So I went on my bro's bike today...


Space Core
Jul 2, 2004
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He bought himself a Genesis 1000 about 2 weeks ago, and he was going into town with my bro-in-law, who has an GSXR 750, so he offered me a lift as ive never been on the back of a bike before, let alone sat on one at all.


Initially it felt weird having no control, kept feeling like I wasnt secure and was going to slip off. At low speed its easy, just sitting up right and leaning into the corners slightly.

Then we hit the motorway, and we were doing sort of 70-80mph, which was fine.

After town, we FLEW back. Im talking 165mph. Ive never held onto something so tight before, I didnt want to move. We were hitting 160mph and my bro-in-law shoots past at 180.

Obviously it was an open part of the motorway, no cars ahead of us, not an excuse to go fast but we did it safely. Speed kills, kids :P

But shit me, screw rollercoasters, screw fast CARS. Ive dived with great whites, ive jumped off bridges, ive skydived...NOTHING compared to the adrenaline I got at that speed. The wind, the noise, the sense of helplessness on the back...get me back on again! AGAIN! AGAIN AGAIN!
Yeah, speed is addictive ... adrenaline = natural heroin. I'm hooked :(
I borrowed my cousins bike the other day to get across town. I punctured his tire.
Yeah, I once rode my bicycle at 30Mph! Although that was down a hill, but hell yeah!!!!
He bought himself a Genesis 1000 about 2 weeks ago, and he was going into town with my bro-in-law, who has an GSXR 750, so he offered me a lift as ive never been on the back of a bike before, let alone sat on one at all.


Initially it felt weird having no control, kept feeling like I wasnt secure and was going to slip off. At low speed its easy, just sitting up right and leaning into the corners slightly.

Then we hit the motorway, and we were doing sort of 70-80mph, which was fine.

After town, we FLEW back. Im talking 165mph. Ive never held onto something so tight before, I didnt want to move. We were hitting 160mph and my bro-in-law shoots past at 180.

Obviously it was an open part of the motorway, no cars ahead of us, not an excuse to go fast but we did it safely. Speed kills, kids :P

But shit me, screw rollercoasters, screw fast CARS. Ive dived with great whites, ive jumped off bridges, ive skydived...NOTHING compared to the adrenaline I got at that speed. The wind, the noise, the sense of helplessness on the back...get me back on again! AGAIN! AGAIN AGAIN!

I thought you owned a Fireblade?

Not that I wish to politicise your thread, but you can't say "we did it safely" one moment and then "speed kills" the next. It's a complete contradiction - the speed kills shit is just government/hysterical moron brainwashing, step out and see the light.

Incidentally, I'm due to have the metalwork taken off my leg tomorrow morning and if that happens, I'm jumping on the back of my friend's TLR1000 for a Christmas Eve ride. First in over two months. :)
Yeah, I once rode my bicycle at 30Mph! Although that was down a hill, but hell yeah!!!!

To be fair, riding a bicycle at 30mph feels faster than riding a motorbike at 60.
At first I thought you meant a bicycle. I was very impressed there for a second.
fastest ive ever went (in a car lol) was 180 km/h...yea i know nothing compared to what you went through but it was still intense since there are a lot of cops on the highway i went on.
I like suicide too.

180mph on an empty motorway is one of the safest things you can do on a bike. The chance of getting hurt is so marginal it's practically non-existant. Even if you did come off (impossible unless you're a moron, have a mechanical failure or there's ice on the roads - in which case you're a moron for travelling at that speed), you'd fare a lot better sliding down the motorway at 180mph than you would hitting a car at 30.

That being said, I don't know how he came out of the experience without hypothermia at this time of year. At 0C, the windchill factor at 60mph is -45, so at those speeds it must be colder than a Martian winter.

Right, but that still doesn't make it safe.

Total safety is for people that don't have the balls to live in the real world. The rest of us make the most of the time we do have.
In any case, beyond complete incompetence of the rider or a freak mechanical failure, there's no reason you would ever come to harm travelling at high speeds along empty, straight roads. In fact, to my knowledge, no such accident has ever occured on a public road.
People on bikes get killed and injured by traffic, negotiating bends on country lanes (hi) and overtaking. Not blasting down empty motorways.
There are more dangerous things- Like going 180mph on a crowded motorway.

Anyway, I have a pocketbike that can go about 35. It's really fun... zoomin all over our lil suburb area. Makes me want to get a bike.
There are more dangerous things- Like going 180mph on a crowded motorway.

Anyway, I have a pocketbike that can go about 35. It's really fun... zoomin all over our lil suburb area. Makes me want to get a bike.

I would advise you to get a real bike, those things are obscenely dangerous.
Your biggest enemy on two wheels is not being seen, and on one of those toddler-sized things, you're practically invisible. Not only that, but you can't see past the traffic either. You're completely at the mercy of other vehicles.
On a proper motorbike, one big advantage you do have that partially negates how difficult you are to see is the ability to see over the traffic and plan ahead to a far greater degree than you could in a car.

I wouldn't ride one...but I cruise for hundreds of miles at over 120mph on a regular basis. Go figure - the relationship between speed and danger is not as evident as the ignorant shrieking harpies that whine "speed kills" and "think of the children" would have you believe.
I'm riding it on sidestreets, not on a major streetway. A car only comes down the street every 20 minutes or so. :P
And I'm not old nuff' to ride a real bike.
I'm riding it on sidestreets, not on a major streetway. A car only comes down the street every 20 minutes or so. :P
And I'm not old nuff' to ride a real bike.

Ah right. 'course, no traffic is an alien concept to me, being in London. :E

I've seen couriers on them before. Amusing, but crazy.

Bikes are amazing, they open up a depth of experience that nothing else in life can provide. Adrenaline, adventure, achievement, community, danger shared - and it's affordable to boot. I hope you do take the plunge.
I walk around on a busy suburban street and I get a far greater adrenaline rush than anything you can imagine. You never know when some moron is going to careen onto the sidewalk and kill you.
I don't think I can convince myself to get a bike ever... it's just too dangerous.

Being able to just open up on the highway would be excellent though. Police here don't even chase people crotchrocketing down the highway a lot of the time because they can't catch up :p
I don't think I can convince myself to get a bike ever... it's just too dangerous.

They're nowhere near as dangerous as people would have you believe. It's certainly no more dangerous than many other popular activities out there and a lot less dangerous than some - skiing, snowboarding, rollerskating, skateboarding, horse riding, mountain biking, surfing, ice skating etc...

Being able to just open up on the highway would be excellent though. Police here don't even chase people crotchrocketing down the highway a lot of the time because they can't catch up :p

The police aren't even allowed to chase bikes here.
What's the top speed on a very good bike (that's still street legal) in the ideal conditions?
What's the top speed on a very good bike in the ideal conditions? That's still street legal?

The old Suzuki GSXR-1300 Hayabusa did something like 220mph, but the more recent models are capped at 186mph in an agreement between the Japanese manufacturers, fearing legislation.
Any of the 1000cc four-cylinder sportsbikes will hit that 186mph, and the 600cc versions will hit 160-165. My sports-derived all-rounder 600 can do 145.
want a bike :)

they are pretty cool but im at uni atm so i cant affor dto learn to drive one in the uk, when im old enought i can go straight to the faster bikes instead of working my way up :D
I'd be hella scared to ride a bike, I'd never ride one.

Bikers = Organ Donors.:x