So is my house haunted or what


Sep 4, 2005
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I'll just go ahead and copy pasta what I put in the youtube description:

BACKSTORY: Right so this is all from my brother, im inclined to believe him even though im a bit skeptical about the whole thing. Anyway, my brother decided to record himself playing Rockband so he could send to his friends or something. The only people in the house were him and our Mother. Basically what you're looking for is the figure in the back room. Im gonna take a hit at this sometime later, by recording myself with my brothers phone stepping in and out of the room to see if I can replicate it, but it still bugs me out for a few reasons:

1. For a pretty well lit room the figure or whatever it is is incredibly dark. You really can't see much of it, but for now im going to HOPE that its due to the crappy quality of a camera phone.

2. At first I thought maybe someone actually was in the room and my brother didn't realize. See the room is kind of a toolshed of sorts, so I thought maybe someone was grabbing something and stepped back enough for the camera too see, but upon looking at it a bit more something is leaning out and taking a long look at my brother. Pedo ghost?

3. I've had other experiences in the house such as random footsteps, someone grabbing my friend's foot while he slept over, a ****ing curtain flying off the wall, but I kind of dismissed these as just "Oh haha moving into a new house it sure is haunted oooOOoooOhhhh!"

4. No one has lived in this house for two years.

Anyway, just watch the damn thing. Im a skeptic when it comes to things like this, but god damnit I have to sleep in that house at night.

Oh yeah heres the video:

But yeah like I said in the description, im gonna record myself moving in and out of the room with my brothers camera phone to see if I can replicate it, but until then I am genuinely creeped out.
If you're not full of shit, then this is indeed creepy...
I'm not, and If I can I'll have a comparison video of me stepping in and out of the room/leaning out uploaded by tonight for you guys. Im usually the first to be all "yeah thats just some dude hiding" whenever I see videos like these but seeing as its MY GOD DAMN HOUSE, I need to do some investigating.
why do these ****ing ghosts always have to be peaking. show some ****ing balls.
you sure it was a ghost?


no but seriously, that is some freaky shit
Why does the video stop just [strike]as you are about to lean out too far and we recognise you[/strike] as the clearest image of the ghost appears?
My brother was recording it as video mail so he could send his friends a video of him playing rockband for whatever reason. Video mail only lets you record for 30 seconds. My brother sucks at drums. I think it was for his little girlfriend.

Either way, im gonna try to replicate it tonight so WE'LL SEE GLENN. WELL SEE

Besides ghost doesnt have my awesome ****ing hair.
Theres a small man living in your house. He wears your clothes and brushes your hair while you sleep.
Of course it's fake Krynn, you have it peeking out of the wrong side.
Yeah, right. So your brother just decides to randomly record himself playing rockband for no apparent reason, with the camera pointed at just the right angle so you can catch the "ghost," which looks remarkably like a person who was told to peek in, or was just peeking in to see what was going on?

Sorry, need more evidence than that.
Warped you're not exactly an attention virgin, yourself.

I don't believe it to be a ghost, but I'm keen on seeing that next video.
I think the more important thing we see in this video is that you use a smallish tv that is sitting on the top of a tv stand that is holding a much bigger tv which isnt being used.

why the **** are you using such a shitty camera?
you could be the first person to catch a gho- yourself on an HD camera.
buy one.
zombie goasts leave this place
I think the more important thing we see in this video is that you use a smallish tv that is sitting on the top of a tv stand that is holding a much bigger tv which isnt being used.


We actually moved that, so now its just the TV on top, on a smaller table that makes a lot more sense. Trust me when I first saw the setup I asked my mom "...So why are there two TVs in here?"

I'm heading over to my moms house tonight so I'll have the little comparison video up. Im gonna do it with my brothers shitty camera phone too, only for the reason that Im pretty sure that it was just someone working on something back there and the phones shitty quality just made them look all shadow and ominous. So I figure if I do roughly the same thing and the phone makes me come out all shadowy and ominous then my brother is ****ing stupid.
It looks like the camera can't adjust light levels at all, so the bright background was making whoever was walking around stay a dark shadow look.
Thats pretty much what im hoping is the case.

Im going all ghost hunters on this shit. GONNA DEBUNK IT.
Thats pretty much what im hoping is the case.

Im going all ghost hunters on this shit. GONNA DEBUNK IT.

while you're at it, can you debunk unicorns as well...i swear i saw one the other day but it's horn must have been broken off making it resemble a horse.
When you're doing your comparison, dont forget to wear all black including a mask that covers your entire face. You should a costume like that lying around... somewhere.
When you're doing your comparison, dont forget to wear all black including a mask that covers your entire face. You should a costume like that lying around... somewhere.

Are you suggesting that he, for some reason, has a costume that can exactly mimic the original?
When you're doing your comparison, dont forget to wear all black including a mask that covers your entire face. You should a costume like that lying around... somewhere.

The only mask I have in my house is one of those stupid ghost face masks from scream. Although I could wear that mask for the comparison if you want me too it'll make me ten times more ghost like
Are you suggesting that he, for some reason, has a costume that can exactly mimic the original?

I'm suggesting, for some reason, that he has a costume that goes beyond just mimicing the original.
While I find out why my brothers phone is being stupid heres what WE FOUND OUT:

1. If you do it normal clothing (not all black) then you can tell its me right away. If you even barely lean out, the light from the room the phone is in highlights your arms and head and what not so that didn't work.

2. Now I did it in black, black hoodie all that and I come out looking pretty much exactly like the video.

Which brings me to this: The video was taken around when we first moved in there so a month or two back, so my mom was probably in the process of redecorating and all that. Whenever she redecorates she usually wears the same thing which consists of black sweats, black sweater, and a black hat, and that being the tool shed it would make sense for her to be in there. So, the chances are it was her. Now my brother is saying that if that were the case the light from the room he was in would've lit up her face and her neck, and that may be true, but who knows. Either way I decided im totally gonna leave my HD camera in there over night with the night vision on because that room is creepy as **** anyway.
Remember the Salt and Iron, and Burn the remains!
Im actually gonna go ahead with leaving my camera there over night. Only because in the toolshed itself, theres a HOLE in the wall that basically leads to beneath the house. Even with a flash light the passage is pitch black, and its unsettling as hell to stare in there for more then a few seconds. So we'll see what happens. gotta block that hole tbh.
Hah, what the ****? How do you sleep at night knowing there's a possibility of a Roswell alien living in a hole under your house?
Got it. I hope it works. To tell you the truth I really don't know how to correctly post pictures here. Please don't mock me. Please? Plz?
I was expecting the video on the starting post to be a screamer, but it turns out it was [strike]your mother[/strike] a spooky ghost/alien thingy :p.

Here is what you should do to prove to us that this isn't a hoax:
Go to your local electronics store (Best Buy, Walmart, Frys, etc)
Buy a decent HD/High Quality video camera. (It doesn't have to be the best of the best, just a video camera that can record high quality video)
Along with that, buy an SD Card for it (8-16gb)

Put it in that room with the hole, the basement, or some other random creepy room where creepy shit happens.

When all of your family is in bed, hit the record button and let it record overnight.

When you wake up in the morning, hit the stop button on the video camera.
Put the SD card into your computer.
Review the footage, put it in fast-forward (x2-x3 speed), and see if you find anything creepy/scary/unusual. If you do, upload it to YouTube and just give us the link to the video.

If you find nothing, do the same exact thing but put the video camera in a different location in your house.

EDIT: Iv'e had some creepy shit happen in my basement. One time i decided to do the above with the camera and stuff, and I did it in my basement at night. Nothing really mind-blowing happened, but door to the storage room randomly started opening. (It was already a nudge open) It could have easily been the A/C or the ventilation down there though. But I'm still curious about what happened in my basement...0.o
But when I saw that happen I had been about 2hrs into reviewing the video with no breaks, so it made me jump out of my chair and scream, because everything had been still down there for most of the time. And I also caught a weird sound, that sounded like "mah squirrel". lol