So Halloween is around the corner....

I'm sure it'll look great mate! Sounds like a fine effort and I'm sure people will get it. My HL2 rebel costume is far from perfect but again, it's similar enough to be recognised.... hopefully! We need more pics people! I'll post some of mine later when I get back from work :)
Tossing up between Clockwork Oranges Alex, or Phil Ken Sebben.
I spent 4 solid hours today wearing my Halloween mask at my desk doing data processing.

The reactions were great!
Finished dressing up, I have some photos but I'll post them later. Turned out much, much better than expected.

I want you bleeders.
Well. Half an hour ago, decided "Eh I pretty much hate parties but maybe I'll go for an hour or two" so I went to the used clothing store. Goin' as a dirty gypsy. Based off a real life person I stood next to in Austin at a bus stop one time. I need to find some way to make my hair messier than it normally is. And maybe some crap to put in it. Like, plant matter.
Hairspray, and then crunch up your hair with your hands for a little while. Plant matter... you're probably best off getting some real plant matter I guess :p
Take out a chunk of your skull to fit the theme a little better, or parts of your body.

You can replace them when the evening is over!
Heh, I would've gone into more detail but I only had a couple of hours to prepare.
So interesting night, disco with 80's music = HELL YEAH! after that poor Eoin's (my friend) sister fell and hurt her self quite badly, whiched dampened the mood of the evening sadly, our Disco closed up and a drunken
Fidel Castro & a lady friend left the disco and would you know it they fell over, Fidel Castro was alright but the lady friend hurt her self by splitting her head open, and bleeding quite badly, gusting blood,

most parties concern tried to help, but poor Fidel Castro wasn't able to stand up, the girl on the other hand still bleeding sat up on the path way, crying and freaking out a bit, i was asked to call ambulances, and being halloween its a ****ing noisey night, so talking to the operator was a pain in the ass, had to repeat myself (along with her self) a few times, but within 5 mins, the ambulances (amber lamps) came and the girl got treated,

so I moved along head down to the bus depot and what do I find, some poor souls bank card, i was heading to give it to the cops down the street, I got to the door and what do you know, it proofs cops are ****ers and they drive off on me, so the night ended by getting a curry and walking home in the fog covered night.

Interesting day,

PS: I saw Batman.
Went as Alex DeLarge, I'll have to grab some photos off people and decide which one is presentable.

5 minutes worth of work. Didn't turn out half bad.
Nobody came to my door today. I'm sad. There was not one "trick or treat"er. I live in a big ass mansion now too, so this year I was all jazzed up, 'cause I got to be the guy in the mansion with the good candy. You know, when you're a kid, you've got that list of houses you NEED to hit, because the people there are awesome and they give out the good candy. I wanted to be one of those houses. I wanted to be the house where kids say, "You have to hit that big mansion on the corner, because that dude gives out awesome candy and he gives you a lot of it. He's got MONSTER MUNNY and he gives you like 5 pieces." I wanted to be that guy because when I was a kid, that's all I wanted. I expected it. You expect the people in rich houses to give you a boatload of candy.

But nobody came by. Now this candy is going to go to coworkers, 'cause I can't eat it all. And I know there were kids around dressed up, 'cause I saw them when I went out today. I even saw a little kid who was like 5 years old dressed as Super Mario. I'm kinda bummed. Kids don't trick or treat anymore around here. I blame malls and churches and other "safe" Halloween alternatives and shit. I LIVE IN A BIG FUCKING HOUSE AND THAT MEANS I HAVE AWESOME CANDY AND I'M NOT GIVING OUT CRAP LIKE CANDY CORN, COME CELEBRATE THE BEST HOLIDAY OF THE YEAR GODDAMNIT AND TAKE THIS CANDY OFF MY HANDS.

Stealth edit: also some dude just walked by rattling chains and moaning, I should've given him some candy. Shit I don't wanna chase this dude down he's probably like halfway down the block.
It's a haunted mansion. You wouldn't want to have a party here. But you can totally come by and get some candy.
played humans vs zombies for the first time with twenty people inside a large house. I dont think it's my thing, wayyy too much prep.
Most people around here did their trick r treating last night, so there weren't many around tonight. Was going to be Lupin The III, but cba to grab a red suit etc. Borrowed some clothes and other necessary things from a bro and went as a human version of Blitzwing from Transformers Animated to a party last night. No one knew who I was.

Closest reference I can give is Blitz's humanized tactician/intellectual personality on the right. Didn't look exact but close enough.

I did two costumes this year, and both of them were half-assed yet cheap since I made them out of things I already own. I wore the Freeman one to work and the generic Oktoberfest whatever thing to the Lee Harvey's Halloween party in Dallas. I like Halloween a lot more now than I ever did when I was a kid, and it's nice to see old people dressing up and having fun too.



For two days worth of planning, I was happy.
Great costumes! Hope everyone had a good time. Here is what I ended up with...

Why are you holding that shit instead of a glass of milk.
Was the Tenth Doctor.

Three people over about five hours of costume-time recognised who I was.

The sparks/electrical current looks awesome!