So Obama is coming to my town....

I hate him for his policies. I hate him for his ignoring his own advice to the people.

And again, I'm sorry I wasnt very active in the politics forums here on these forums during the Bush years. While I didnt mention it here (because I was busy with college and full time employment to pay for it since, as a middle-class white male, I was not qualified for many scholarships or loans), I disagreed with many of the policies of his predecessor.
You were very active here during the Bush years, don't try to pull that shit. All your posts are easily searchable not only by date but also by board. So that's not an excuse.

And again. Why do you lie about Obama? You make stuff up about him constantly. You never made up anything negative about Bush that was a total lie. Nor about Palin duiring the 2008 election. Now Obama gets elected and you simply can't help yourself. Lie after lie. Smear after smear. When he got elected you literally lost your shit. Why?
ITT: Obama fanboys try to murder Bush fanboy.
Should shout "Hey! Barry Soetoro!" and see if he turns to look at you.
You were very active here during the Bush years, don't try to pull that shit. All your posts are easily searchable not only by date but also by board. So that's not an excuse.

And again. Why do you lie about Obama? You make stuff up about him constantly. You never made up anything negative about Bush that was a total lie. Nor about Palin duiring the 2008 election. Now Obama gets elected and you simply can't help yourself. Lie after lie. Smear after smear. When he got elected you literally lost your shit. Why?

I was somewhat active on these forums, yes. But in the forums relating to the games. I rarely if ever even read the politics forums.
I was somewhat active on these forums, yes. But in the forums relating to the games. I rarely if ever even read the politics forums.

Wrong again, a search for user Ridge in politics forum 1 year ago and older shows 62 results, most of them before the 2008 election. I'm willing to be not a single time did you lie about anyone in the fashion that you have lied about Obama. In fact there is a thread that came up where you said you were converting to be a democrat, I guess that was true only until the black guy became their nominee. All this literally took me a couple minutes, so stop pretending like you never participated back then.

And you keep ignoring the question. Why do you constantly lie about him?
the real reason why Ridge/Republicans dislike Obama

Ahh. Don't worry Ridge, it's not the size of the boat, it's the motion of the ocean. Amirite numbers?
Wrong again, a search for user Ridge in politics forum 1 year ago and older shows 62 results, most of them before the 2008 election. I'm willing to be not a single time did you lie about anyone in the fashion that you have lied about Obama. In fact there is a thread that came up where you said you were converting to be a democrat, I guess that was true only until the black guy became their nominee. All this literally took me a couple minutes, so stop pretending like you never participated back then.

And you keep ignoring the question. Why do you constantly lie about him?

Well lets see. View posts by Ridge, from 1 year ago and older.

Looks like a few threads where I mention I dont like Obama.
Many threads regarding gun control.
A few threads regarding Israel
A few threads regarding the wars
A thread about Army of Two and 9/11
Dont taze me bro
A kathaksung thread that I trolled a bit
A thread where I mention my hatred of Geraldo
Your thread about how America sees the world, in form of an mspaint map
A post where I say I support our troops
A thread where the pot calls the kettle black (Jimmy Carter calling Bush an idiot)
I found the thread where I mentioned I considered myself democrat, in March 07, because I thought Bush was doing an awful job
A thread where I stated I'd like to be a juror
A thread where I supported soldiers shooting at an unmarked vehicle racing through a checkpoint, which turned out to have reporters in it
An evolution thread

And a partridge in a pear tree.
Right, and not a single time you blatantly lied about anyone other than Obama. In fact you seemed to be in support of democrats until Obama got the nomination. Why?
I supported Democrats because I felt Bush was an idiot. As I said in the March 07 thread, I very much disliked Bush, and only voted for him because I felt he was a better option than Kerry.

I probably would have voted for Hillary, had she got the nomination. She was bound to have absorbed some applicable knowledge during her previous 8 years in the White House, and was a well respected person in political and educational circles.

Obama came out of nowhere, we have no idea what skills he have, because all his records were immediately sealed, and his campaign speeches comprised of "Hope & Change," "Yes we can" and "Bush's fault."
So why did you never blatantly lie about anyone else in all your years here? You hated Bush, but you never made negative stuff up about him. In fact you lied to put him in a positive light in this thread. So again, why do you constantly lie about Obama?
Where do I lie about Obama? I make comments about his actions that left wing blog sites try to refute...
Just in this one thread? Or other stuff you posted in other threads? Lets just stick to this one to keep it simple.

You lied about his vacations. You said (or atleast implied) that he took more vacations than Bush. Absolutely not true, and virtually everyone in this world knows that's not true. You also lied a couple posts up about his records, but I found that with you it's best to keep it at one issue at a time or your brain starts to fry. So lets stick to the vacations for now which were a total lie.

So why do you make stuff up about him constantly when you never did so to anyone else throughout your many years here?
Bush took many vacations, yes. In 2001. When the economy was strong, the people were happy, and we weren't in an economic crisis while dealing with a cataclysmic environmental disaster. Lets wait till the end of this year and count out how many days Obama took, and compare them to, say, Bush from 2006-2008, mkay?
lol @ obama thinking cinco de mayo is an actual holiday
lol @ obama thinking cinco de mayo is an actual holiday

The only thing funnier is the reasoning for Mexico celebrating it. They won a battle on that datein a war against France started because they had racked up massive debt, and eventually sent France a nice letter saying they refused to pay it back.
Huh? That makes absolutely no sense. You are trying to now apply different standards to Obama because of the economy that Bush and republicans created?

Bush was on vacation during Katrina.

Remember the Israeli attack on Gaza at the end of Bush's term? Yup, vacation:

Didn't even interrupt his vacation to make a statement.

You are lying, even your bullshit excuse is bullshit. In his last term as the world was falling apart because of his own actions Bush was taking more vacations than anyone before him.

So again, stop lying. Why do you constantly make stuff up about this president and you never did so about anyone else? The only other time I can think of you making stuff up about people was Shirley Shorrod when you called her racist. Again, why?
Huffington Post is the United State's version of the Daily Mail. Find a credible source. I'll settle for CNN...
OMG you're a ****ing idiot. Ok, I'll find you a much better main stream source that shows he was on vacation at this time. But if I do that means you lied, ok? And if you lied you will explain why. Deal? No more excuses.
It was the end of his term? Everybody knew he was a lame duck? He knew he was no longer relevant. What matter would his words be to two countries determined to have an ever-lasting war to the death? Wish Carter would come to the same realization.

Besides, that particular battle was a response to the peaceful citizens of Gaza again launching unguided rockets into apartment buildings and markets full of civilians just living their lives.
Ahh, look at that. All of the sudden the huffington post is a good enough source for you? So as the economy was crashing and Israel was attacking Gaza we didn't need someone in the white house calling the shots?

You know what forget it. You are here making excuses for Bush taking a vacation as the world around us collapsed because of what he did. Yet you were in this same thread demonizing Obama for taking far less vacations, 26 days total in his first year (11 of those days for christmas and new years). The difference between Bush and Obama is that Bush took far more vacations but Bush happens to be white. So for you that means Bush you make excuses for and Obama you demonize. As I said at the start of this, the only reason for your irrational behavior toward Obama is race. You said yourself here, you probably would have voted for Hillary. Her and Obama are pretty much exactly the same when it comes to positions. But again, one is white and the other is black. You did not do a good job explaining you aren't a racist. In fact I'm more convinced of it now than ever before.

We'll just have to leave it there because teh stupid burns and I can't take any more of it.
I don't understand why you keep trying to bring race into this. I've said time and again, the man's skin doesnt anger me, it's his do-as-I-say, not-as-I-do rhetoric...
I know what you said, what you keep ignoring is that nobody believes you for the reasons I just stated to you above. You are a racist.

Have a good one bro, Firearms:Source just finished installing!
Yes, I am a bit of a racist. Everybody is. Anybody who says they arent is lying to themselves. But I dont judge my political decisions and opinions on skin color.