So apparently the f*cks are releasing it tonight

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G Man you do realise your hypocrasy here don't you. You uploading a fake file because you are annoyed at the leak but yet that screen shot plainly show your using kazaa lite which is an illegal hack of kazaa to do it.
what's wrong with that? the smart people will download from DC or BT anyway
ALl this is interesting... would be crazy if someoene got a acctually working build of the game and it circulated it. Allot of people have waiting a long time for this game its no wonder people grew impatient and started hacking. Allthough it is the wrong thing to do, one thing will surely come of it, valve and other game company's will understand just really how important security is.
Originally posted by MooCow
It does kind of harm you argument for trying to stop people downloading anything hl2 leak related though.

How so? I'm showing my restraint by not downloading anything to do with this whole ordeal. I think I'm quite the role model. (Ok, I'll be flamed for that one)
Originally posted by MooCow
It does kind of harm you argument for trying to stop people downloading anything hl2 leak related though.

no, not at all. sorry bud.
how fsat can 1.3gb be downloaded on a regular dsl broadband connection anyways?>
I would say that the soonest we can expect to see it spead is time of release+4 hours, and since I assume its being released on west coast time thats not for 6 hours.
It depends more on the uploader when it comes to that kind of connection. Because you can D/L faster than you can U/L. What's your connect?
I got the beta 20 min ago and let me tell you OMG it is amazing!!! I've never seen things like this before, the first level is a jail house and it start out with 2 black guys and this white guy and they are having the........s
Though my D/L max is 2Mb/sec, I forgot my U/L max. I mostly find people that suck and can usually D/L at 35k, at that rate take the file size and divide by two, that's a pretty accurate estimate, without actual calculations.
I got the beta 20 min ago and let me tell you OMG it is amazing!!! I've never seen things like this before, the first level is a jail house and it start out with 2 black guys and this white guy and they are having the........s
if you did, you would have about 100 screenshots uploaded
I wish you could believe a damn thing people on this forum said.
Originally posted by PSX
I got the beta 20 min ago and let me tell you OMG it is amazing!!! I've never seen things like this before, the first level is a jail house and it start out with 2 black guys and this white guy and they are having the........s
if you did, you would have about 100 screenshots uploaded

you don't get it do you :x
As in, a regular dsl connection, or cable, as in road runner. how fas would it download?

uhh i just don't know if it or isnt fake now by the picture posted above.
Yes, I see now. You're referring to the "Gay Porno" version. That's what I thought you said. Why'd you it say "They were having the....s"
Why not just, "They were having s....."?
Originally posted by BrewHaHa
As in, a regular dsl connection, or cable, as in road runner. how fas would it download?

It depends on your connection. I'm sure you have 256k. But, the speed depends on the target you're D/Ling from. If they have a good connect speed, I'd say it would take roughly 600 min. And if it's 516k, and they have an even better speed I'd say about 300-340 min.
Originally posted by genocide604
chyphron what is that? screen?

from irc.....i am assuming its a screen. not 100% sure so dont hold anything to me.
I'm not gonna download beta. It'll spoil the fun. i can't belive you guys. why would you download the beta and spoil the fun?
sorry for the back to back.....i am sure thats a screen from the traptown video that was released. its not beta screen
lol Stalk3r, I was too tired to read the whole thing, so I missed the last few words, the most important ones, and made an ASSumption that you're pulling the strings...
the only think ill believe is if someone took a SS with the sunday newspaper date in the picture.
Originally posted by Xtasy0
where have you been? thats legit, its the compiled source, people have made maps and they can run around in them, also they can start entwork games and run around in maps.

ya its compiled source....i guess you can run around, but doesnt show much of the graphics and physics.
like if they held up the sunday newspaper, saying 10/5/03 right beside their comp screen and a pic of hl2 that no one has seen before.

Originally posted by BrewHaHa
the only think ill believe is if someone took a SS with the sunday newspaper date in the picture.


why that? lol... I'll believe it if they manage to take a shot of an actual level with a combine four feet from gun point (preferably the manipulator)
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