So HL2 isn't the only game delayed :(


Jul 8, 2003
Reaction score
First Halflife 2 now Far Cry, but Farcry got pushed back until 2004.
Well at least in 2 weeks I can play Max Payne 2.
UT s schedualed for a November release, we should have HL2 by then...

I want Halo... :)
yea im waiting for some halo multiplayer...

this should have bene out 2 years ago but f****ng microsoft.... lets buy out bungie and force people that want a game to buy a console....


HALO Multiplayer...

on a PC...

Bring It!

The release date for Far Cry has been confirmed yesterday, and its November, altough I don't know id that will be a worldwide or just european release, I guess it will be released in Europe first (like Aquanox).
Originally posted by Quotidian---
yeah looks like i'll be cracking max payne instead... :(
Hey, that's not something you should be ":(" about. Max Payne was a great game and I'm sure the sequel will be just as brilliant in every way.
im getting me some Home world 2 on saturday

and if halos advertisments are to be belived 26th of september also saturday.....

but Game my local store says 10th of october :dozey:
be happy that half-life 2 was only delayed. full throttle 2 was completely cancelled.
Originally posted by Yatta
Hey, that's not something you should be ":(" about. Max Payne was a great game and I'm sure the sequel will be just as brilliant in every way.

It's gonna rock! The first one was fantastic, I have replayed it recently and it looks stunning, even after 2 years.
Originally posted by Mattigus
be happy that half-life 2 was only delayed. full throttle 2 was completely cancelled.

but it's ok, cause they were gonna **** the game up anyways, better that its cancelled.
Halo was "cool" and "awesome" years ago on the XBOX. I played the beta breifly and can you say "boring"? Very disappointing imo :/
i think we've all moved on from Halo. we're pretty much light years ahead of it, and we'll still be ahead of Halo 2 when it comes out. so go screw yourself mr xbox exclusives.
medal of honour breakthrough is out for us UKs


commandos 3 will keep you playing for like along time! lol.


IF far cry got pushed back just her ein the states, just import it from the UK.

usualy will import a game if it's popular enough (like gothic II), and i'd say far cry is.

If not, then you can use
Originally posted by Xtasy0
but it's ok, cause they were gonna **** the game up anyways, better that its cancelled.

Yeah, without Tim Schafer LucasArts is screwed when it comes to adventure/puzzle titles. The man is a genius in my opinion. But we will be better off with him completely on his own. Isn't his new game called Psyconauts? It looks very twisted. After Grim Fandango I will buy pretty much everything he does.