So I was looking at some game company websites, and...


The Freeman
May 16, 2004
Reaction score
One of them took down their actual site to put this up:

Good thing they did that, because I might have applied there and found myself surrounded by idiots.
g2interactive? never heard of them. Probably some company ran out of a mom's basement, I doubt you'd be able to apply anyway.
Now that guy has some balls, I wouldn't be suprised if I'm related to the guy who wrote that.
"Lennin, Stalin and Trotsky institute communism in Russia"

"I sing a requiem for America. That one shining moment of freedom in the whole history of mankind"

Crazy nutjob is crazy.
Are these guys connected to G2 Games? You know, the guys who did the legendary Limbo of the Lost?

Or is it just a pattern that companies called G2-whatever are in some way shambolic?
They can't even decide whether to use AD or CE or leave them both out.