So have we concluded...

Originally posted by Aknot
And they never said it was not. (or did they and I missed it?) So we just sit here? Or we sit here and discuss it? Either way we still should be able to discuss why they did or why they did not without someone coming in telling us we are stupid wrong shutup. Even if they came to me and said WE DID IT THIS WAY AKNOT. I would, if I had a different idea or view on it ask why. They either never answer and "we" speculate or they answer and I question more or I get an answer that qwells my curiosity.

Another thing Ive noticed about your posts, you seem to intentionally mis-inturpret everything. I havent said not to have opinions or speculate. But putting words in peoples (Valves) mouths are another thing entirely. Trying to understand why things that already happend didnt happen in a way that fullfilled your imaginary expectations isnt the best basis for discussion.

that whole argument about "why have these forums if not for discussion" is well worn and does little to take attention away from the fact that your argument has no basis fact.

To go back to your "red sky" example...we may as well be arguing that, because that is another made up claim with no fact behind. By your current rational...we should ask Valve why they didnt take out Gordon and replace him with Kirby? Yes, its a different idea or veiw, but its no basis for discussion, nor is it worth questioning.
Originally posted by Aknot
I was using it as an example (thats why I put the clip of **(not attacking your parent or guardian just using it as an example as to why you dont have a more open mind to other suggestions). ** not psyco analyzing you. Lighten up Francis. (from a movie I dont know if your name is Francis or not just trying to lighten the mood.)

The funniest thing about this entire "discussion" middle name is Francis :O :p
Sorry if you are a Kirby fan it is. If I were to ask that and people responded (and I dont mean you are stupid n00b STFU type response) thinking it was cool it is revelant. If it appears no one cares it just drops off the boards. UNLESS people jump in and berate.

I do not intentional "mis-inturpet", I apologize if it appears that way. I just like to question. "Trying to understand why things that already happend didnt happen in a way that fullfilled your imaginary expectations isnt the best basis for discussion." Well yes it is. That way we/I may understand why or why not it will/will not happen in the future and fufill (or not) my imaginary expectations.

Why did they use what appears to be a "scripted" sequence if the AI is supposedly a "breakthrough" in AI? May not be a "valid" question in thought to you but to me it sounds valid. BECAUSE is not a valid answer. Well its not ready is. BUT then brings more questions.

You dont think the "speculation" that is going around deserves conversation? So what if I am wrong. Im not afraid to be wrong. What I am afraid of is people not speaking/writing what they think. Im also afraid of the people that get "turned away" because some people think their ideas, statements and or questions are "stupid". The only stupid question is the one not asked.
Well, I think I understand exactly where your comin from now...
My argument was with that of the thread starter I suppose. He claimed that Valve "lied" about scripted events and AI, when in fact, they have not, wich was never really your argument I guess. And your right, there are no stupid questions. I suppose that also explains alot of the "mis-inturpretation"

As far as the speculation going around...much of it is accusations against Valve, this thread for example...people accuse Valve of lying when in fact theyve said nothing. That speculation deserves to be burried and thrown out. It isnt porductive in any way, it only serves to anger people and tarnish Valves reputation for alot of people who would otherwise assume the "speculation" is true, when in fact it was all made up BS, blown out of proportion. Thats what I mean by the stupidity band wagon and "jumping to conclusions". Someone makes a claim, everyone beleives it without question, and then a person who has done nothing worong is ostricezed for no reason at all.
Not me. I dont believe anyone. I got to find out on my own (unless it is a cut and dry answer) I also always try to use "what if, why, and if" when formulating my responses, that way it "APPEARS" (another good word) that I am directly questioning someone/something when actually all im doing is specualting/questioning.

Francis.....good guess. BTW its from Stripes. And good day to you sir.