So I feel sort of like a dick right now.

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Jun 22, 2006
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Remember a month-ish ago when I linked that kids livejournal and talked about how it should make your writing feel better? Yeah, he found this link somehow. From his blog:

his is the weirdest thing that has ever happened to me. That is not true, one of them at least. i looked up fireballems on the google blog search for fun and this came up and it said "Ever feel bad about your writing?" and then had a link to my blog...and it made fun of me. for being a bad writer. it said:

"i am 17 and one day.
I feel as if i have learned at least a few things in my short life. Emotions are hard, we all die,"

That's the point when I stopped reading, because it can only get more emo from there.

qouting me and then being a jackass.

i mean...i dont see myself as a bad writer. they are making fun of me and i dont know why. It depressed me so much, more so then my grandfathers death...i mean, i guess i am emo at times, but come the **** on.

at least some one was truthful:

"The scary thing is that it sounds like me when I was younger."

but is so weird. i dont even know the website, never been there in my entire life. How did they find me? this is what i get for being on the internet i just seems so rude, so evil, so malicuis. they had no reason to do this....and then why me? am i really all that bad? it scares me. because i do see myself as kind of a good writer at least....and then this comes and rips that away from me. the thing i was proud of. im not good at school, but i had that, until now. ****in assholes.

His grandfather died this week. And he finds this. And I feel really shitty.

So...yeah...this is my futile attempt to regain karma. Thank you.
I'm sorry his grandfather died, but he needs to suck it up when it comes to people making fun of his writing. Write for your own damn reasons, not to please other people. Judgement is irrelevant unless you're either looking for it or too weak to be above it.
I'm sorry his grandfather died, but he needs to suck it up when it comes to people making fun of his writing. Write for your own damn reasons, not to please other people. Judgement is irrelevant unless you're either looking for it or too weak to be above it.

Yeah, the one bit of consueling was when he said that he cared about his writing more than his grandfather's death. Also, he GOOGLES HIS NAME to find articles about him, hence him finding the link in the first place.

sorry he's just pissing me off something awful

if i had a livejournal i'd link him to this thread

it's ridiculous to feel like you're a great writer and everyone else is just stupid
How about all of us at make a big card for him.
...with a BIG picture of a razor that says "Down the street not across" and then a gift certificate for a mortician addressed to his family.
This one?


The guy need to stop being a pussy. First off, this is the internet... if you express yourself in any way, shape, or form you are opening yourself to attack. Common knowledge here folks.

Also, if this depressed him more than his grandfather's death... wtf. Hes a dick then, in addition to being a oversensitive cry baby. is already internet famous for being a congregation of assholes.
Krynn72, thanks but no thanks for posting that picture, do you really think it's sensible considering how effected that person was by the comments. Over-sensitive perhaps, but you don't want to promote self-harm.

Well Slacker, you played with fire and got your fingers burned.
hahah. Ive never had my post edited by a moderator before. I feel special.
That's what cute ickle kittens will make you feel, they probably think you are daddy.
I thought from the title that you were feeling hungnry for dick
im not good at school, but i had that, until now.
Hmm, maybe get off the comp, stop whining like a little bitch about your life on the internet, open up one of those text books and start studying.

I didn't happen to see that thread, but if you wanted to make fun/criticize this kid, go for it. It's hilarious when people put their sh*t in the public eye then cry when someone comes along and says something about it. I wouldn't feel bad in the least. Bloggers are evil anyways. :D
I don't feel bad about posting it all, just that he found it in the week where is grandfather died.

Then again, his next entry was about how he's afraid of getting married. yeah..
I wish this kid is reading this thread so I can say.

Wow, we're famous!

Well, I think us being on CNN takes the cake still though.
We were on CNN?
I commented but the database is broke :(
So John Freeman shot the Zombie goasts and they were at piece. An Epic tale.

That webpage is down. And what's this about CNN?
wtf is wrong with that kid. Just read all that crap he writes there. lol depressed emos :rolling:

Ah, if he takes being attacked by a random website more seriously than his grandfather's death then he doesn't deserve even to be emo.

now they found out that i found out.

i dont know. they call me overly-sensitive. which i am.

they say:

"I'm sorry his grandfather died, but he needs to suck it up when it comes to people making fun of his writing. Write for your own damn reasons, not to please other people. Judgement is irrelevant unless you're either looking for it or too weak to be above it."

and they guy who started it feels like jack-ass, which he should.

i dont know...this was sort of an eye-opener about the internet. i mean, i feel like it is a new cultral thing that we all have to adjust to. Mayeb this was a sort of right of passage into this new cyberculter. or maybe it was just someone telling the truth about my writting. i dont know. i dont care.

if some jackass wants to call my writing bad, then do it to my face or at least on a forum i can respond to.

i write for me. i write to express. it is cathartic. letting go of feelings and emotions, letting them end up on a peice of paper or on the screen of a computer instead of being in my head. i write to learn. to be creative. why let it all stay in your head?

i dont know. why do i feel badly if someone writes about my writting? why am i so sensitive over it?

why do i care?
This guy is even more emo than my best friend used to be.
Ok, still getting nowhere :p

He still doesn't understand why he is sensitive over what people think of his writing... I think he should make that a priority to figure out.

Also, since we aren't directly telling him his writing is bad like in a comment function on his site, why does he care? Why is he wasting his own time seeking out these threads that carry nothing but bad news?

I know you're reading this, blogger, just close the window now and never look again, keep writing and try not to worry about what everyone thinks. You should be GLAD that we are complaining indirectly, this is doing you a favor, you weren't supposed to find out because if you did you'd get like this...

So, just, leave right now and don't look again. Honestly I'm trying to help you.
No, I'm daddy.

I'm Spartacus...

In other news, I'm sure he is closely watching this thread now is some sort of ultra-inquisitive rage of humanity so... What the hell is this 'right of passage'? I mean, what the hell?! Also, what the hell is a cyberculter?


A little something for him...

I wonder if he is aware that we are mocking him? I mean if you put something about yourself on the public domain of course someone else is going to read it! Why else would you put it up there?!?! AAH!

EDIT: Or you could listen to veg ^^
He's an emo n00b.

"The internetz have offended meh" - Booo ****ing hoo
Right, I'm going to stand up for this guy. I don't think it's fair what you're doing to him.

I don't think he tried to offend anyone, but he seems to be getting mobbed for having a bad writing style (I don't really having an opinion on his writing style, other than it is better than Full Life Consequences). That alone doesn't justify all the attacks on his personality. I mean, he's not being an ass about anything as such and you don't know him.

Also, if what he says about his Grandfather dying is true, you should back off and give him some space. Instead of attacking him more as the case seems to be. And not to mention giving a reputation for being a bunch of trolls.

I reckon you owe him an apology direct to his blog, Slacker, for starting this whole thing.
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