So, Haze sucks balls

You know, I'm not surprised. The entire game looked obnoxious from every bit of footage I'd seen and I'm strongly reminded of Yahtzee's Turok (or FPS games in general) review.
Looked generic and bland right from the beginning.

The only reason it even showed up on the radar is because of the terrain deformation.
This was the only game I was looking forward to on PS3, and now it's gone too.
Well then, the next thing I want to get after Episode 3, and Portal 2 is gone now.
For so many, many things.
OMG 4.5? Yikes this is from the Timesplitters team yeah?
It wasn't long ago that I was all over this game - any possibility of a new Golden Eye sends logic out the window - but gameplay footage and the demo soon put an end to that. Free Radical have yet to give a decent single player fps experience (the first level of TS2 was the closest they've got) and I suspect that anything other than crazy MP fun - snowmen vs ducks stylee - is beyond them.
It wasn't long ago that I was all over this game - any possibility of a new Golden Eye sends logic out the window - but gameplay footage and the demo soon put an end to that. Free Radical have yet to give a decent single player fps experience (the first level of TS2 was the closest they've got) and I suspect that anything other than crazy MP fun - snowmen vs ducks stylee - is beyond them.

yeah I remember you announcing this game on the forums, and you were very excited. I was more realistic and thought it looked like another very generic jungle FPS. You started to hype me up though talking me into it. :P

I forgive you !!

tbh, not much can be taken from screenshots. If Haze looked as it does now, but played well, it would be good. It's the gameplay that is completely uninspiring - the demo was the epitome of point and shoot.
Who cares!? Just give me Timesplitters 4 bitcheeees!
That's disappointing, but who cares really? Now they can focus on TimeSplitters 4!
Not too surprised, looks like a PS2 game trapped in a PS3 game's skin tbh.
Famitsu would give a poo squashed into a dvd case a good score and PSM are as biased as a publication gets. And who gave Golden Eye a 4/10?! It was regarded as an instant classic by pretty much the entire industry on release.

The Haze demo has received a luke warm reception and feels like it's been repeatedly hit with the generic stick.
GoldenEye got a 4/10? :|

EDIT: Goldeneye fanboiz post at the same time zomfg
I am pretty disappointed because it seemed like it was doing things right in terms of a few interesting gameplay ideas and a seemingly engaging story. I think this is going to be a rental now, esp. if it has such a short campaign.

Yeah, glad to be done with hearing about this one though--TS4 NOW!!!
I don't that's the case this time. It really is uninspired and feels old - older than Time Splitters, for example. Even something like RFOM, which I consider to be a pretty generic point and shoot, feels years ahead of Haze. Perhaps things change for the better when nectar plays a more important part, but the gunplay was wank.
If there is anyone here who has played the full version I would love to get some comments here....
Considering this is Free Radical we're talking about, wouldn't it make sense to cut them some slack since they have produced good games before? Personally I think game developers (much like movie directors) deserve the benefit of the doubt when they've got a good track record.

Now to my main point, whether game reviewer #284 likes it is irrelevant. What matters is whether you like it. Considering the game is getting mixed reviews, this makes my point even more valid. It'd make more sense to reserve judgment until you've actually played the game rather than going on a crusade of "omg haze sucks!!11" before you've even had the chance to play it yourself.
I didn't dislike the demo. I didn't get a positive enough impression to buy it, but it didn't seem cringe worthy. Maybe since it was my first PS3 FPS I didn't have insta-hate and didn't have anything in the way of expectations. I might rent it just to see what the story has to offer and see what the rest of the weaponry is like. Judging by the reviews, those are the biggest issues though so we'll see.
I'm not surprised the demo was complete **** after all.
Why does everyone have this mentality of

"the goldeneye dudes made this game!"

so what? that was like 10 years ago. do you really think they have the exact same team or work on games the exact same?

I'm not shocked this game is scoring poorly, it was void of any inspiration whatsoever.
Never heard of this game until I saw a TV ad for it about 20 minutes ago. I could tell how lame it was just from the 30 second commercial.
This review does worry me, but I didn't think the demo was that bad. It was extremely short but it seemed decent enough and I didn't notice any of the graphical, sound, or writing problems mentioned in the IGN review. While I admit the game has dropped from a definite buy to a probable rent ... there's still a chance it will be decent.

Hell, I liked Driver 3 and The Getaway quite a bit, but review sites tore them to shreds. I'll definitely wait and make up my own mind.
Why does everyone have this mentality of

"the goldeneye dudes made this game!"

so what? that was like 10 years ago. do you really think they have the exact same team or work on games the exact same?

I actually really agree here. Goldeneye was a long time ago. The idea that they might release a game of a similar quality in an age that is radically different is pretty unfounded.
I couldn't help but facepalm at the commercial, as it looked like the stupidest game ever.
Im going to wait and judge it on my own.
Looked like it was done before anyways. Oh yeah, Far Cry: Instincts Predator for the Xbox360. And Haze could've been so much better...or could it?

And I hate the nectar thing.
Too bad, although I wasn't expecting much of it. Doesn't really stain FR's record for me, since Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, and the Timesplitters series are my favorite console FPSes, in that order.