So, is it any good?


Party Escort Bot
Jul 17, 2003
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First of all, I don't know if this thread is allowed, but the line between can and can't do is a bit vague. I see moderators post beta screenshots and stuff. My apologies if this thread isn't allowed, I'll go sit in a corner and be ashamed.

Now to the point: it suprises me that I have seen screens and stuff, I've even seen Alyx' ass but no stories about the gameplay. So how is it? Is the AI good, and the action? Smooth movement? And how about the physics? Well you get my point, in short: how is the game?

Don't post any spoilers please, altough I thought it was only the E3 leak (please some clear info about this too).

* puts on flamesuit *
I'm tempted to download it. But I must prevail! And avoid being sued!
we all need to have that men in black flashy thing done on us so we can't remember anything about a beta leak. we'd be a lot better off.
I wont download it either. Out of principle. Its just so wrong to scank valve like this. Their five years work all going out like this. :(
Originally posted by marksmanHL2 :)
I wont download it either. Out of principle. Its just so wrong to scank valve like this. Their five years work all going out like this. :(

Here here... **buys marksman a beer** :cheers:
Originally posted by marksmanHL2 :)
I wont download it either. Out of principle. Its just so wrong to scank valve like this. Their five years work all going out like this. :(

i have not dl it but i think its ok to dl as long as u going to buy the game when it comes out (july 2005 :P)
Too right - I am busting to play it and flex my new pc's muscles but i aint.

I am going to wait for the final polished version so I can experience Half-life 2 as VALVe intended.
Yeah don't get me wrong, I wont and will never download it, but people have and I'd like to know if it lived up to their expectations. :afro:
I don't know, i doesn't download it. And i will never download it !

Arrrghh god, give me powers... :(
Bah! those that have downloaded it have no honor. no WILLPOWER. Paitients is a good thing. By downloading it you are actuly breaking the law, and supporting hte hacker. Support Valve and not that spinless worm of a hacker.
Looks like a) no one here has downloaded it, or b) people who have downloaded it are smart enough not to say they have.
Like my Mum used to tell me when I was on the hunt for Christmas presents as a kid.

"You are only spoiling it for yourself"
I do think this is a horrible thing but it isn't all for nothing. Valve is still going to make much money from HL2. Their world got turned upside down but finacially they are doing just fine.
there is no gameplay. you load the map and you basically look at it. many maps are missing textures and many scripted events. put it this way, you walk around looking at orange or white walls, floor and ceiling. there is no gameplay, there is no beta... it is more of an early alpha, a development version.
Originally posted by xBaM
there is no gameplay. you load the map and you basically look at it. many maps are missing textures and many scripted events. put it this way, you walk around looking at orange or white walls, floor and ceiling. there is no gameplay, there is no beta... it is more of an early alpha, a development version.

Is that true? That would be awesome news. Does the beta contain the whole game or (as rumoured) only the e3 maps?
Originally posted by not28
Looks like a) no one here has downloaded it, or b) people who have downloaded it are smart enough not to say they have.

Well the thing about willpower is horseshit because I gave up smoking a month ago (smoker for 10 years) and if I could find a working link you better bet your life I'd be downloading it!

I've been waitin for this game anxiously like everyone else since E3 and once the delay was anounced I was mega pissed... dont get me wrong my pre-order is still in-place, but Its always nice to try before you buy ;)

All you pretencious lot acting mightier than thou might aswell get off yer high horse too, this is what we've all been waiting for just because its got a 'few' errors you're gonna wait and give yoursen sleepless nights wondering... i bet yer all into S&M too?!
Originally posted by xBaM
there is no gameplay. you load the map and you basically look at it. many maps are missing textures and many scripted events. put it this way, you walk around looking at orange or white walls, floor and ceiling. there is no gameplay, there is no beta... it is more of an early alpha, a development version.

Like the UT2003 leak alpha demo ...
It's just shit , nothing to see ... Just waisting you'r time to get it anyway .
the game contains e3 maps as well as some other maps. many are missing. for example there is a map of some underground tunnels, but you walk through them and you get to the end, and nothing happens. I am guessing that this is a point where the next part loads, except in this so called "beta" nothing happens. You can go into a room with 5 bad guys and they don't shoot at you, because they are not scripted. like I said this beta sucks and it is more of an alpha.
Originally posted by Theman2k
Like the UT2003 leak alpha demo ...
It's just shit , nothing to see ... Just waisting you'r time to get it anyway .

you are exactly correct. there is nothing to see, and you'll be wasting your time getting the beta. I have already removed it. For those looking to actually play, you wont find it here. Its more of load a map, look at half finished map, move stuff with the manipulator.
Btw, it cant even be considered an alpha or beta, its a square room with no sounds or anything interesting. The console doesnt work either. Its just crap. And no I havnt downloaded it.
Originally posted by PainLord
Btw, it cant even be considered an alpha or beta, its a square room with no sounds or anything interesting. The console doesnt work either. Its just crap. And no I havnt downloaded it.

thats the compiled source test version. the beta that I had was 1.5 gigs in size. it is pure crap and definately a mis-representation (if you can even say that) of what the final game will be.
Originally posted by craigweb2k
Well the thing about willpower is horseshit because I gave up smoking a month ago (smoker for 10 years) and if I could find a working link you better bet your life I'd be downloading it!

I've been waitin for this game anxiously like everyone else since E3 and once the delay was anounced I was mega pissed... dont get me wrong my pre-order is still in-place, but Its always nice to try before you buy ;)

All you pretencious lot acting mightier than thou might aswell get off yer high horse too, this is what we've all been waiting for just because its got a 'few' errors you're gonna wait and give yoursen sleepless nights wondering... i bet yer all into S&M too?!


Get a Nicoderm Patch
It sounds like people here are talking about two different things.
Yes, Some are talking about the source. And some are talking about the ACTUAL HL2 leak. Where there is gameplay.
yeah, there is the compiled source version which is a couple of untextured rooms you can wander about it.

The actual beta as far as I can tell, is the game unfinished up to the point at when it was stolen... so it could be the entire game minus a few textures for all we know.

I expect a lot of people will download it just to see if it runs on their system or out of pure curiosity, hopefully its just a couple of rooms - but judging by the pics on the sticky thread at the moment, its a lot more than that.
Agreed, It definitely sounds like there's a compile of the source theft with some models and textures from another game. Really a bunch of crap. Really you'd need access to some pretty sweet tech to even get close to recreating HL2 with the source, Mo-cap, an army of artists with boxes equipped with ATIs.

And there's also the E3 tech demo, which is basically just a few sandbox maps. A bit less crap, but it's not going to keep you occupied for long.

I'd steer well clear of the compiled source, it could have undetectable trojans or virii secreted in the code. I might consider the E3 demo, but that's been tainted by the whole source theft issue, there are probably several versions trojanised by script kiddies, and one good source.
the released beta is 1.39gb in size - about 100 14 meg files.

It is not a few walls and no scripted events.
I expect the final release will be the same size and I presume this beta has been used by game testers for bug testing etc. This could even have been a release candidate for all we know.
Originally posted by SirMcNugget
It sounds like people here are talking about two different things.

No just one guy as far as I see is talking about the compiled source code. The rest talks about the 1.4 gig leaked HL2.

So to make a long story short: don't download it, it's a bad representation of the final product with lot's of stuff missing.

Is that about right?

We're talking about the ANON release here to make sure right?
I'm not going to download it because I'm afraid of viruses and whatnot.

I would just like to see one fully textured scene that you could walk around in. I don't care if it's playable or not.
Originally posted by Hexx
Paitients is a good thing.

What are you, a doctor? Oh wait, couldn't be, you're just an idiot. Never mind.
Anyone who installed the the compiled source probably has a keylogger on their comp now.
it shouldn't be illegal to download it! i mean it is illegal for the sites to have it up and it is them who will be sued for having it there ready for you to download it.

if you download it then they can't do nothing to you. JUST the site that put it on there.

i am not going to download it because...

1) probally won't be able to find it.
2) the hackers only have 1/3rd of the code anyway only some of the game not all of it.
3) i am going to BUY IT!

O O by the way can someone please clear this up for me...

is hl2 delayed OFFICIALLY for APRIL 2004?
ive not downloaded it but from what i hear it contains 5 maps, 2 supposedly the tech demo, and 3 marked seabed
why download it?

hl2 is comming soon. so its a waste of bandwithd and ur probably getting up with gay pron. and if not. then u have an incomplete piece of hl2 junk. so what's fun about that. :?

nah, gimme the demo instead of this piece of sh*t.
if somebody had downloaded "it" and described you how it is and how it plays he/she would most likely get banned on the spot. im not saying i have downloaded. ask my dialup why :dozey: lol just jk i wouldnt dl it anyways...
From the videos I saw, the only thing interesting was the techdemo area. That could be fun to play with.
i havent downloaded it, because i havent found it for DL, once i stumble on a location though...
to those who will not bend to the idiots........................:cheers: