So I'm joining the military!


The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
Reaction score
I've been doing alot of research on it, and just started training and working out a few days ago. I'm going to join the Canadian Armed Forces, and take all the necessary classes to become a sniper (Basic recon, basic marksman, basic survival, plus 2 years in the force itself), it will be totally worth it.

I've been thinking about joining since I was about 13, but I decided since I'm done highschool, I don't know what I want to do for a living, now is a good a time as any to finally just do it.

As soon as I can make myself do 100 pushups, 200 situps, and run 10 kilometres straight, then I'll apply. (not all in one inning)

Any tips? Any stories? Any experience? Any insults about how stupid I am for joining?
Oh shit a sniper? Don't use an AWP though man that's just lame.
try not to be near the IED when it explodes. also dont make me come to the overhang over the highway of heroes to watch your hearst drive by

also, why would you want to do that now when canada is fighting in afghanistan? wait till 2011; we're pulling out in 2011
we're pulling out in 2011


Also I don't want to be a sniper because I think it's cool or something, half the time snipers are used to surveillance anyways (I forget where I heard it but out of a possible 100 shots a sniper usually only takes about 5), I want to do it because I'm good at it, and I like survival situations and recon and all that stuff.. Yes, it's fun to me.
You should go navy.


You had to have seen this coming.
I actually want to be a pilot in the air force, but you need smarts for that and a degree. The air force sucks balls if you don't have a degree you just get the shittiest jobs. Plus I can barely drive a car properly, I'd crash a jet no problem.
Sounds like he has playec all of duty 4 and enjoyed sniping, so he thinks he can cut it in the army as a sniper.

Don't even lie, if you heard about a sniper in Afghanistan using a bow you'd be amazed.

Sounds like he has playec all of duty 4 and enjoyed sniping, so he thinks he can cut it in the army as a sniper.

Have you read any of the thread? I shoot all the time, I am good at it, and I researched it and all the aspects of being a sniper appeal to me, hence why I want to do it.
I hear drill sergeants can no longer impose so called shark attacks (since 2006 or something). Enjoy your easy ride.
Just looked up the army sniper school:

-Must be 11B, 11M, 19D, or CMF 18.
-PFC-SFC (Grade waiverable).
-Active duty, or Reserve, or National Guard, must have a good performance record with no history of alcohol, or drug abuse, must be a volunteer and be recommended by his commander.
-Must be in excellent physical condition (70 percent or better in each event of the APFT).
-Must have a corrected vision of 20/20.
-Must not have a record of disciplinary action.
-Must be knowledgeable of skill level 2 tasks.
-Must have a GT score of 100.
-Must have qualified expert with the M16A2/M4 Carbine rifle within six months of course attendance.
-Normal color vision must be annotated on SF 88, tested within six months of course attendance.
-Must have a minimum of one (1) year retainability.
-Must pass psychological evaluation (MMPI/CPI) conducted under the direction of a qualified psychologist.
Is that Canada or US? I imagine they wouldn't be too different, but still.
That comma changes the meaning of the sentence completely.
Good luck Dog. I wish I had the balls to risk my life, I'm joining the USAF and failing that I'm going to regular college.

As it stands I don't want to get dead so I'm avoiding the combat field as much as possible.
Good luck Dog. I wish I had the balls to risk my life, I'm joining the USAF and failing that I'm going to regular college.

As it stands I don't want to get dead so I'm avoiding the combat field as much as possible.

For some reason I don't even care about the 'I could die' part, I'm thinking I should be worried about that, but like I said, that's really the only con I can think of to do this. Everything is pro. I'm looking forward to doing something with my life for a change.
Haha Dog-- was actually serious in that girl thread.

Oh man.

But seriously, the army can only do good for you.
Haha Dog-- was actually serious in that girl thread.

Oh man.

But seriously, the army can only do good for you.

No lol, she was actually the reason I didn't join sooner, I had already started working out and was going to join once the school year started, but that was about the time she broke up with me so I gotta restart :p I should already be there lol.
For some reason I don't even care about the 'I could die' part, I'm thinking I should be worried about that, but like I said, that's really the only con I can think of to do this. Everything is pro. I'm looking forward to doing something with my life for a change.

Dont worry, snipers dont die because they're pussy cowards who camp.

Plus, a Canadian sniper? Puhlease. I'm probably at higher risk of getting shot at my office job.

You know my views on the military, but good luck anyways, I hope you do some good.
lmao, do some research, a Canadian sniper has the world record right now, fool!

clicks? How far is that in relation to a mile (or a kilometer)?
2,430 metres idk wtf clicks are either lol. I think they are shorter then a km, though I could be wrong. Sounds like something to look up on wiki.
Goddamnit Dog sometimes I swear we as a nation need to disown you.
Wikipedia said:
Slang terms for kilometre include click (sometimes spelled klick or klik) and kay (or k).