So... Half-Life 2 for 26 dollars?

hahahaha, wow dude wake up! Is 1st november a new date from them? or same date they plucked out the air?
Yeah it is still early - I need to wake up. Either way, Peks is right, cheap as hell.

I thought you guys were giving in to Euros, anyhow?
I pre-ordered with amazon last year they've had 1st November date up since about March/April I believe.
ive got it pre-ordered off amazon, 26quid!! meh!

Am thinking of cancelling it though and then downloadin it off steam the form of the GOLD PACKAGE!! ultra ownage. play hl2, with a hl2 cap on, and with hl2 stickers and stuff on ur monitor!!! LANDED!!
in Canada games generally cost anywhere from $60 Dollars to $85 Dollars..all depending on where u shop :)
Geronimous said:
Mostly taxes I guess...

Probably yeah, but I don't buy anything anymore from the shops here; I just order from the UK, much cheaper that way, about 15€ difference :)