So I have about 30 bucks to spend on a game...


Jun 7, 2009
Reaction score
...because Gamestop is ****ing stupid and wouldn't give me cash for my trade-ins. So I'm left with about 30 bucks. Would anybody recommend any games (really on 360) that might have gone under the radar due to all the big releases that have come out/are coming out?

Edit: really not fond of superhero games, incase Arkham Asylum comes up.

Edit 2: Also very tempted to get eithe Bad Company 2 (especially for the Vietnam expansion) or Battlefield 2. Either of these any good?
BF2 is way beyond it's prime. BC2 is still fun to hop on and kill randomly.
Why are they 'stupid' for not giving you cash for your trade ins? Seems like a better business move to offer you credit to me.
yea BF2 still gets played to this day but its not worth it for new people to jump on now really. BC2 is really good though and one of my fav games this year :)
Why are they 'stupid' for not giving you cash for your trade ins? Seems like a better business move to offer you credit to me.

I'm just mad since I went in to finish paying for a pre-order and get some gas money. They claimed I had too many bonus offers to get cash. 30 bucks store credit or what really would've been 29 in cash. :/ I got an extra dollar.

I have BF2 on the original xbox, and loved it dearly, but no longer have a console to play it on. Thats the only reason why I wanted to grab it again. (and its like 15 bucks)
BF2 on the xbox is nothing at all akin, related or like BF2 on the pc.

go with BC2 as like already said, BF2 is a broken shell of a game these days.
BattleField 2: Modern Combat was nothing like the PC version. Trust me, you'll hate it. lol
Guess I'll get Bad Company 2 then. More excited for when the expansions come out, but it should be really fun in the mean time.

How was the SP part of the game?
the sp for the game was very, bland and forgetful indeed =/

but the MP is awesome
Damn, I usually try to buy games that have decent mix of both. Really like Bad Company's SP for the humour, but I understand this one is much more gritty.
well if you played bad company 1 then you'll enjoy it. it wasn't a bad campaign, really you have to keep in mind that the game is first and foremost built for multiplayer so with that taken into consideration it's alright. i can't really believe anyone was expecting more from it.

when you tie both BC2 and MW2 together simply because they came out around the same time, i much preferred the singleplayer of BC2 because it didn't take itself as serious as MW2 did.
I've actually never played more than a minute of the SP :p
I enjoyed the single player (mostly).

Heads up: the multiplayer is not kind to newbies, and you're in for a bit of a level grind before you get some of the essential items. It's not like Modern Warfare or something where the ranks are just an added bonus, you are actually at a noticeable disadvantage until you get some ranks under your belt, and it's a real pain when most everyone else is already up there. :(

Can be fun if you stick with it though. Wasn't really my thing, but hey.
if you have a PS3: Demon's Souls is now $30 in their Greatest Hits! if you have the Xbox 360 then go for something like World at War if you want both good multiplayer and singleplayer
if you have a PS3: Demon's Souls is now $30 in their Greatest Hits! if you have the Xbox 360 then go for something like World at War if you want both good multiplayer and singleplayer

Only have a 360, and I've already got World at War. Sorry Warped.