So I've been playing World of Warcraft


Companion Cube
Jan 11, 2005
Reaction score
And it was surprisingly fun. I've always hated MMORPGs, the grind, the stupid quests, inane dungeons, lack of meaningful PvP....

But WoW was actually good. I mean, sure it does take some work, but nothing feels better when you snipe and kill that Lvl 45 Drenei mage/wizard (translation, sorry) in 5 seconds with your Lvl 40 hunter. And then go /hug

But anyway, the warcraft universe seems to have been well refined, more than the Warcraft 3 storyline. It was interesting (and saddening) to see what happened to the mighty northern kingdoms of humankind. If I had a choice, I'd join the Scarlet Crusade, lol.

My ideological constraints would have forced me to play Alliance, but my friend's threats of "I'm going to follow you and hunt you down" (Undead lvl 80 warrior) prevented me from choosing holy humanity.

Anyway, it's fun. I've been playing for a month and I'm at lvl 40.
Stop before its to late and you throw your life away sitting in a smelly dark room!
The thing that is interesting about that game is the timers linked to each command. It takes time to mine, skin, cast a spell. It's really pretty brilliant because it works against the enemy spawn (and cast) timers.

The other thing that is good is 'bind on equip'. It adds some strategy to choosing equipment to use or sell. And keeps the economy from flooding.

I also like the 'epic' drops, of course. That's always fun. I found one on a regular mob once. An epic staff. Lucky me.

Haven't played the game in years, by the way.
Wait, WoW has meaningful PVP? :stare:

Also Christ VT2 those have been in loads of MMOs both before and after WoW. They're hardly selling points rather than genre standards.
My brother has been playing WoW for years, I've always enjoyed looking over his shoulder on occasion. With university finishing soon and Cataclysm being released shortly after I'm almost certainly going to be joining.
WoW's okay, but it tends to get boring. So boring, in fact, that I freeze my account for months at a time. The real brilliance is the ease of use. Nearly anyone can just pick up and play it. With Cataclysm revamping the 1-60 experience to bring it in line with the WotLK philosophy of more logical quest progression, it's going to get even better for new players. That said, I likely still won't get back into it until spring.
I fully endorse WoW as a capable substitute for having a life. :dork:

The real brilliance is the ease of use. Nearly anyone can just pick up and play it..
Not if you don't want to get votekicked from my group you can't. ****ing DKs, level a real class first you goddamn freeloaders.
They have REALLY made things easy to work with. I mean in the last year alone (I stopped playing for a year), they've made it so essentially you can get into a dungeon in a matter of minutes with everyone you need via cross server auto matching. That alone saves you literally hours of sitting and waiting for groups to come together. Then you can teleport from anywhere to those dungeons and, upon completion, back to where you just were. You can also queue for battlegrounds from anywhere now too. They've really turned the game in to a casual player's paradise. Also, from what I've heard (but have yet to experience), the new end game dungeons are a fair challenge. So you've got a lot of simplicity for casual players and plenty of difficulty for the hardcore. Also, they just rebuilt all of the classes (yesterday) to have the Cataclysm style talent trees and skills. For me it's like playing an entirely new character.

I'm actually excited to do little mundane things I was tired of when I get home today. BGs and Heroics... maybe try to get the guild's raid even though they would probably hate my year old raiding gear.

I definitely don't see myself raiding hardcore like I used to. At best I'll raid 2-3 nights a week. I have a lot more going on than I did a year ago and the addictive properties of video games are no longer as powerful for me (or I just get bored more easily).
Also Christ VT2 those have been in loads of MMOs both before and after WoW. They're hardly selling points rather than genre standards.

Is that true? Well, I've only played two other MMOs: PSO and EQ. Neither of them had any of those features or I wouldn't have mentioned them.

I really liked playing a mage, picking a target from like '100 yards' out, then casting a fireball that took 15 seconds to prepare to cast, then begin casting another as it flew towards its target. They were dead before they even got to me.

Thinking back, I guess it was similar in EQ, but I don't remember the gameplay being nearly as refined.

I do miss the Shadowknight from EQ. That shit was awesome with the spears.
I fully endorse WoW as a capable substitute for having a life. :dork:

Not if you don't want to get votekicked from my group you can't. ****ing DKs, level a real class first you goddamn freeloaders.

You'll note that I didn't mention anything about playing competently. 97% of DKs are horrible, and should go back to their 55 hunter. However, I love playing a DK because people are all like "ohnoes a dk! fail is fail" and then topping damage done and dps against arguably better geared characters.
DK is the easiest class in the game. Get half-decent gear, copy talent spec, memorize rotation, faceroll. How so many people manage to utterly ****ing fail at it I will never understand.

Glad to hear they're changing them to be more flexible, and relegating blood to tanking duties. Boring-ass dps spec. Can't wait to go back to dual-wield frost dps, **** yeah howling blast.~
97% of WoW players are incompetent at their chosen class.
I absolutely love the PVP, but everything else I can't stand in the least. The people, the grinding, the shitty quests, boring raids, class structure, item economy, everything. I haven't had fun since release.
DK is the easiest class in the game. Get half-decent gear, copy talent spec, memorize rotation, faceroll. How so many people manage to utterly ****ing fail at it I will never understand.

Glad to hear they're changing them to be more flexible, and relegating blood to tanking duties. Boring-ass dps spec. Can't wait to go back to dual-wield frost dps, **** yeah howling blast.~

Why would you be blood dps anyway? Unholy and Frost blows it the **** out of the water, or did the last time I played. Also, totally agreed on Howling Blast, **** yeah! Easily the best part of Frost.
I will probably pick up Cataclysm. Kinda tempted to sub before its release because the world events leading up to the change must be quite interesting. The zombie event before WotLK was so awesome.
Why would you be blood dps anyway? Unholy and Frost blows it the **** out of the water, or did the last time I played. Also, totally agreed on Howling Blast, **** yeah! Easily the best part of Frost.
For a while after launch, blood dps was clear and away the best dps spec. Made raiding as a DK pretty horrid when you had to put up with the most boring play style to be competitive (now they know how rogues feel, HEH).
I rolled a DK for a while but it felt like I was playing with 'cheats enabled', it's just boring and easy :\
Seeing as my old account is unusable now, I think I'd have to buy the original game plus all three expansions to play. That's enough to keep me away, haha.
went on tonight after the patch was done implementing and it was insanely different and felt like a brand new game. but i really love this because it gives everyone an almost clean slate and the twinks don't seem as bad anymore. i just think they dumbed it down a bit too much in some respects but overall seems like a worthy patch to bring in more noobs.
Why am I not surprised you'd join the Scarlet Crusade?!

But actually you would probably be the only person to roleplay as a Crusader on the RP servers properly, most of the time it's like "lol i am a scarlut crusadro whoo got amnezsha and im an orphan whos paretns were killed by orcs but then it turns out im actually half demon and half orc lol even though I look like a human."

But I buried that Hatchet of the Lame years ago.
What's a RP server? And yes, that sounds lame.

Anyway the latest patch seems to have destroyed everything. But still I like the new changes.
To be fair, Second Life is infinitely more customizable, so it pretty much sets the bar for creepy, ****ed up shit.
LOL that looks terrifying, and incredibly entertaining. Maybe i'll try it out
It's a role-playing server. Unfortunately, those tend to get creepy. Especially Moon Guard.
Hahaha. I rolled on Moon Guard briefly when it first went up, seemed like a good server before they allowed transfers and it was inundated by PvPers trying to get easy kills on 'carebears.' Glad I bailed when I did. :p

My first server in vanilla was Cenarion Circle. Never really engaged in the RP there, but it had an amazing sense of community, tons of friendly people who'd help you out just because and organize UBRS runs and stuff at the drop of a hat. Something I kind of miss now that the game is so raid central and everything's automated, nothing seems to just "happen" outside of guilds unless it's through the LFG system or something.
I was going to see if any of you guys play on the server that I used to play on, until I looked at the list. There's like hundreds of ****ing servers. Chances aren't good.

I just remember picking a server with a 'not too geeky, but not too cool sounding name', hoping that I would meet alright people, but wouldn't get my ass handed to me by the leet ****s, since I had never played the game before.

But I sometimes wonder... the experience might have been totally different on a different server. What if, man.

Also, there are different types of servers. I picked PvE, because, I'm not much into the PvP or .. 'role playing'. I mean, is that where 'dudes who pick girl characters' act like girls and the dwarf characters say things like "and my axe." all the time? That might be entertaining once in a while, but I wouldn't want to live there.
I love how everyone perceives role playing as all thees and thous and LOTR quotes. :p

(Wish I could they they were entirely mistaken...)
I first started playing it like 4 years ago and back then it was I'd say, in its prime. You rarely got any dickheads, you could find a group for instances pretty much instantly and it was just generally perfect for the casual gamer. Now as people have said, its all guild and raid influenced and if you aren't in some amazing guild then **** all happens, I mean I liked the general questing and instance aspects of WoW, especially when playing with a mate of mine, I had too much of a life to really get hardcore with it (not to mention it usually got boring after a few months).
I wonder why there aren't more casual raiding guilds. When I played the guild I ran raided two to three times a week, about 3 hours at a time. We didn't progress at the cutting edge or anything but got through the content steadily without sacrificing much rl time.
I love how everyone perceives role playing as all thees and thous and LOTR quotes. :p

(Wish I could they they were entirely mistaken...)

I roleplayed on WoW for two years, on the Sentinel server and then the Moon Guard server. I've never come across a "thee" or "thou" unless you were casually taking the piss out of RPing OOC. It was great in the way that you had to put a lot of thought into your character, more than just race/gender/class, you had to form a past, a present and plan for a character-developing future, collecting friends and items on the way (Most RPers would only wear PvE/PvP gear when they are PvE/PvP'ing, otherwise they'd sit around in a colour-matching RP outfit) as you further flesh out who your character is in the World of Warcraft.

Like Shakermaker said, it's got a generally more mature playerbase than PvP/PvE servers (I played on Blackrock for two years before RPing) but in saying that they take the game a lot more casually.

In terms of Sentinels, pre-BC, only a small handful of guilds (Or even just two, but I can't remember for certain) had completely cleared the harder dungeons. So naturally, the lesser players would roleplay it out that raiding members of these guilds were the true heroes of WoW, where the rest were just lowly adventurers with dreams of fame, treasure and glory.

It was nice, but WoW is too stale of a game for me to justify paying $15 for the glorified Chat Room that RPing becomes.