Snow Mk2

May 24, 2003
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Its actually snowing...Its not snowed this early round here for years. I was still at school, in fact I still had a few years left fo school the last time it snowed this early. Its only light but I'm thinking this could really be a year when it snows for more than 2 days :D At long last...

Oh, and yes I did have to make another thread about snow. This place needs all the threads it can get in the aftermath of Hl2

It's actually raining... Its not rained round here for about 5 hours. I was still at school, in fact I had a couple of lessons left to do last time it rained here. It's bloody heavy, and I'm thinking this could really be a year where it rains for more than 2 weeks. Too bloody often....
come to canada get your fill of ****ing snow's a dirty word around here ..but I dont mind it except when it gets really cold like - 30 celcius and the snow is hitting your face ..ya then there's yellow snow, you're not supposed to eat it even though you really want to :O
there is already a snow thread! But that thread was about swedish snow. I guess rare UK snow deserves its own thread :P :P :P
Coldest it has been in Minnesota is around 40 in the mornings, won't be having snow for awhile, which means more lawn mowing

Last time it snowed where live was about 10 years ago ;(
CptStern said:
come to canada get your fill of ****ing snow's a dirty word around here ..but I dont mind it except when it gets really cold like - 30 celcius and the snow is hitting your face ..ya then there's yellow snow, you're not supposed to eat it even though you really want to :O

Actually I am going to go (come) to Canada. Just not yet....and not where you live, because if I remember you live in the middle somewhere. Which, quite frankly sounds dull :P What with all that...flatness.
saskatchewan perhaps? yeah that is dull HAHAHA!!!!1! come to alberta, its where the partys at, well, not really, but lets make believe.
Farrowlesparrow said:

Its actually snowing...Its not snowed this early round here for years. I was still at school, in fact I still had a few years left fo school the last time it snowed this early. Its only light but I'm thinking this could really be a year when it snows for more than 2 days :D At long last...

:bounce: It's because of the cold, dry occluded front moving south mixing with the rain carried by the low pressure system moving eastwards across southern Britain.
Cold + Water = Snow :D
I hope i get some down here at some point, i really want a white christmas.
The DemonWithin, weren't you the guy who always came on the boards stoned?
After 19 years of snow in NY, I decided to move west to cali...away from the snowy cold. Now its been a few years & I miss it...Ok, well I miss its prettyness; not its coldness, having to shovel the driveway, slipping on ice...

Why couldn't it snow in warm weather....I know scienetifically why not, but, a guy can dream, can't he?
The DemonWithin said:
heheh no, whered you get that from?

Heh, must be a similar avatar :P I think the guy got banned or something, but he was pretty hilarious...
CyberSh33p said:
I want snow :( lemme come over, farrow?

I'm afraid it wasnt meant to be...I can see snow on all the hills around me, but unfortunately here in the town its just ice. The hills are close I suppose(Well, we live on the side of them :)), but they are also too big to bother climbing :(
Ritz said:
Raining. Wheres my god damn snow.



It had better snow more...they say it will get warmer again, as if its a godo thing :O but they don't know what they're talking about.
I dont even know what snow looks like anymore, I heard its blue.
well,theres not as much snow here in Lapland either as it use to be, loads of it this time..
But at least here its so clean that you can eat it
(if you dont mind to have some reindeer piss to go with it )
I love it here [in manchester], yestarday it was effing cold, and actually snowed, today it's sunny and "warm" :P
Heh jus snowed here, snow is not very gnarly. if snow was warm and didnt melt, then it could be cool. It would be like hottubbing, only in a big giant hottub that you can mould into things