.
Who doesn't love sniping in games? I'd say that there should be quite a big push for games of this nature, especially to anyone that's sniped in Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, which has some of the best sniping. [br]</br>SnipaWars plans on having Urban, Jungle, and Desert locales with the emphasis on LARGE maps where you have to be crafty to find your opponent.[br]</br>They have released four model renders of their latest batch of weapons. Please note that they are actively LOOKING for model skinners to skin these great models, so give them a buzz by clicking this link.[br]


Theres quite a few mistakes and errors on those models particularly the kahr k9.

I'm not too sure how well this game will play with that running mode.
If they want to be above the rest they will need a unique movement system and as its sniper wars they must make the use of camoflauge very important......i havn't seen a lot of that.
SnipaWars plans on having Urban, Jungle, and Desert locales with the emphasis on LARGE maps where you have to be crafty to find your opponent.

Or, if not careful, put an emphasis on boring yourself to tears on LARGE maps.
CS:S is already one big snipe fest...
Eh...? You snipe in CS:S and you're a camper. You snipe in this mod and you're "crafty".
Lets not knock this mod until we've played it. Its easy to be overly critical of mods in their early stages, give them a chance. And give them skinners... but then again, their a very elusive beast. I think all of us modders have learned this :p
The models look real nice. Especially the SDV. Love the idea of hatchet use, since so many games are just generically giving everyone a weak little knife.

But the name sounds stupid. Wish they would change it to "Sniper Wars".
looks interesting...hopefully games have some objective so not everyones camping in a bush somewhere on opposite ends of the maps waiting for the other to make the 1st move but.
I could've sworn you guys changed your mod's name. Wasn't it like Distant Combat or something.
If you look at the bottom of the pics it says:

Soon to be known as Distant Combat.
Cypher19 said:
Or, if not careful, put an emphasis on boring yourself to tears on LARGE maps.

Stuff like this cracks me up, clearly you've never played a good sniping game. It's insanely fun. I recommend Delta Force Black Hawk Down.
Models look kickass. Cant wait.
Morganhahaha said:
Lets not knock this mod until we've played it. Its easy to be overly critical of mods in their early stages, give them a chance. And give them skinners... but then again, their a very elusive beast. I think all of us modders have learned this :p

I remember the days when modelers were skinners too. It's a complimentary skill, but it's a shame that, as polycounts have risen, the amount of time people have to learn skinning has fallen.

-Angry Lawyer
Sn4tcH said:
If you look at the bottom of the pics it says:

Soon to be known as Distant Combat.

Thank God, the name just looked ridiculous. Nice renders, but then again which mod doesnt have some nice renders by now. Hope the concept works out though. :thumbs:
so they didn't like my idea to name it "Super Sniper Death Warz?. I like the renders though
Hehe no we didnt like the name :D . Thx for all the feedback.