So I inserted 512 mb stick RAM

ok it took me 30 min to open up the computer and insert the stick and close the comp again.

I heard that one with Athlon64 FX-51, x8 AGP, 1024 mb RAM, 9700 PRO got 6210 points on the ffxi benchmark. Wtf??

I think that I know now that something is wrong with my comp
Nex, with out getting a watt meter, which isnt cheap.
Theres no real way to tell how much power your pulling.

But I'll guestimate, at full load your computer would wanna pull 280-300 watts. While you can only supply 220, assuming PSU worked perfect, which it doesnt, so your probaly supplying 190 or so.

I'd borrow a beast PSU from a friend and try it, if your worried about buying one.

Just make sure you buy a name brand. Oh and get some fancy LED lights :D
Oh, ok, 30 minutes to open and close isn't too bad. Also, what CPU do you have? An FX-51 is like the best there is, so that's probably why that person's score was so high.
FX-53 socket 939 is the best, isn't it? Well I have 10 times better graphic card than him so I should be getting much more.

Anyways I just found out that it may be because I have x4 AGP so I'm going to change my motherboard. Can anyone give me a(names) good motherboard with x8 agp that is overclockable for a good price?
Oh whoops, yeah, it is the FX-53. Where'd I get 51 from. Hmm...anyway, even so you have a good video card, CPU matters as well, and yours could be limiting your video card's performance.
Took me about 30 mins to build my PC!!

I've got a Thermaltake PurePower 560W PSU and it works great. I'd go for a good one that will last then buy a extra value one that could cause you more problems then you started with.
nex, i really doubt it's agp 4x limiting you. like some guys stated earlier, you may need a larger psu. but first thing: i upgraded my amd 2100+ to a amd 64 3000+ and during certain games the screen would freeze, monitor would turn off, sound would continue for a few seconds, and then total computer freeze. I got a new psu. it still happened. i then upped the agp voltage in my bios. problem solved. try it.
I'm not getting any freezes or something like that. I mean agp 8x should help me get better in benshmarks and some more fps in games.

Can anyone that has x800 xt turn the agp down to 4x and then take a 3dmark test?
Don't do that, It won't help you. Since if it's a power issue then you need a new PSU, i'd buy one. And AGP 4x isn't limiting you.. there's like a 5-7% difference between agp 4x and 8x, in practical terms, around 5 fps.
Nex these guys are really trying to help you :) if you want to get what you want then listen to what they say please, they really do know best, a new psu! :upstare: ...gah
Argh, people are so wrong about agp8x, on new cards, and new games, agp4x is a big bottleneck

all the reviews are for old cards who didnt need the bandwitdh, and old games who didnt need the bandwitdh.

I lose 8fps, from 50, on CS:S when i turn 8x to 4x.

Thats about 16% decrease
Its right, if it gives you 5%-7% inrease so I would get about 500-700p more points in 3dMark03 so I my score would be 12000+ like everyone else. In those cards that 4 agp and 8 agp were compared were only upto 9700 PRO card. Lets say they got 3500 points in 3dmark so with AGP x8 enabled they would get 175-245 more points which wouldn't be a big deal. I think too it would be better to get another mobo, not only for 8 agp but allso let me overclock RAM, proccessor etc etc. My current doesn't allow overclocking....
Its not just the fact that an 2000 3d mark score, 5% is higher, then 5% of a 5000 base score.

But the old cards and games, didnt require the full agp8x anyway.

New ones can take a big hit with only 4x.