So Today I Hit a Kid 3 Years Younger Than Me...

Ideally, you'd like to think violence shouldn't be used to solve any problem. I was lucky at your age 'cause noone wanted to mess with me like that, but if they did I would've done the same thing probably. However, being a fair bit older now, if it happened to me at 22 I'd act a lot differently to the situation. So I guess what I'm saying is that you did what any normal 16? year old would do.
Apparently everyone would act similarly, and so would i
But that doesnt change the fact that it is wrong... :/
Heh, whenever people harress me, I'll just ignore them. When I'm REALLY angry, than I smash their face.
Good thing kids never bother me....or else they won't live to regret their mistakes....
CREMATOR666 said:
Good thing kids never bother me....or else they won't live to regret their mistakes....

I remember this year in school (Im 13) that this gang of yr7 pupils tried to beat my friend Ben up by kicking him......turned out Ben was a black belt in Karate and Tikyondo (Cant spell), and wasted no time in knocking out three of these boys before the PE teacher dragged him off.....funniest thing ive ever seen :laugh: , we were never bothered again
I backhanded a kid two years younger than me for trying to trip me over on a crowded moving bus. And if anyone is stupid enough to steal a ball off my group and play keepings-off, I ignore the ball and beat the shit out of the bastards. If you let them get away with it, they don't learn anything and they keep doing it.

I will however recommend a non-violent solution to your problems. It's entirely possible to get people up to their elbows in shit if you keep tabs on everything they do, especially if your friends back you up if you tell a teacher.
Tight-ass Llama said:
I remember this year in school (Im 13) that this gang of yr7 pupils tried to beat my friend Ben up by kicking him......turned out Ben was a black belt in Karate and Tikyondo (Cant spell), and wasted no time in knocking out three of these boys before the PE teacher dragged him off.....funniest thing ive ever seen :laugh: , we were never bothered again

It's "Taekwondo" :D I took some Taekwondo lessons a few years ago, never got to black belt, tho :p
CREMATOR666 said:
It's "Taekwondo" :D I took some Taekwondo lessons a few years ago, never got to black belt, tho :p

i got to red belt....

now i'm too busy.
bryanf445 said:
i bet they avoid you now dont they?.. and where were your friends when this was going on??

Was always early in the morning, none of my friends get to school til later. And yea they've pretty much shut up now.
short recoil said:
It is actually quite rare for chav types to stick up that much for a mate, they are cowardly by nature.
I can't stand the "safety in numbers" pack-mentality approach to it all. It's even worse when young adults display when you'd hope they'd know better.
So at the end of the day, they're actually cowards, but it's far more difficult to get that message across when you're heavily out-numbered. Calling them pussies for not taking you on on their own isn't going to make things a whole lot better.
I would have done the same thing, but worse. Im acutally waiting for a little chav(fjortis in swedish) bitch to do something against me just to have a reason to beat some cocky kid up.
now, if i beat up a little kid a year younger than me, i can always say he was disrespecting his elders and get away with it. Its a very nice world. Only when the older-than-me people hit me its not. But, that doesn't happen much.
SimonomiS said:
Was I in the wrong?
Basically, him and his mates have been having a go at me for months, theres about 8 of them, (power in numbers eh?) just following me around calling me names, throwing stuff at me, I'd call it bullying but as soon as you say that your classed as being weak. Its been pissing me off for ages, I did the logical thing and walked away, they followed, I ignored them, they come right to my face and piss me off for a laugh, what was I supposed to do, tell a teacher Year 7's were bullying me? All that would do is get them a light telling off, after which they'd do it again, only worse, plus I didnt know any names, so even that might not have happened.
So today, they started doing it again, calling my name from across the balcony repeatedly, so I thought "**** it, I've had enough." and proceeded to chase them, they all split up so I went after one in particular who had pissed me off alot, caught up behind him, got him round the neck and slammed him into a wall, and started hitting him round the back of the head (He didnt fight back, just tried to protect his face.) before one of his mates (Who hadnt actually been annoying) told me to lay off him, so I did. I had initially expected them to all jump on me but I guess they all decided it'd be better off for them to stay out of it.
The result? Well, he cried, everyone in Year 7 took his side, everyone in Year 10 took my side (The kids were generally annoying twats with no respect for anything.) I got called "sick in the head" for hitting a Year 7, (By a chav no less) and his flock of mates (Who didnt help him at all, real good mates...) came up to me, saying he was crying and that it was wrong, I mean what did they expect? Me to just take all their comments and bullying (I'll admit, it was basically bullying) in my stride? One of them even said "If we all battered you, I bet you'd cry." I simple said "Go on then." They shut up after that.
Now, punishment-wise, the teacher dealing with it understood my provokication and knew that group of kids were a pain, had a big go at the lad I hit and all his mates, and told me to just tell a teacher next time, and he'll take me round the forms so I can show him who, no names needed. I still dont have faith in the school system, so I dont know if I will.
A few of his mates are still doing it (A lot have stopped.) and Im going to tell someone that they arent stopping, and if nothing changes, well I guess if it builds up to that point again, I'll have to do it again, probably worse since they didnt seem to get the message this time.
Apologies for the long post, felt quite strongly about this, he is still viewed by some as "innocent" as he's younger, I swear some people would let kids off with murder because of their age.

Jesus..... how old are you?
You hit a kid, you should be ashamed of yourself.

My definition of chavs,

Often reffered to as townies, these are kids, usually no older than 16.

They hang around in packs and sometimes larger gangs, in my area, there is, the ATL crew (above the law) YTL crew (**** knows) and the gang that only hangs around with asian guys.

Because their IQs are no higher than what they can count to, they find nothing better to do than irritate people, which may include, street robbery, shoplifting, peadophilia and graffiti (crappy tags, with paint running everywhere, because they don't use a nozzle)

They can be easily spotted, nike or NY hat pointing to the sky, tracksuit trousers tucked into socks, it is also compulsory to where an item of "burberry" clothing.

As you can see here
You will also notice they have a tendancy to be incredibly ugly.

It is my personal opinion that chavs have spawned from one single evil,

The mother of all chavs!
That reminded me of when i was on a bus in year 11 or 12... there were these 2 kids in the year below me, both bigger than me.

While I sat on the bus they used to throw things around and one of these things hit me, the bus was at my bus stop.
So i got up and said, "right both of you, get off this bus now and i'll sort you out!".

Ofcourse they didnt move, they didnt want to miss their bus home or take a 'beating' from me.

I'm as weak as a fly really :p

They went silent and never annoyed me again.

In school it was always the kids that had retaliated in year 7 that never got any trouble or grievances. I sorta wish i'd been more assertive and realised that to get through school without taking loads of bullshit and people trying to bully me, i should have just got into a fight and beaten someone senseless early on. Not that i would have got a graet reputation with the treachers but when it comes to reporting someone bullying you... whatever they think of you, they still arent going to do anything...

I once got ganged up on in the toilets, and hit by someone. Thing is, i would have hit him back, but he'd decided to bring 5-7 other people with him and i thought they'd jump in against me (i learned later that they were just there to watch a fight, not stand up for the twat). I walked off and reported it to my form tutor, who was really pissed off... but the school did nothing, they just put him in the exit room for a day... yeah right, that was going to solve it. I didnt even get a letter of apology from the ****.

If i'd have hit him back, i would have if not won the fight, done some decent damage and he probably would have backed down after (aswell as all the other twats taht realised im not violent and tried to bully me because they couldnt bully a year 7 if they tried :|). Damn it.

Sorry, bit of a rant.
Chavs know that the law protects them, but actually it also protects you too.

Beat the crap out of them.
Frank said:
Jesus..... how old are you?

Im not actually Jesus (Whos about 2004 now?) but I'm 15, why?
In other news a friend of mine got jumped by two Year 11s, with absolutely no reason at all, apart from they didnt like "moshers" (Anyone who listens to something that isnt rap, RnB or dance). When I first heard about it, I thought it was just a little scrap, but then I found out it was two really huge guys, who got him on the floor and booted him in the face and beat the crap out of him. I mean for no reason at all, its ****ing out of order.
Luckily two builders saw him afterwards, helped clean him up, chased the two guys and got their names and addresses (If they were their real ones anyway) and hopefully the police can do something about it. It is basically assault, but I've never seen police bothered by anything done by anyone under 18 personally.
EDIT: And 1000th post, its been an eventful week so far.
SimonomiS said:
Im not actually Jesus (Whos about 2004 now?) but I'm 15, why?
In other news a friend of mine got jumped by two Year 11s, with absolutely no reason at all, apart from they didnt like "moshers" (Anyone who listens to something that isnt rap, RnB or dance). When I first heard about it, I thought it was just a little scrap, but then I found out it was two really huge guys, who got him on the floor and booted him in the face and beat the crap out of him. I mean for no reason at all, its ****ing out of order.
Luckily two builders saw him afterwards, helped clean him up, chased the two guys and got their names and addresses (If they were their real ones anyway) and hopefully the police can do something about it. It is basically assault, but I've never seen police bothered by anything done by anyone under 18 personally.
EDIT: And 1000th post, its been an eventful week so far.

Police can't actually do god damn **** all unless they are over 18. Its a fact of life.

A feckin annoying fact of life... but all the same really.

Anyway, I think you did the right thing. Its somthing I would never do myself but its not for lack of reason I'll tell you that. These people should be old enough to realise that if they pick fights with people bigger/stronger/more skillfull/better than them then they will loose..

One day i'll crack like you did.. I look forward to that day if I am perfectly honest. They piss me off way too much. :devil:

meh, ive never punched someone hard in my life,

i think if i did it would probably hurt them seeing as i actually know how to punch..........
Exactly if you hit someone in the wrong (or right) place, it can kill them instantly, or give them serious brain damage, not like in the movies, 2 guys punch and kick each other for hours.
Joims said:
meh, ive never punched someone hard in my life,

i think if i did it would probably hurt them seeing as i actually know how to punch..........

Me too, never punched anyone properly (not even the arm) and i think it's because of karate and judo, it teaches you how to punch but also not to be violent etc.
This thread kind is getting alot of replies so I will reply too.

You were right SimonomiS, you should stick up for yourself ALWAYS. Those kids pissed you off for long enough & it was about time you gave them a taste of it back.

BTW, I was LMAO when you said the kid started crying :P
Ummm... am i too young to talk about this?

I'm only 14 or so.

Nevermind: The fact is, you should stick up for yourself. Especially if they had been whacking you for over 3 months or so. I'm wondering if i would do the same... my head says i would go tell a teacher or something but my heart says the teacher would ignore me...
i'm lucky enough never to have had these problems...i've had little shit heads on the bus try to be clever in front of mates but not enough to get me annoyed

i'm not a violent person either but if someone struck a punch against me first or persisted in constant piss take, i'd ****ing lash out no two ways about it...takes a LOT to get me that mad though

in my opinion, you did the right thing...shit faces like them actually need to be put in their place or they'll just keep doing it...over and over then move onto someone else

vicious circle really
You did the right thing. I had the same thing happen to me about a 2 months ago. These kids would nick our ball and run off. We chased them and got the ball back. So they carried on doing this and hitting, punching and kicking my friends(the ones in the lower years not the ones in my year). I really wanted to do something other than talk to them and the peaceful approach. However with my GCSE soon it cannot help my revision if I am excluded for a long time. Also the rules at the school state that you cannot fight back if provoked and no matter what they do to you. so the rules protect them not me. The funny thing is that once I got caught in the crossfire of a small fight and one kid punched me hit my glasses off and completely missing my face. One slapped me and I a lifted him off the floor.
Same thing happened me when I was about 12 years old. Two kids, both one year younger, were picking on me for about 5-6 years (no shit). I always did the peaceful approach and walked away. Until my mum asked me why I had blood on my sweater. I told her what happend (they attacked me without any reason, like always when I was alone) and she told me to kick their asses if they ever did again.

The next day I did.
I don't know what's with young kids these days. When I was 8 years old, I had respect(or feared) for people who were twice as old as you. But now they call you names and everything. I haven't hit any of them though, I can't imagine the consequences.
Kids have always been like that Monkey, somewhere.

I know we taunted people older than us, but never the quiet ones who didn't react. Heh, we used to always bug these guys a few years older than us who were the bullies of their year, and one time they threw my friend over a wall. He didn't really get hurt... I mean, by then it had really turned into more a joke than anything. I guess its because we weren't children of crack head and stoners so we knew how to bring humour to it all.

Like I said before though, I've never really hit anyone. I didn once grab a guy from behind by his neck and squeezed as hard as I could (on the sides, so he could still breathe, but he went a little dizzy), because he was pushing around one of my friends.. a girl. Call my patronising, call me whatever but seriously I won't stand for that. Other than that, its just been play fighting, with my older brother. Heh, when i was little he used to just throw me around the room and stuff. They always say its good to have an older brother, so toughen you up. I think it worked, because people have hit me but I'm just used to channeling pain away from my mind, so its let me stay level headed.
Farrowlesparrow said:
Kids have always been like that Monkey, somewhere.

I know we taunted people older than us, but never the quiet ones who didn't react. Heh, we used to always bug these guys a few years older than us who were the bullies of their year, and one time they threw my friend over a wall. He didn't really get hurt... I mean, by then it had really turned into more a joke than anything. I guess its because we weren't children of crack head and stoners so we knew how to bring humour to it all.

Like I said before though, I've never really hit anyone. I didn once grab a guy from behind by his neck and squeezed as hard as I could (on the sides, so he could still breathe, but he went a little dizzy), because he was pushing around one of my friends.. a girl. Call my patronising, call me whatever but seriously I won't stand for that. Other than that, its just been play fighting, with my older brother. Heh, when i was little he used to just throw me around the room and stuff. They always say its good to have an older brother, so toughen you up. I think it worked, because people have hit me but I'm just used to channeling pain away from my mind, so its let me stay level headed.

You little tinker, you.
Farrowlesparrow said:
Kids have always been like that Monkey, somewhere.

I know we taunted people older than us, but never the quiet ones who didn't react. Heh, we used to always bug these guys a few years older than us who were the bullies of their year, and one time they threw my friend over a wall. He didn't really get hurt... I mean, by then it had really turned into more a joke than anything. I guess its because we weren't children of crack head and stoners so we knew how to bring humour to it all.

Like I said before though, I've never really hit anyone. I didn once grab a guy from behind by his neck and squeezed as hard as I could (on the sides, so he could still breathe, but he went a little dizzy), because he was pushing around one of my friends.. a girl. Call my patronising, call me whatever but seriously I won't stand for that. Other than that, its just been play fighting, with my older brother. Heh, when i was little he used to just throw me around the room and stuff. They always say its good to have an older brother, so toughen you up. I think it worked, because people have hit me but I'm just used to channeling pain away from my mind, so its let me stay level headed.
My older brother (five years older) used to hit me daily so I'm toughened too :cat:
Zerimski said:
It's not for anyone on this forum to judge whether or not you were in the wrong. You did it. You decide.

I do.

You're wrong, Simon, you baby bully!
Good thing he learned his lesson, maybe it will stick. One time this kid was harrassing my friend saying he was gonna beat his ass n stuff. My friend caught him trying to steal the cd player out of his car and proseeded to give him a concussion and a broken hand :smoking:
You were wrong for hitting him from behind. Why don't you just bitch back at them instead of hitting him in the back of the head like a coward.

Second, why get angry at the insults? If you get pissed when someone calls you a name then you're taking yourself too seriously.
FoB_Ed said:
You were wrong for hitting him from behind. Why don't you just bitch back at them instead of hitting him in the back of the head like a coward.

Second, why get angry at the insults? If you get pissed when someone calls you a name then you're taking yourself too seriously.

Well he ran away, like the other times I started going after them, then he though he got rid of me and walked. Maybe I shouldve tapped him on the shoulder and whacked him in the face when he turned around, but I wasnt thinking logically really, he had a chance to defend himself but he just stood there with his hands over his face trying to turn away, so I ended up whacking him round the back of the head instead.

Second, I dont get angry at every single little insult, you get insulted all the time, fact of life, but theres only so much I can take repeatedly. I think everyone has their limits, sorry for reaching mine. :rolleyes: