So, is it good or bad ?

Adrien C

May 12, 2004
Reaction score
So, I havn't read much, but it seems that is kind of crap, AI not working properly, not much guns,ennemys taken off and people finishing the game in 1 day ??

So, honest opinion, is it bad- good ? Worth the wait ? Better than the first one ? Better than Doom 3 ? Any reply values ?

Also, any more vehicles ? Just tell me the numbers thats all :)

Thanks, and no spoilers please.
Never make a decision based on other peoples opinions.

Try it for yourself.
Swany4287 said:
Never make a decision based on other peoples opinions.

Try it for yourself.

agreed :p

98% loved it, 2% said its OK :)
Yes, but I get the idea, and please the " It's the best" don't count much, explain a little.
It's ****ing great.

Graphics are not as good as Doom III's or Far Cry's, but it's by far the most realistically looking (Sort of a contradiction, but I hope you understand)

Gameplay is just nice. Much more capturing than Doom III or FarCry and ye have got to love the physics. I like the small puzzles you have to solve to get on, most puzzles are done via. the physics system by the way.

Do ye need more?
Adrien C said:
Yes, but I get the idea, and please the " It's the best" don't count much, explain a little.

It sums up every side of singleplayer FPS games since half-life 1, with a little somthing from all the major titles, and mixes them together with a solid combat and gameplay system, around an intruiguing complex story with more holes than a trauler net (which you will either love or hate, i reccomend people play it through 2-3 times before deciding on that, it makes a little more sense that way)

The momentum is kept through constantly changing enviroment styles and locations, it briefly loses momentum towards the end, but the final levels do push it forward again.

In my opinion, by the standards it has set itself, it could do with a few stronger touches here and there, but compared to every FPS released yet, its the most complete and genuinely fun game ive ever played.
Honestly, I thought it was good for most of the game until the last chapter, when it turned ****ing insane and became the best game I ever played. Then again I had a friend nearby and most of the time we were yelling explitives (due to many coincidences that happened to us during the week on campus), so I'm sure that doubled the greatness.
The AI is definitely not "crap". Im definitely enjoying every minute. Definitely the best game Ive ever played.
It's worth buying. Beyond that it's up to you if it's the best FPS ever. I don't think so, but that doesn't take away from the fact that it is a great game.
Fine I will give more detail.

Graphics IMO looked better then Doom3(Probably Graphics Card)
Story(though I have to play again) was great for what I did get.
Realistic physics.
Over all Gameplay, THE BEST! 120%
Adrien, you must get it to know for sure. Everyone is different, but personally I absolutely love it. There have been many moments where my jaw just dropped from the amazing display of physics in action. The graphics are extremely good. Although Doom 3 and Far Cry's graphics engines are probably more powerful , HL2 (like Champ said) has the most realistic look to it. The artist did a fantastic job of making the world seem so packed with details. The AI for the combine does the job well. They display very nice pathfinding skills and tactics, but they are a tad easy to kill, or atleast until they swarm around you and work together. Animation, as promised, is absolutely incredible. The vortigaunts, humans, combine, and other aliens are all extremely fluid in their movement and the human characters just seem so very real. There have been a lot of complaints about the vehicle levels, but I beleive the experience is quite subjective. I heard a lot of the complaints too, but now after playing the first vehicle part of the game for myself, I must say it's one of my favorite things about HL2.

All in all, I flat out love this game. It's the tons of tiny small details that the designers have packed of the game that just does it for me. You don't see that kind of detail in any other FPS shooter. Ultimately, it's up to you. I can't decide whether you will love it or not. =] Cheers
It's the most believable, varied and satisfying experience to come along for some time. If you come in with no expectations you will be blown away. Everything that was great about HL is here. The levels are incredibly intricate and don't betray their linearity. It really feels like you're making your own way through the game, crawling over under and through things.

Having said that, level wise I don't think it raises the bar significantly higher than HL. It's just more of the same incredibly fun progression. Where it does improve significantly on the original is in storytelling. Characters are a whole lot more believable this time around, and the way everything is integrated is amazing. It's like being in your very own movie.

Combat has also evolved, but hasn't become much deeper. It's just a question of fighting a greater range of foes. So far I haven't got into any long, drawn out fights with the combine, and haven't seen any amazing A.I. But everything is still very satisfying.

Overall in then, it's like HL with some very nice vehicular action, far more combat variety, and a much more integrated story. Treat it as an experience, soaking up the story and just feeling part of the world – you will have an amazing time.

These are my impressions after reaching the fifth level. I only started the game yesterday after fixing the stuttering problem.
The skyboxes (background) is another small thing that Valve has done so friggin well. I love how the citadel is standing like a lone giant reaching up in the sky, making it impossible to spot the top of it.
If you're a gamer then Half-Life 2 is a must buy. It's really that simple.

The overall polish and gameplay variety is astounding. The AI, while not overly tough, is thoroughly entertaining to combat, and the physics engine is everything it was hyped up to be and then some!

It's honestly the best game I've played since the original Half-Life.