So horrible - cat owners stay away !

gh0st said:
A child is different because its not a worthless animal that shits all over the place. Well it is, but at least it wont be after a couple years. The point is, you have weigh whether or not saving (potentially) whatever is plastered to the pavement is worth your life. If it is, then go for it and good luck. If its not welcome to reality.

But that's my point; this is an ethical matter. Pulling over in a 30/40mph zone within a hundred feet of the accident, within reasonable circumstances, might not be something you would choose to do, but you should be able to do it safely.
Well, of course its because Zeus is an immoral piece of shit and deserves to die!
jondyfun said:
But that's my point; this is an ethical matter. Pulling over in a 30/40mph zone within a hundred feet of the accident, within reasonable circumstances, might not be something you would choose to do, but you should be able to do it safely.
Oh I could probably do it. I could do a lot of things. I could lick a strippers ass if I wanted to, but I wouldent because why take a risk for a stupid cat? Its not your business to mess with nature. Its called lifeguarding the gene pool. The dumbest animals, like the kind who get hit by cars, die. The smartest ones, like the ones that DONT get hit by cars live.
I have 5 cats... my mum had more before but they got run over. (i wasnt born then).

One time i was getting driven to school by my mum and there was a cat on the road really ****ed up basicly turned inside out :( and so my mum pulled the car over and picked the cat up to see if it was dead..yup it was. and she put it on the side path so that the owner can bery it in their garden or sumat..all that day i was very sad and felt sorry for the cat and the owner.

One of my cats who is still around now and hes my favourite hes called toby :)
heres a pic of him^06.JPG

He got hit by a car and his face got competely ****ed up his jaw was basicly hanging down. the person who hit him was a women driver... they knocked on our door and told us what happened so my mum drove to the emergency vet to get him fixed up, he has had plastic surgery which cost alot and now in that picture he looks just like he was before and hes living a healthy life :) i love my cat ALOT!
gh0st said:
Oh I could probably do it. I could do a lot of things. I could lick a strippers ass if I wanted to, but I wouldent because why take a risk for a stupid cat? Its not your business to mess with nature. Its called lifeguarding the gene pool. The dumbest animals, like the kind who get hit by cars, die. The smartest ones, like the ones that DONT get hit by cars live.

Seriously, you're saying exactly what I am, c'mon! This is a matter of ethics, not driving. Goddamn. :upstare:
jondyfun said:
Seriously, you're saying exactly what I am, c'mon! This is a matter of ethics, not driving. Goddamn. :upstare:
No. Its completely about driving. Come on jondy, run out into oncomming traffic and tell me driving has nothing to do with it.
gh0st said:
No. Its completely about driving. Come on jondy, run out into oncomming traffic and tell me driving has nothing to do with it.

Bah! I shan't!

But seriously, although there's always the potential risk of getting mown down anywhere on the road, atypical suburbia isn't a particularly dangerous place so long as you don't walk around with a blindfold on banging into walls. Provided you take the necessary precautions, it shouldn't be particularly life threatening. Thus it's about ethics and whether the effort involved in identifying the cat is worth your time.

Obviously, if you were on a dual carriageway or a motorway, or any other situation that was obviously life threatening, and hit a cat, I'd be singing a different tune, but it's unlikely this accident would be happen in that situation.
gh0st said:
No. Its completely about driving. Come on jondy, run out into oncomming traffic and tell me driving has nothing to do with it.

I REALLY hope the person stops if anyone hits you in the road.

I hate cats, they're stupid. Dogs rule.

Regardless, people that hit any animal and then drive off deserve to be run over.
lePobz said:
I hate cats, they're stupid. Dogs rule.

Regardless, people that hit any animal and then drive off deserve to be run over.
Yeah. Some ****er ran right over my dog when it was only a few months old and didnt stop (dog is still alive though, somehow missed all the wheels and wasnt seriously hurt).
My dad ran over a cat once, and he was like: Oh shit
we have a jeep so the cat was like all jelly and stuff , no need to stop to check if the jelly is alive.
So we saw another cat and I yelled to dad:


and he was like: ah hush
Chav said:
My dad ran over a cat once, and he was like: Oh shit
we have a jeep so the cat was like all jelly and stuff , no need to stop to check if the jelly is alive.
So we saw another cat and I yelled to dad:


and he was like: ah hush
You're so lucky i'm not a moderator.
Chav said:
You're so lucky I don't give a shit.

You know, you weren't such an ass when you first came here.

Anyway I expect the banstick to hit pretty soon.
Gunner said:
You know, you weren't such an ass when you first came here.

Anyway I expect the banstick to hit pretty soon.

lol, I know I wasn't. It just started for some reason, maybe I'll make an apologie thread.
Chav said:
lol, I know I wasn't. It just started for some reason, maybe I'll make an apologie thread.

Don't bother, eh?
Reaktor4 said:
Yeah. Some ****er ran right over my dog when it was only a few months old and didnt stop (dog is still alive though, somehow missed all the wheels and wasnt seriously hurt).
Same...except mine died and I watched it happen 5 feet away from me.

Well one night I got depressed (girl problems) and decided to go for one of my usual late night walks.Well sometimes my dog would follow the time we (family) decided he should be free so we kept him off a leash.Well this night I ended up walking down the road further then I usually do and I ended up at the highway I live near.

Everytime I would always take my walks I would keep telling myself to put him on a leash, but I sometimes forget.Anyways...I ended up at the highway.I decided to see if I can walk to the nearest city...which is less then 10 miles away.I was hoping something would happen to get hit by a car myself or something, thats how depressed I was.It ended up being my dog instead of me...

While I was walking on the side of the highway my dog would keep running across all the lanes.Mind you it wass like 1 am and there was bearly any cars out.So I called him back and he came, but just when got to the middle lines he kinda paused and started sniffing around.I could hear a car coming from behind me and I yelled for him to come again...then it happened.It all seemed like slow motion...I watched as this SUV just hit my dog and body parts just went all over the road.

I just fell to my knees and just sat there...I didn't cry because I was out of tears from what happened with a girl.I was just totally blank and cold....I ended up running home and told my parents what happened.They asked if I wanted to help bury him and I said "I already seen enough death for one day".

Just another story of my life.
Chav said:
lol, I know I wasn't. It just started for some reason, maybe I'll make an apologie thread.

Don't.... Just have your name changed back... all will be well again. :p

And yeah, thats harsh... I love cats. Cats rule so very very much.
Sucks to that. Mum saw the same thing happen awhiles ago... cept she did something about it. No risk to her, our drivers will ****ing stop for you. Apparently your ones are dumbasses who're no better than cats who just "shit all over the place".
Bad^Hat said:
No risk to her, our drivers will ****ing stop for you. Apparently your ones are dumbasses who're no better than cats who just "shit all over the place".
Because we're a nation of rushed industrialist venture capitalists who have no time to wait around for a cat. Its easy to stop when you're driving a horse and carriage on the way to the sheep farm. :D
gh0st said:
Because we're a nation of rushed industrialist venture capitalists who have no time to wait around for a cat. Its easy to stop when you're driving a horse and carriage on the way to the sheep farm. :D

Touche. Kind of hard to knock the validity of the sheep cliche when there's a paddock full of them just across the road...
Bad^Hat said:
Touche. Kind of hard to knock the validity of the sheep cliche when there's a paddock full of them just across the road...
Heh.. a paddock ;)
two years ago my mom came back to the store with our love of our family max. A spunky bichone frichse/ Poodle. Amazing dog. Extremly well trained and fun to have. Anyways... my mom steps out of the car, and max naturally jumps out with her. (she was parked on the right hand side of the road, on coming traffic would be goin toward as she stepped out) A driver in a van goin 80km, in a ****ING SCHOOL ZONE.. hits my dog. My sister starts to scream uncontrolably.. i run over to him and scoop him up with a towl. Within ten minutes were at a vet. The car ride seemed like a eternity.. blood trickeled out of his nose, and he lost control of his bowels. I could feel my friend dying.

The vet came out and gave us two options: We can operate on his back and hell live, but hell be crippled the rest of his life in pain. OR u can put him down to save the agony. Their would be a fifty fifty chance that he might not make it through the night anyways.

We didnt have nearly enough money to pay for the bills, and we didnt want max to suffer. So we put him down, the hardest thing was to see such a lively dog's life crashed down to end because of the speeding driver.

Now, u may ask did the driver stop... NO the ****er didnt. HE slowed down looked out and sped off like a bat out of hell. NEver did catch the asshole. But under different circumstances if he wasnt speeding, he might have been able to swirve and miss my friend. Max could have been by side as i am writing this... but he isnt.

So please dont do hit and runs... even if it is a animal. And trust me owning up to your mistakes shows more character , then running off.

So in all i know that feeling of helpless-ness, it truely is a sad thing when nobody gives a shit anymore. :|
Max_Payne said:
two years ago my mom came back to the store with our love of our family max. A spunky bichone frichse/ Poodle. Amazing dog. Extremly well trained and fun to have. Anyways... my mom steps out of the car, and max naturally jumps out with her. (she was parked on the right hand side of the road, on coming traffic would be goin toward as she stepped out) A driver in a van goin 80km, in a ****ING SCHOOL ZONE.. hits my dog. My sister starts to scream uncontrolably.. i run over to him and scoop him up with a towl. Within ten minutes were at a vet. The car ride seemed like a eternity.. blood trickeled out of his nose, and he lost control of his bowels. I could feel my friend dying.

The vet came out and gave us two options: We can operate on his back and hell live, but hell be crippled the rest of his life in pain. OR u can put him down to save the agony. Their would be a fifty fifty chance that he might not make it through the night anyways.

We didnt have nearly enough money to pay for the bills, and we didnt want max to suffer. So we put him down, the hardest thing was to see such a lively dog's life crashed down to end because of the speeding driver.

Now, u may ask did the driver stop... NO the ****er didnt. HE slowed down looked out and sped off like a bat out of hell. NEver did catch the asshole. But under different circumstances if he wasnt speeding, he might have been able to swirve and miss my friend. Max could have been by side as i am writing this... but he isnt.

So please dont do hit and runs... even if it is a animal. And trust me owning up to your mistakes shows more character , then running off.

So in all i know that feeling of helpless-ness, it truely is a sad thing when nobody gives a shit anymore. :|

F*ck, that's a terrible story. I would have gone berserk. That driver...what a piece of f*cking waste. Sorry you had that happen to you.
thnxs for the consoling dude, im okay though. We have a new addition to our family, a very cute and playful 2 year-old wiener dog. Shes our pride and joy :)


Saw a kitten get mauled in a very disturbing kind of way (think Mad Max) on a bike ride to work once. Didn't like it one bit, but the truck driver never saw the kitten (it was playing in the grass on the side of the road and darted out right in front of it's tire). I didn't hate the truck driver - he probably never even knew anything happened. Bummer, nonetheless. Accidents happen, but if you have the resources to safely avoid hitting an animal on the road without endangering yourself, I think you should.
If i was a crazy person, I'd say that this is why America legalizes guns. Man, you would wanta shotgun at a time like that....

Although you would, it wouldn't solve anything. So we apologise. Human Nature is a horrible thing, sometimes...
there's some state that wants to legalize killing wild cats, good ol' america
xLostx said:
there's some state that wants to legalize killing wild cats, good ol' america
IIRC its California, because they are actually OVERpopulated in certain urban areas and are having some run-ins with jogging soccer moms, usually resulting with the hapless joggers shit in absolute ruin.
I accidently ran over a cat once, so I knocked on the owners door, and said "I'm really, really sorry Madam, but I've just accidently killed your cat. If it's OK with you, I'd like to replace it."
To which she replied "OK, how are you at catching mice?" :D

But seriously, I feel bad hitting a wild rabbit, never mind someone's pet. However, accidents will happen, it's just a matter of always trying to do the right thing I suppose?
Max_Payne said:
two years ago my mom came back to the store with our love of our family max. A spunky bichone frichse/ Poodle. Amazing dog. Extremly well trained and fun to have. Anyways... my mom steps out of the car, and max naturally jumps out with her. (she was parked on the right hand side of the road, on coming traffic would be goin toward as she stepped out) A driver in a van goin 80km, in a ****ING SCHOOL ZONE.. hits my dog. My sister starts to scream uncontrolably.. i run over to him and scoop him up with a towl. Within ten minutes were at a vet. The car ride seemed like a eternity.. blood trickeled out of his nose, and he lost control of his bowels. I could feel my friend dying.

The vet came out and gave us two options: We can operate on his back and hell live, but hell be crippled the rest of his life in pain. OR u can put him down to save the agony. Their would be a fifty fifty chance that he might not make it through the night anyways.

We didnt have nearly enough money to pay for the bills, and we didnt want max to suffer. So we put him down, the hardest thing was to see such a lively dog's life crashed down to end because of the speeding driver.

Now, u may ask did the driver stop... NO the ****er didnt. HE slowed down looked out and sped off like a bat out of hell. NEver did catch the asshole. But under different circumstances if he wasnt speeding, he might have been able to swirve and miss my friend. Max could have been by side as i am writing this... but he isnt.

So please dont do hit and runs... even if it is a animal. And trust me owning up to your mistakes shows more character , then running off.

So in all i know that feeling of helpless-ness, it truely is a sad thing when nobody gives a shit anymore. :|

Man I can't imagine having my dog die like that. My last dog was dead when I came home from lyme disease, at the age of 5 (human years). When I was really young my rotweiler died in the bathtub from diabeties before I came home from school and I lost another dog to animal control because she was over agressive and gave me a huge scar on my face, and was put to sleep. But really I can't imagine having my dog die due to the idiocy of someone, who doesn't even have the common decency to stop and apologize because he is too much of a pussy to accept the consequences of his actions.