So I beat Condemned 2..


The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
Reaction score
I rented the game yesterday, played it for a while, then finished it today, and here are my thoughts..

First of all - It's an amazing game. Short, though. Better then the first, and here are a few reasons why:

1) You can now use FISTS, which are sometimes better then the weapons you can get (just don't use a 2x4, it sucks.) It's also helpful because now EVERYTHING can break, but it doesn't impact on the gameplay much, it takes a while for something to break.

2) There is this thing called 'Bloodshot Fight Club' where you can just go and do certain challenges (killing people in a certain amount of time, keeping a guard alive while killing people, things like that), or you can go to the practice arena, choose the type of guy you want to fight, 1-3 of them at once, type of weapons they/you can use, and bonuses (like alcohol (yea you can drink to be stronger/faster but only for a limited time), molotovs, etc)

3) It centers more on the action (which was my favorite part about the first), not so much the scariness. (although the first didn't scare me either, so...)

4) ALOT more developed combat, it's simply fantastic! Different combos, chain attacks, it's like an old school fighter (for example, for a bum-rush combo you bum rush the guy (sprint, then elbow him in face), punch him, then a little meter comes up at the top of the screen, and if you punch before it runs out, you can get bonus damage, plus it feels like you've done more damage. Or a one-two combo, you right punch, then left, then the meter comes up, although not as strong as the bum-rush combo) Oh yea, each trigger (on 360) is for a different type of attack, when your punching, left is for left punch, right is for right, when you've got a weapon it's overhand swing and back-hand, and when you've got a weapon you hold left and it goes to iron-sight mode. Oh yea, and you can throw stuff. Anything. Like 2x4's, pipes, and yes, BRICKS.

5) TONS more interactivity, you can watch TV/listen to radio, but you've got to do a quick (and easy) mini-game where you have to adjust the antenna to find the right place to get clear reception, then just hold it there. When you talk to people you have a choice on different answers you can give them, and they respond to you better or worse depending on how you answer them. And lots of stuff like that.

6) If you've played the first, you get an awesome continuation of the (IMO) very good story.

7) Way more in-depth forensics. You only get 4 tools (camera, UV light, Gas Spectrometer, GPS (map), but you can study the crime-scene and determine cause of death, determine who it was, etc, etc. Real CSI stuff, like blood splatter patterns and crap like that. If you just do everything wrong (like tell Rosa the victim is a man, but it's a woman) you'll miss out on some (sometimes) helpful info.

It just does almost everything better, the only thing I thought was a bit worse is the blocking, you have to basically be EXACT when the guy hits you. It's very hard to block.. Especially since they are smarter/faster in this one (alot faster).

I recommend everyone buy this. Even though I rented it and already beat it, I'm going to buy it.

I give it a 9.5/10.

Oh, and
SKX is still alive, he eventually helps you out, even.
SKX is still alive, he eventually helps you out, even.

How could SKX be alive when he commits suicide right in front of the player in the first game...:|

Well good to hear they've improved the combat, although I hope the creepy atmosphere is still there otherwhise I'll be seriously disappointed. Does it have more replay value. I mean don't get me wrong I loved the first game, but the problem was it felt sort of like an interactive movie played it once didn't touch it again...
Oh and do they actually answere the lingering questions left by the previous game?

I sure hope they port this for the PC soon, can't wait.
In this game they say that his body was never actually found, you find him in prison (well, captive by a corrupt agent on a prison bus being escorted somewhere), and he escapes when you 'talk' (heh) to him, turns out he didn't actually die, he shot the side of his face, his entire left cheek is blown right off, you can see inside his mouth when he's got it closed. It's pretty cool. You go back to the school from the first one, he made an arena out of electric fence and saw-blades in the gym. You have to fight a few guys there as part of the story (your in the bleachers, and some guy pushes you off into the arena), but you also fight there as one of those 'fight club' challenges I talked about. I've said to much, you need to play this fantastic game!

I'm not sure about the atmosphere, as I said I didn't find the first one scary at all. The combat is so much fun (in both of them) that I actually WANT people to ambush me so I can kick some ass.. There were a few parts in this one where I looked around alot, though.

I should also say that there are some missions in this one where it centers around using guns, and I must say, gun-play is not where this game shines.. They are still fun, but not nearly as fun a brawling mission.

As for replay value.. Well.. I'll be replaying it, and I'm sure most people could replay it about 3-5 times, it's fun, but it'd just be for getting better ratings in missions (see, when you beat a mission you get either bronze, silver, or gold depending on how well you did the questions thing I talked about, how well you fought, etc. And for each mission you get a bonus item, for example mission 2 (maybe 3) gives you the stun gun, bronze rating makes it so you get 2 shocks per battery (you can find extra batteries some places), silver is 5, gold is 10. For the first mission you unlock left-handed brass knuckles that vary in damage depending on how well you did, etc. No matter what you ALWAYS get these bonus items, but depending on how well you did you could get a better version.

Oh, and on a side note - you go to a museum, and you get to go to the MEDIEVAL WEAPONS EXHIBIT (WINK WINK NUDGE NUDGE)
Hmm, I might actually rent this, the first was pretty alright.
Just beat the game. I have to say its a lot less creepy, but they did greatly improve the game play. Story was cool but a lot less satisfying then the 1st.

Plus the last fight you have in the 1st was epic this one was eh.

Anyway good game, but not as good as the 1st. In their effect to make the gameplay better the lost out on the creep factor.
I've had a quick go of this and agree. Out go the tension and scares and in comes a more traditional (generic) action game.
You have to admit though. The exploding grenade thingy windup baby dolls that crawl after you were f*cking horrifying.
I rented it today and started playing but got tired of it. It didn't really pull me in. I liked the last one though.

This might be partly because I'm in the middle of Super Mario Galaxy and would rather just go play that, but also because the atmosphere and tension seems to be completely gone. The "3.5X" combo bonuses and all the shit littering the HUD really took me out of the game and the storyline seemed pretty hammy too. I just didn't give enough of a shit to keep playing, but I might come back to it.
I rented it today and started playing but got tired of it. It didn't really pull me in. I liked the last one though.

This might be partly because I'm in the middle of Super Mario Galaxy and would rather just go play that, but also because the atmosphere and tension seems to be completely gone. The "3.5X" combo bonuses and all the shit littering the HUD really took me out of the game and the storyline seemed pretty hammy too. I just didn't give enough of a shit to keep playing, but I might come back to it.

I have yet to play a scary game that i had to stop playing cause I was horrified. DooM 3 was only really scary because you were ALWAYS alone in a demon infest alien planet.
I have yet to play a scary game that i had to stop playing cause I was horrified. DooM 3 was only really scary because you were ALWAYS alone in a demon infest alien planet.

I've never stopped playing a game out of fear either ... but some games can be very suspenseful. The first Condemned is one example, Silent Hill is another. Condemned 2, from my limited playtime with it, was most definitely not.
I stopped playing System Shock 2 (go ahead and laugh) cause I thought that it was too creepy. Always played it at night though.
For being like a decade old, System Shock 2 DOES still manage to scare me.. I've never been scared of any game (I usually sit there and laugh, I've never ever been scared of a game.. it's just.. So you die, so what? You reload!) But System Shock 2 was scary, you'd always have to watch your back, because usually when you turn around there is a guy RIGHT IN YOUR FACE.
I've never stopped playing a game out of fear either ... but some games can be very suspenseful. The first Condemned is one example, Silent Hill is another. Condemned 2, from my limited playtime with it, was most definitely not.

Agreed. The 1st Condemned got me to stop, simply because i was tired of being so tense, had to take breaks. This one was more of a gameplay experience, which I'm not to big on.

For being like a decade old, System Shock 2 DOES still manage to scare me.. I've never been scared of any game (I usually sit there and laugh, I've never ever been scared of a game.. it's just.. So you die, so what? You reload!) But System Shock 2 was scary, you'd always have to watch your back, because usually when you turn around there is a guy RIGHT IN YOUR FACE.

I must have played SS2 about 2 years ago for the 1st time, back when someone posted about it here and provided a link to the vaporware. It really did scare the shit out of me. I really hope that game shows up on steam so i can support it.

Bought this last week as it was only 12euro. So far I'm enjoying it. Just got to the Doll-factory and am currently facing off against the 'big doll(w/e her name is). I like how each level has a bit more variety and replayability than the original. The extra attention in the crime-scene investigation is nice too. The story is intriguing even if they raped Ethan's character for his new look. It's still scary as hell too(mostly).
The story is good for most of it, but towards the end it takes a turn for the absurd. The last level is this weird sci-fi shit that makes no sense in relation to the rest of the game world. I didn't really like what they did with the characters, either. Ethan is totally different in every way and Rose has somehow gotten younger... bizarre. I think the should have just gone with a new set of characters if they wanted to do these things.
I liked the 1st game a little bit more but very underrated series. not many of my friends have tried it. I think the 1st was scarier and the 2nd was easier to play. both i liked a lot though
Better then the first

I disagree

While they did improve on a lot of gameplay bits, the story took a nosedive right into a bucket of shit.

And that's a bucket I want no part of, not having it.