So I'm sitting here, half asleep and thinking...


Jul 25, 2007
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...about how much time is wasted sleeping. I really wish sleeping wasn't a requirement to stay healthy.

Assuming I slept a normal 8 hours a day for 24 years of my life:

24 years = 8760 days

8 hours of sleep a day in a 24 year period = 1095 days

1095 days = 3 years

That would be three years of my life wasted. WASTED! Arrgh!
I wish there was some way to get a full night's sleep without wasting 8 hours of my life. (assuming I sleep like a normal human being)
Such a technology would be grand for me.
On some days, not having to sleep would mean a lot more could get done. On most, though, my boredness would span 24 hours instead of just 14.
On some days, not having to sleep would mean a lot more could get done. On most, though, my boredness would span 24 hours instead of just 14.

hell yeah this.

Imagine being imprisoned (ex. - jail), or in a great deal of pain and having to be conscious the entire time.

I have a problem where I try to live my whole life in one day, and I get less and less productive, until I'm sitting in my chair slouched, and wasting a couple hours because I'm too tired to move. It's actually more productive to go to bed as soon as you feel lethargic, obviously.
The villain in 'James Bond: Die Another Day' transformed his appearence (he turned form a chinese guy to a British guy, accent changed too), and because of the process of transformation, it left him unable to sleep, and one scene he parachuted into a press conference and said 'you waste almost 1/3 of your life on sleep, I'm not doing that'. But he couldn't sleep anyways, he was an insomniac, he lived 24 hours a day.

That was a good scene in a cool movie.

As for the topic, no, you must sleep.
I have a problem where I try to live my whole life in one day, and I get less and less productive, until I'm sitting in my chair slouched, and wasting a couple hours because I'm too tired to move. It's actually more productive to go to bed as soon as you feel lethargic, obviously.
I have a problem then. I should quit trying to fight my tiredness all the time and take my ass to bed. Those were my thoughts exactly.

The villain in 'James Bond: Die Another Day' transformed his appearence (he turned form a chinese guy to a British guy, accent changed too), and because of the process of transformation, it left him unable to sleep, and one scene he parachuted into a press conference and said 'you waste almost 1/3 of your life on sleep, I'm not doing that'. But he couldn't sleep anyways, he was an insomniac, he lived 24 hours a day.

That was a good scene in a cool movie.
Hell yes. I can't help but to think about that guy every time I get into one of these moods.

As for the topic, no, you must sleep.
No. Noooooooo! Precious time! Must.....conserve!
Sleep is awesome. Not a waste of time.
Except waking up, that's the crackwhores ass.
So let me ask, and maybe some excess thinking will help tire my ass out to the point where my keyboard becomes a makeshift pillow.

Why does the body need sleep? I never could understand the mechanics of why we need "sleep".
Except waking up, that's the crackwhores ass.

Well said.

Edit: Apparently, we don't specifically know. We do know that whatever the process is, it's completely mental; organs/tissue repairs and functions the same regardless of sleep.
Well said.

Edit: Apparently, we don't specifically know. We do know that whatever the process is, it's completely mental; organs/tissue repairs and functions the same regardless of sleep.
You sound as if your not quite sure either.

I bet theotherguy, (a.k.a Mr. Carnegie Mellon student) has an answer to this. :D
I ****ing hate sleeping, but i have to :/
Something we spend so much of our lives doing, yet know so little about... straaaaange isn't it?!

Strangely... comforting... sometimes. To know that there can be so much mystery in even the simplest things.

Sorry, I'm sounding like I'm high.
...about how much time is wasted sleeping. I really wish sleeping wasn't a requirement to stay healthy.

Assuming I slept a normal 8 hours a day for 24 years of my life:

24 years = 8760 days

8 hours of sleep a day in a 24 year period = 1095 days

1095 days = 3 years

That would be three years of my life wasted. WASTED! Arrgh!
I wish there was some way to get a full night's sleep without wasting 8 hours of my life. (assuming I sleep like a normal human being)
Such a technology would be grand for me.
It's actually even more than 3 years, if you think about it. Because you have to convert that 1095 days of 24 hour awakeness into NORMAL hours-per-day being awake, in order to gauge how much time you've actually wasted. You're converting both amounts of days into 24 hour awakenness, which throws off how much 3 years seems like. Do you follow me? So it's actually more like 1460 days wasted.
Going to sleep is awesome, that feeling of being tired and/or possibly aching and just curling up and relaxing.

Waking up is a bitch though. Plus, if I don't get my 8 hours sleep, I am really irritable the whole next day.
Oh boy, sleep! That's where I'm a viking.

Also, your maths don't really work that well. Sleep 8 hours each day on average = 1/3 of every day or 1/3 of your life spent sleeping. i.e. 24 years old = 8 years spent sleeping. You divided by 8 the first time didn't you?
Some dreams are cool though.

Better than TV - and as sleep does do you good, you come out better.

...about how much time is wasted sleeping. I really wish sleeping wasn't a requirement to stay healthy.

Assuming I slept a normal 8 hours a day for 24 years of my life:

24 years = 8760 days

8 hours of sleep a day in a 24 year period = 1095 days

1095 days = 3 years

That would be three years of my life wasted. WASTED! Arrgh!
I wish there was some way to get a full night's sleep without wasting 8 hours of my life. (assuming I sleep like a normal human being)
Such a technology would be grand for me.

Also, sorry to depress you further, but you miscalculated a little, and you spend a third of each day sleeping => 8 years of your life 'wasted' :P

Edit: Oof, beaten to it.
I'm pretty sure I've gained a few months of "extra" conscious time by sleeping only 4 hours instead of 8 hours in the past couple of years. But was it enjoyable time? .... no. :|
The main purpose of sleep is more for the brain than physical rest I think, for humans atleast anyway. I remember seeing something on TV where they mentioned than REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep was the most important phase of sleeping and when your in the deepest part of it. Cells damaged during consiousness get a chance to repair here. Humans need 8 hours on average though I gather it will vary from person to person based on their metabolism. The faster it is the more you'll need and vice versa.

Personally, I need 8 hours to feel 'good' the next day. I can live with 6 hours (which is usually what I get during the week) but I'll be tired. Any less and I feel like shit. I've known some people who are Isomniac and say they only get like 2 hours sleep every few days. How they cope I don't know. Maybe they can tolorate being tired and it feeling like the norm to them.
I used to be stressed every day when I slept only 4 hours a day... I sleep around 6 these days and I wish I could sleep 8.
Apparently, you don't get enough sleep still because your calculations are off by a factor of 3.
Compare 3 years to the average person's lifespan. It's pretty insignificant isn't it?
What whould you do with that time instead? Waste it somewhere else thats what.
...about how much time is wasted sleeping. I really wish sleeping wasn't a requirement to stay healthy.

Assuming I slept a normal 8 hours a day for 24 years of my life:

24 years = 8760 days

8 hours of sleep a day in a 24 year period = 1095 days

1095 days = 3 years

That would be three years of my life wasted. WASTED! Arrgh!
I wish there was some way to get a full night's sleep without wasting 8 hours of my life. (assuming I sleep like a normal human being)
Such a technology would be grand for me.
Your math isn't exactly great.

8 hours of sleep a day in a 24 year period = 2920 days = 8 years

How were you counting? Didn't you realize that a third of 24 years isn't 3 years?
So it's actually like 10 and 2/3 years in terms of normal time.
You could always cut off your eyelids if you don't want to sleep.
There's a very good book on sleep called Counting Sheep. Anybody remotely interested in the matter should buy/steal/borrow/"borrow" that book and read some of it. Either sleep is awesome because when you're well rested you are healthier, smarter, more creative and more likable, or it's stupid because unless you waste 7-8 hours of your life every day, you'll be cranky, unfocused and tired. I choose the first option. Sleep is awesome because you get dreams in sleep, and dreams are occasionally awesome.

Personally, I need 8 hours to feel 'good' the next day. I can live with 6 hours (which is usually what I get during the week) but I'll be tired. Any less and I feel like shit.

This is me, at school.
Your math isn't exactly great.

8 hours of sleep a day in a 24 year period = 2920 days = 8 years

How were you counting? Didn't you realize that a third of 24 years isn't 3 years?
Oops. I didn't factor in 1/3. How f**king embarrassing. I troll-baited myself.

Guess it goes to show a lack of sleep is bad mmm...kay? :P

Maybe a lack of sleep is why I can be an asshole here sometimes too. Please accept my apologies. I must've stepped on so many toes recently.
No, TAP DANCED on so many toes is more like it. Just be glad I wasn't a woman with stiletto pin-heel shoes I guess. That would've really hurt.

I remember seeing something on TV where they mention/Qed than REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep was the most important phase of sleeping and when your in the deepest part of it.
Actually, REM sleep is the period where dreams takes place. Just after the alpha phase "light sleep" when you fall asleep and before waking up. The delta phase is considered "deep sleep".

I know the phases of sleep, but nobody has yet to provide a solid reason for the reason for sleep other than for "tissue repair".

/waiting for theotherguy's explaination