So today was one of the weirdest days at school ever.

Wow, our school has one security guard stationed all the time but she has asthma, and our football coach who is also "security" as only one good arm.
^^ That clown is obviously lying...

Yes, I'm positive you have 10 fights a day and yet no one tries to contact the authorities and have this stopped?

GIVE ME A BREEAAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S. I'm a blackbelt in Karate and Tae-Kwon-Do...PM me if you want some lessons

I'm honestly not joking, they make a circle of people around the fights (like 3 "layers" of people), and it's beside the place, where no windows are, so no one can see unless they REALLY want to..

ok, ok I was exagerating about 10, maybe 2-3, but still, that's per day

Also, yes it has been stopped many many times, the school is notified, blah, blah, it stops for about a month, then starts back up.
Sweet, how spontaneously awesome Slacker. At least the latter part.
P.S. I'm a blackbelt in Karate and Tae-Kwon-Do...PM me if you want some lessons

Heh, so you'll PM people to teach them karate? I think i see a problem with your strategy!

Slacker- good job on securing a date, be confident and mature. Lack of experience isn't a problem, a receptive female will be more than happy to give directions if you're not sure.
Believe it or not, some people do not constatly want sex 24/7.
Come on. Right now, I do no want sex. I would actually rather be sleeping now. And I have a headache.
Sex is life! Without sex there is no life!

If you do not want sex from a female, then you are simply gay.
Thought american schools had scanners and security to stop kids bringing in guns.

Some schools only have them at certain exits and entrances.

First of all, morning. There are THREE fights before the first period bell even rings, and they were so brutal that they actually called for more cops to come in for the day (we usually have two there, there were four or five patrolling today)

Ok, first three periods of the day are pretty normal. Cut to lunch. At the table next to where I sit with my friends, three cops and a teacher run over and just tacke some black kid randomly, punch and kick him, cuff him, and walk him out. I thought nothing of it until FOURTH period when the fire alarm rang, and we were outside for almost an hour. I get back in and we get a note saying this kid had a firearm in possession. It wasn't loaded, but still, yeesh.

I hope you dont admire these fights ... or gun toting randomly tackled people.
When I was younger, I always thought girls had these wierd, wavy green tentacles that would wave at you when they were aroused. I guess these days I figure that hey, no Japanese-bizarre-tentacle-rape? It's all good. Anyway, why no go-ey out-ey with sexual girl? It's more than fine for you. NO TENTACLES!
If you tell her that you'd rather not have any sex, and she acts like a bitch about it...
Then she's probably not worth your time.

You should only go out with a girl... at least have a long term relationship with them, if they respect you. Also, if you respect them! lol
Hey, you want to go to the homecoming dance with me?
Who, me? Err.. well, let me get back on that

*time passes*

Err.. hi, I thought about it, and okay, I'll go with you, but on 1 condition: NO SEX! I'm not kidding, I really don't want to have sex with you!

Sounds like a bad idea to me
If she is a whore\slut don't go with her. Was a great day yesterday. We won our Soccer game 9 - 1!!!.
First of all, morning. There are THREE fights before the first period bell even rings, and they were so brutal that they actually called for more cops to come in for the day (we usually have two there, there were four or five patrolling today)

Ok, first three periods of the day are pretty normal. Cut to lunch. At the table next to where I sit with my friends, three cops and a teacher run over and just tacke some black kid randomly, punch and kick him, cuff him, and walk him out. I thought nothing of it until FOURTH period when the fire alarm rang, and we were outside for almost an hour. I get back in and we get a note saying this kid had a firearm in possession. It wasn't loaded, but still, yeesh.

NOW CUT TO AFTERSCHOOL. I'm waiting for a ride home, and bam, hell officiailly freezes over. A girl asks me out to homecoming.

I said "probably, let me get back to you." I want to do it, she's attractive, and we have a pretty fair amount in common, but the only problem is, she's incredibly sexual, and I'm not sure if she'd go to fast for me. Thoughts?

And that was my day.

American school by any chance?
I said "probably, let me get back to you." I want to do it, she's attractive, and we have a pretty fair amount in common, but the only problem is, she's incredibly sexual, and I'm not sure if she'd go to fast for me. Thoughts?

And that was my day.

You're either gay or a moron...too fast for you? what the heck you talking bout foul. Phone her up immediately and say yes.
You're either gay or a moron...too fast for you? what the heck you talking bout foul. Phone her up immediately and say yes.
Vast generalisation ftw!
I love the internets.
Why do your schools have proms? Go study for the finals!
Lol they put a lot of emphasis on studying in the east don't they?

That's what your first 2 decades of life are for!
Dude, go out with her. Just tell her you dont wanna have sex, but anything else is fair game. It's what I do. I am almost 20 and still a virgin. It isn't that I can't get any, it's just that I haven't been in a relationship long enough to care about the person and feel they deserve it.

Aren't we arrogant..
That's what your first 2 decades of life are for!


I thought your first two decades of life was to build a stable foundation for your goal of world domination, Numbers.
there are two police officers at my school....

There were several weapon threats since I've been going here 4 years, but nothing too serious.

The worst thing that happened was a girl threatened to shoot one of her friends, and the police got tipped off. We had snipers on the roof, police at every door and a security tower in the parking lot. At least a quarter of the school was absent for fear of getting shot.

nothing happened though.
Let me guess, you thought that was cool right?

Good god! These youth think they have to feel its cool -- like they're getting into the middle of something big ... what if that girl did get shot?
Let me guess, you thought that was cool right?

Good god! These youth think they have to feel its cool -- like they're getting into the middle of something big ... what if that girl did get shot?

no. I thought it was pretty dumb. I was much more upset about the heavy traffic as over-reactive students fled in their cars.

The girl didn't even have access to a gun, and made the threat in a joking manner.

If the other girl did get shot, though, it would be awful :o