So I was in one of the lecture buildings today...

Not quite as awesome as other things but still kind of awesome.
Would've been cooler if he'd crossed out plaza and written "SURRENDER" in front :D
I'm at WPI, stuff like this happens every day. :LOL:

For example, I saw this in the middle of campus the other day:

Wasn't this posted before? Almost a month ago?

I'm a little scared, I've been getting some serious deja vu this week. And not like "I feel almost like this has happened before", more "I know positively that I've seen/read/heard this before, on this forum, yet this is the first post containing this and it was posted 8 hours ago". D:
You're not crazy, I've seen this before, probably in the Image Dump thread. Doesn't mean he's lying about having seen it the other day or that it was him who took the pic, could be he just reposted it here.
Once while waiting for the food to arrive at a denny's...

Me, my gf at the time, my friend willy, his gf at the time, and willy's gf's 2 friends, both of which we had never met before, were involved in a conversation where the subject of hobbies came up.

During the conversation, one of the two friends, this unassuming looking guy starts talking about how "he likes to find the similarities between people and animals, and write stories and do artwork about it" Me and willy are sitting there trying to make sense of this for a few seconds when it dawns on us both at the same time. We did a double take at the guy, at each other, and back the guy, pointed across the table, and in unison exclaimed, "OH MY GOD, YOU'RE A FURRY!"

He was all like "how did you know?" and everything after that was basically a horrible brow beating where we pretty much tore apart his furry self esteem. The high point being when my gf had asked "uh whats a furry?" to which we said "someone who wants to have sex with cartoon animals." To which she looked at the guy and said "eeeeww."

Good times
I would laugh my ass off if I met a furry in real life, and then proceed to torment them. Why did he reveal his secret? Surely he's aware of fursecution.

You should have just started saying "YIFF! YIFF!" when he was talking about it, I think he'd catch on.
Last Friday I was talking to this guy at the pub, and I suddenly paused before asking "is that shirt from"

I was talking to another random person, and he started a story by saying "there are these people called 'furries'..."
I remember when I was 13-14, and I'd just discovered GTA3, and I was talking to my friend in History about it, and my teacher stops me and says hey, get on with your work. So we do, and then at the end of the class he comes up to me and says,

"Listen, how do you do the drive-bys? I can't complete that mission."

Haha that must have been great.
I would laugh my ass off if I met a furry in real life, and then proceed to torment them. Why did he reveal his secret? Surely he's aware of fursecution.

You should have just started saying "YIFF! YIFF!" when he was talking about it, I think he'd catch on.
Never pegged you as someone who would enjoy tormenting someone for being a certain way which does not harm you or anyone else in any way
Well, there's this mind-numbingly annoying tool in one of my classes who like to make 4chan references during movies...
in my programming class this girl came and sat down across from me one while I was writing out some code, she reaches over and, with my keyboard upside to her, proceeds to type, "zomg i just pwned ur code."

It took like 8 seconds to realize she just used the word 'pwned' in public.
I was at a Steak and Shake one time with two of my friends, and this girl who lived in my apartment complex who I'd only met once before came with us. Eventually we had a discussion about lolcats.

Its not really that amazing, since those ****ing captioned cats got so popular. But what was amazing was the conversation afterward. It was freaking weird. Something along the lines of having fingers growing out of your chest if you didnt shower enough, and if you let them grow, eventually you would just have hands growing out of your chest that only get in your way. Like if you tried to drink something, the chest-hand would smack the glass out of your hands. But if you brushed the fingers off before they grew into a hand, they would just fall off easily, and you could just sweep them up.

This discussion lasted almost three hours and ended at 4am. :|
I was at a Steak and Shake one time with two of my friends, and this girl who lived in my apartment complex who I'd only met once before came with us. Eventually we had a discussion about lolcats.

Its not really that amazing, since those ****ing captioned cats got so popular. But what was amazing was the conversation afterward. It was freaking weird. Something along the lines of having fingers growing out of your chest if you didnt shower enough, and if you let them grow, eventually you would just have hands growing out of your chest that only get in your way. Like if you tried to drink something, the chest-hand would smack the glass out of your hands. But if you brushed the fingers off before they grew into a hand, they would just fall off easily, and you could just sweep them up.

This discussion lasted almost three hours and ended at 4am. :|
So did you do her?
in my programming class this girl came and sat down across from me one while I was writing out some code, she reaches over and, with my keyboard upside to her, proceeds to type, "zomg i just pwned ur code."

It took like 8 seconds to realize she just used the word 'pwned' in public.

So did you grope her boobs while she reached over?
I was at a Steak and Shake one time with two of my friends, and this girl who lived in my apartment complex who I'd only met once before came with us. Eventually we had a discussion about lolcats.

Its not really that amazing, since those ****ing captioned cats got so popular. But what was amazing was the conversation afterward. It was freaking weird. Something along the lines of having fingers growing out of your chest if you didnt shower enough, and if you let them grow, eventually you would just have hands growing out of your chest that only get in your way. Like if you tried to drink something, the chest-hand would smack the glass out of your hands. But if you brushed the fingers off before they grew into a hand, they would just fall off easily, and you could just sweep them up.

This discussion lasted almost three hours and ended at 4am. :|
So did you tie her up in your basement?
there was this one time that i went to this one lanfest, probably i'd say 2 and a half years ago. During which i spotted a disheveled very obese bearded 40+ year old guy sitting in the corner of the room playing games from like 13 or so years ago.

I quickly realized at that point, that I did not want to end up like that, i still do all my geek hobbies, but i keep them in moderation now. Basically, no more 24 hour gaming-athons.
Never pegged you as someone who would enjoy tormenting someone for being a certain way which does not harm you or anyone else in any way
Fursecution is harmless. And a joke :frown: Yiff, yiff!
I was at a Steak and Shake one time with two of my friends, and this girl who lived in my apartment complex who I'd only met once before came with us. Eventually we had a discussion about lolcats.

Its not really that amazing, since those ****ing captioned cats got so popular. But what was amazing was the conversation afterward. It was freaking weird. Something along the lines of having fingers growing out of your chest if you didnt shower enough, and if you let them grow, eventually you would just have hands growing out of your chest that only get in your way. Like if you tried to drink something, the chest-hand would smack the glass out of your hands. But if you brushed the fingers off before they grew into a hand, they would just fall off easily, and you could just sweep them up.

This discussion lasted almost three hours and ended at 4am. :|
Christ, that sounds like the kind of unnervingly weird conversation you'd have in a dream (or experience).
Christ, that sounds like the kind of unnervingly weird conversation you'd have in a dream (or experience).
Loads of my in-the-flesh conversations are like that. Oh dear. D:
So did you tie her up in your basement?
Christ, that sounds like the kind of unnervingly weird conversation you'd have in a dream (or experience).
A friend of mine (not really a gamer, but you'll see) dreamt about a seven year old girl slave that had to stack bottles and paper boxes in his basement. When he was seven. Needless to say, the rest of the group promptly started poking fun at him for being a sick little kiddie. :p
A friend of mine (not really a gamer, but you'll see) dreamt about a seven year old girl slave that had to stack bottles and paper boxes in his basement. When he was seven. Needless to say, the rest of the group promptly started poking fun at him for being a sick little kiddie. :p
I want whatever your buddy is shooting. :p
And so, the pedophilic stacking paper and boxes slave fetish was born that day, and everyone was a little worse off for it.
I go to a campus that is mostly engineering, computer science, and aviation. Needless to say, "pwn" is a part of every day vocabulary here. 2 weeks ago we had "pwn fest", where students got together, played guitar hero, halo, madden, and some other games for prizes. It was sweet. It's not uncommon to have drawn out conversations with my entire dorm floor about Crysis and bioshock.

I love my school.
I wandered into Borders last week and stumbled across a bunch of guys playing Warhammer in in the middle of one of the book sections, which was kind of surreal (clearly the management didn't care..or they were the management...), but at the same time did make me chuckle, and reminded me of a misspent youth playing D&D and the like.
We were talking about mythology in class today, and I was being stupid and mentioned Cthulhu and the like. After class, a guy from class came uop to me and said "Sucks that Beyond the Mountains of Madness got canceled eh?". A conversation about Dark Corners of the Earth and what the sequels could have been like ensued. :D