So they have finished HL2 basically, when can we have some TF2 info :)

Lets just get hl2 in our hands then we can worry about that. Im sure gabe would say something along those lines :P
Tork said:
Lets just get hl2 in our hands then we can worry about that. Im sure gabe would say something along those lines :P

you have 1000 posts

and i agree
TFC sucked ass. TF2 looks like a lot of fun but im not waiting on it.
There going to release new info on TF2 once HL2 is released as per a interview with doug they want to get HL2 on shelves first. I dont think many people realise that TF2 is something totaly different from TFC and that IMO TF2 is gonna be one hell of a MP experience...well except for me and tokin of course....but I think valve maybe holding back all there MP goodies for TF2 or at least thats what I would do.
I don't care about Team Fortress 2. Look at my Avatar. 5 Days to go.

P43.2/1Gig/X800P said:
5 days till battlefront
Agent.M said:
There going to release new info on TF2 once HL2 is released as per a interview with doug they want to get HL2 on shelves first.
Why would you ever believe anything Doug says with relation to time?
i doubt we will be getting any TF2 info anytime soon after the HL2 release because Valve have spent so much time working on HL2.. we may hear something possibly 3 months down the road after HL2 has been released.
Lanthanide said:
Why would you ever believe anything Doug says with relation to time?

Just because I know this is true....and I dont feel the need to physco analize a dam video game company.
SixThree said:
I don't care about Team Fortress 2. Look at my Avatar. 5 Days to go.

Hell yeah! We should all meet up on a server when they release the SW:Battlefront. FEEL FREE TO PM ME those of you who are getting SW:B and wanna play i cant wait.
cadaveca said:
Tf2 Hl2 Mp?!?

Don't count on it.. They can make more money selling it standalone :thumbs:

edit: Calhoun: Let's meet on Hoth :P
I want TF2 as well, but more importantly what about Vampire the masquerade: Bloodlines.
SixThree said:
edit: Calhoun: Let's meet on Hoth :P
Mr. SixThree meet the bottom of my AT-AT foot. :cheese:

I cant wait to kamakazi crash into chicken walkers....
just seems to me that they just finished HL2....
just got the RC off to VUG, not even approved yet, and you want them back at work. Can we at least wait until HL2 is actually released before we send 'em back to work? Don't you think they kinda deserve it? Almost 5 different games in the HL2 box, if it comes with HL:S and CS:S, and the multiple versions of textures for DX6 and up...

You realize of course that the textures were one of the first things done, and this is why there are DX6 just took the past 6 years to perfect the engine and AI, and everytime something new came out, re-writes took place. It's quite a daunting task to create a game from the ground up...there are reasons that even the unreal and the doom engines took so long to produce...if the physics and the AI are anything like they have said they are, I am truly grateful to Valve, as that means we are going to be seening nothing but better games from now on...6 years ago HL became an industry standard that many have tried to replicate or better, and few have come close...i'd almost say none have, as nothing has been as original as the first HL.
There wouldn't be a Halo if it weren't for HL. All first person shooters would be nothing but blood and gore, IMHO.
Back then, if you wanted a story, you played an RPG.
but they have said time and time again then when hl2 releases they will reveal everything about tf2, so do you think they will?
hl2 release is soon so tf2 info should be soon too! :D
er, i don't think they said "everything"
but i could be wr ong.

I think they deserve a break before they plunge into tf2 full *STEAM* ahead.
Get it? Oh man i KILL myself sometimes.
sigh, nm