So anyone go to ROTK yet?


May 22, 2003
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Its out....came out about 7 hours and 20 min ago. I missed the bus and no one is home to drive me to bad i have to wait 2 months to get a car, otherwise id go and see it right now damnit!
I'm seeing it next wednesday morning i.e. Christmas Eve. Absolutely NO ONE in the cinema on that day :) I've heard from a number of people who went to see the previews that it happens to be the greatest movie of the year, and a lot better than the previous two.
got a ticket sitting on my table..gonna go see it later on tonight..*rubs hands*
I`m waiting for the hype to go down. I cant stand those hardcore rotk fans that have to play dressup when they are going to see a rotk movie.
I think im going to kick the shit out of the next "hobbit" wannabe I see.
I saw it on monday, great movie. And that pic aint from Rotk.
I watched the midnight showing of it last night.Well early this morning. I liked it. Best movie this year maybe ever. :)
I work at a movie theatre so I saw it long before most people :)
I wait for them to come out on DVD. At least that way I get to avoid all the dress up nerds, the rustling of foil bags, the talking, the coughing, the annoying whispering behind you and the big fat guy that sit's right in front of you blocking 3/4 of the screen.
I saw it this morning when I finished college and it probably is the best film of the year and definately is the best of the trilogy.
Saw it this morning... I have to say I was a little dissapointed in the end.

From being pretty much faithful to the book, to suddenly having a completely different ending confused me somewhat. Damn those Hollywood whores!
pHATE1982 said:
Saw it this morning... I have to say I was a little dissapointed in the end.

From being pretty much faithful to the book, to suddenly having a completely different ending confused me somewhat. Damn those Hollywood whores!

So the ending is completely different from the ending of the book?

I've read the books...and I'd like to know...coudl you PM me what's different?

dying to see it... don't get to go until the 21st

going to the 14th street theater though. Any folks from NYC know what that's a good thing. :)
I hate you Spiffae. 14th Street Theater? Lucky dog. Well, anyway I want to see this movie soooooo bad! Gotta see the second one though.
wowyouareacow said:
I`m waiting for the hype to go down. I cant stand those hardcore rotk fans that have to play dressup when they are going to see a rotk movie.
I think im going to kick the shit out of the next "hobbit" wannabe I see.

Haha, are you drinking out of a bottle of Martenelli's Non-Alcholic Sparkling Apple Cider? You wuss.
iamironsam said:
Haha, are you drinking out of a bottle of Martenelli's Non-Alcholic Sparkling Apple Cider? You wuss.

eeeeh... ? *svuusj over my head that one*

wowyouareacow said:
I`m waiting for the hype to go down. I cant stand those hardcore rotk fans that have to play dressup when they are going to see a rotk movie.
I think im going to kick the shit out of the next "hobbit" wannabe I see.

What if you see some 7 foot tall muscle man dressed as an Uruk Hai, carrying a big sword?
Farrowlesparrow said:
What if you see some 7 foot tall muscle man dressed as an Uruk Hai, carrying a big sword?

kick him in the nutz and run like hell?
LOL, yeah run to the *SPOILER* Dead army why dont ya!
I'd definitely call that samurai guy from The Last Samurai to go battle all of them. What was his name? Oh yeah, Katsumoto. That movie was kick a**!
im gonna skip school tomarree and see it.
it's definitely cool movie with the most amazing battles. I got tricked by the first couple "endings" though. I almost got up with about 20 min left because they had this big climax and then fade to black for about 10 seconds. Personally, I found that the end sorta drew out even though they took that big part out from the book. Maybe it was just that the last 15 min seemed to be in slow motion which made everything take longer.