so we had a class assignment to make propaganda posters


The Freeman
Dec 2, 2003
Reaction score
for Joseph Stalin the murderer of upwards of 25,000,000 of his own people

I found this a little disturbing (the murders and the assignment) so to prove my point I did a nazi one to they are both pretty nice when I get a scanner il show you guys

I had a point in doing this, I raised my hand in class and said but you could NEVER assign Hitler posters.. he shrugged it off.. hes a young kid maybe it will teach him a lesson (hopefully he wont callin a special weapons and tactics team)
bAbYhEaDcRaB said:
for Joseph Stalin the murderer of upwards of 25,000,000 of his own people

I found this a little disturbing (the murders and the assignment) so to prove my point I did a nazi one to they are both pretty nice when I get a scanner il show you guys

I had a point in doing this, I raised my hand in class and said but you could NEVER assign Hitler posters.. he shrugged it off.. hes a young kid maybe it will teach him a lesson (hopefully he wont callin a special weapons and tactics team)

To make a point about producing propoganda posters for a murdering bastard, you produce a poster for a different murdering bastard?
Well then its not really a big deal. Just tell him its against your better judgment, or if you're serious about it, tell the principal of your school.

Or make a real disturbing picture of propagant against him. Show him as the tyrant he really is. If your teacher doesn't accept it, tell him to cram it up his ass becasue you will never be forced in to promoting someone like that.
ductonius said:
To make a point about producing propoganda posters for a murdering bastard, you produce a poster for a different murdering bastard?

i hate bad school assignments. make propaganda posters. what the heck. i hate when they try to make you do some creative crap like it's fun. like, oh, we can't just teach you what propaganda is and so forth, you have to make a poster of it. or, write a story as if you were this person during this time period; or even worse, write a journal entry or a diary entry or whatever they call it. just teach; i don't want to spend my time trying to write some idiotic fake junk. ok, done ranting

but, about your topic, i think your teacher's just trying to teach y'all what propaganda is and how people used it. maybe not in the best way possible, but he didn't mean to be promoting stalin or anything like that.

[edit] oh wow, i just realized, i think some other class that used to share my world history classroom (yeah, apparently we don't have enough rooms for all the teachers....) did a similar assignment, except it was for a bunch of different countries during WWII or something like that. i looked at the wall, thought "what the heck," and concluded that the assignment was pointless. none of them looked particularly good, or meaningful... just plain pointless.
ductonius said:
To make a point about producing propoganda posters for a murdering bastard, you produce a poster for a different murdering bastard?

I agree with this man.
This thread reminds why I am glad that I am through with high school. I hate stupid/pointless assignments.
well im trying to prove that an assignment to make Stalin posters is just as bad or worse as haveing us do an assignment to make Hitler posters...
Hes in highschool.......maybe thats what he is trying to prove.........really who knows. I had to do a propaganda poster @ school this past year, I thought it was to freaking stupid, so I just denyed doing it......I think teachers need to quit being creative and start checking assignments.
dfc05 said:
i hate bad school assignments. make propaganda posters. what the heck. i hate when they try to make you do some creative crap like it's fun. like, oh, we can't just teach you what propaganda is and so forth, you have to make a poster of it. or, write a story as if you were this person during this time period; or even worse, write a journal entry or a diary entry or whatever they call it. just teach; i don't want to spend my time trying to write some idiotic fake junk. ok, done ranting

but, about your topic, i think your teacher's just trying to teach y'all what propaganda is and how people used it. maybe not in the best way possible, but he didn't mean to be promoting stalin or anything like that.

Busy work it tottal BS. The only reason for those creative projects is to give those students with ADHD a fair chance otherwise they can't pay attention. Someone like you should be in a accelerated class room. Seems like they are keeping you from your real potentional.
really I just hate school, so hopefully this will stir up trouble :O

edit: did I mention I was diagnosed extremely a.d.d.
brokenjago said:
Different people learn things in different ways.

Point. Counter Point.

Back when I was in the 9th grade, my english teacher gave us an "extra credit" assignment where we had to color in a picture. Tell me how you learn that way? :bounce:

[Edit]: See what that class did? I, suck - at; punctation? lol
bAbYhEaDcRaB said:
well im trying to prove that an assignment to make Stalin posters is just as bad or worse as haveing us do an assignment to make Hitler posters...

Despite the fact that the work involved is probably more suited to a 2D art class than history (which I presume the assignment is in) what exactally is so bad about having to make a Soviet propoganda poster? Do you not see the learning involved in the assingment?
i'm a misguided spirit im not sure quite what I was doing but my mind was on dictators so I made one of the most known one in the u.s. of a

it's actualy not a bad assignment at all it's more fun the the average assignment....
in reply to coolio2man:
yeah, i am in ap classes; it wasn't our assignment, lol. it's just that we don't have enough classrooms in our school for all the teachers, so when there's an empty period without ap classes, the regular class takes that the classroom. either that, or the teacher teaches both ap and regular so the same classroom gets used. i was just looking at the assignments for the regular classes. although some of our assignments weren't much better. there was always the "read this article" or "read this primary source" and then we got to do a fun, exciting, meaningful, and thought provoking journal on what we thought about the article. did i mention how meaningful it was?

and i could definitely tell that the kids who had to make the posters learned nothing more from making them than they would have learned from a 5 minute lecture. it's just busy work. like my speech teacher said, we're slaves to our teachers. they can make up whatever crap assignment they want, and of course, with our grades dependent on doing what they want, we'll do pointless junk.
blahblahblah said:
Back when I was in the 9th grade, my english teacher gave us an "extra credit" assignment where we had to color in a picture. Tell me how you learn that way? :bounce:

Lol almost the same for me too. I just find it stupid now that I realize what work teachers give you, and how much you only really need to know...Now that I am homeschooled ;)
I think I'll make a Pro-Commie propaganda poster

"Communism has only killed 100 million, give it a chance."
GhostValkyrie said:
I think I'll make a Pro-Commie propaganda poster

"Communism has only killed 100 million, give it a chance."

:thumbs: I LIKE IT!
blahblahblah said:
Point. Counter Point.

Back when I was in the 9th grade, my english teacher gave us an "extra credit" assignment where we had to color in a picture. Tell me how you learn that way? :bounce:

[Edit]: See what that class did? I, suck - at; punctation? lol

ooh. We had an extra credit assignment like that this year. except we colored in about 30 pictures (the things we'll do for extra credit). except i'm in 11th grade. yeah, give juniors extra credit for coloring :rolleyes: . and this class is supposedly getting me ready to take the ap english test. yeah right.
bAbYhEaDcRaB said:
it's actualy not a bad assignment at all it's more fun the the average assignment....

Well, then a fun assignment it is, and because of it, some of the pot-heads very well may learn something this semester.

Also, in 20 years you may take a look at a TV show, movie, or game and say to yourself "hey, that looks reminicent of Stalinist-Soviet propoganda" and all of a sudden the assingment wont seem so stupid.
dfc05 said:
ooh. We had an extra credit assignment like that this year. except we colored in about 30 pictures (the things we'll do for extra credit). except i'm in 11th grade. yeah, give juniors extra credit for coloring :rolleyes: . and this class is supposedly getting me ready to take the ap english test. yeah right.

AP classes are such BS classes. College classes are harder than any AP class could ever be.

Speaking of busy work, I hate the flippin internet and Windows XP. I am writing a research paper for my management class and I saved several articles from professional journals on to my computer. Turns out Windows didn't save the article, it just saved a blank html window. Now I have to go back and search through all these databases again to find the articles again so I can write my paper.
or maybe... il be a communist dictator... a.k.a comrade bhc and il own ALL OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(or badger will beat me to it ) ;(
bAbYhEaDcRaB said:
or maybe... il be a communist dictator... a.k.a comrade bhc and il own ALL OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ill help you start:

English: Hello.
Russian: Strezvoutsia.

Useage: Strezvoutsia, comrad. Another glorious day in the Soviet Union!
ductonius said:
Ill help you start:

English: Hello.
Russian: Strezvoutsia.

Useage: Strezvoutsia, comrad. Another glorious day in the Soviet Union!

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
blahblahblah said:
AP classes are such BS classes. College classes are harder than any AP class could ever be.

Speaking of busy work, I hate the flippin internet and Windows XP. I am writing a research paper for my management class and I saved several articles from professional journals on to my computer. Turns out Windows didn't save the article, it just saved a blank html window. Now I have to go back and search through all these databases again to find the articles again so I can write my paper.

yeah, but ap's cost a whole lot less than college.

sucks that you lost your assignment. i remember when i was writing this essay in a lame website called criterion (yes, it does happen to be for the same ap english class as the coloring book.........) except the criterion website messed up, so when i clicked "submit" i lost half of my essay. it sucked because my essay was pointless anyways. so i had just gotten through writing pointless junk, and then i had to go back and make up new pointless junk. i hate these essays, all we do is waste time making up lame junk for lame topics, and criterion takes your essay, does a word count, spelling check, and grammar check, and gives you a score based on that. microsoft word can do that; in fact, microsoft word probably does it better. one of my friends typed up some crap thing on this website with pointless words all put together. it was meaningless. he just made it longer than a certain word count. i think he got a score of 5 (highest score is 6); the only reason they took off was for repeating the same word too many times. agh!!!! what a waste of money, to get the school to pay for us to register onto that site, when you could use that money for something useful. gosh, i hate it, and to think i waste my time on that.

[edit] ok i got the specifics on the word count. 350-450 is a 4, 450-550 is about a 5, and 600 plus is usually a 6. lame. grr. darn suckers.
bAbYhEaDcRaB said:
I dare you to make the poster the old swastica flag of Nazi Germany while at the bottom it says HEIL FUROR HITLER!, that'll show him!! MUAHHAHAHAHAH :thumbs:
coolio2man said:
I dare you to make the poster the old swastica flag of Nazi Germany while at the bottom it says HEIL FUROR HITLER!, that'll show him!! MUAHHAHAHAHAH :thumbs:

haha. well that certainly would be propaganda. they wouldn't penalize you for actually doing your assignment correctly, now would they.
dfc05 said:
yeah, but ap's cost a whole lot less than college.

sucks that you lost your assignment. i remember when i was writing this essay in a lame website called criterion (yes, it does happen to be for the same ap english class as the coloring book.........) except the criterion website messed up, so when i clicked "submit" i lost half of my essay. it sucked because my essay was pointless anyways. so i had just gotten through writing pointless junk, and then i had to go back and make up new pointless junk. i hate these essays, all we do is waste time making up lame junk for lame topics, and criterion takes your essay, does a word count, spelling check, and grammar check, and gives you a score based on that. microsoft word can do that; in fact, microsoft word probably does it better. one of my friends typed up some crap thing on this website with pointless words all put together. it was meaningless. he just made it longer than a certain word count. i think he got a score of 5 (highest score is 6); the only reason they took off was for repeating the same word too many times. agh!!!! what a waste of money, to get the school to pay for us to register onto that site, when you could use that money for something useful. gosh, i hate it, and to think i waste my time on that.

Pay for the extra money for the college classes, its worth it. You learn so much more in college than in high school (including AP classes).

For example, in college I've learned that
- 500 volts of electricity will make your arm go numb for 30 minutes
- Professors will give you preferential treatment if you get to know them
- My tax class has taught me 100 ways to rip off the federal government (US)
- Expect to flunk the first 1 or 2 tests you take in college.

Collge is way better than high school.
dfc05 said:
haha. well that certainly would be propaganda. they wouldn't penalize you for actually doing your assignment correctly, now would they.

Well in grade 6 we had to draw pictures of a Ww2 battle, mine had a swastica on it and the techer called me up and told me I had to redo it. I told her it was part of German history, and she said i couldnt have it in because it represented evil :rolling:
IonGorilla said:
Well in grade 6 we had to draw pictures of a Ww2 battle, mine had a swastica on it and the techer called me up and told me I had to redo it. I told her it was part of German history, and she said i couldnt have it in because it represented evil :rolling:

LOL why is she even teaching history then. doesn't she have to teach that stuff? isn't she teaching y'all evil? ooohhh :cheese: some teachers are just weird. my eighth grade history teacher took 5 pts off an assignment for messiness. i crossed out like 5 words. does she have nothing better to do? probably didn't read it. "oh no, cross-outs, we can't have any of those!" sorry but some people use their time to do something better than using white-out on a few mistakes..... but she was a nice teacher.
I'm in yr 10 now.. I'm in the first year or my GCSEs, and we're still learning stuff we did in Primary school... :|

Ooh, ooh, ooh! Guess what we've been doing in Biology?! COLOURING AND STICKING! :bounce:

Bah. We're doing about how different animals are adapted to their environments... *yawn*. We learnt this years ago... and it was more complicated then! All we do is colour a picture of the animal in and glue it in. I mean, I'd understand if I were in a lower set, but everyone in the class is expected to get B's and above... jeez...

And our IT teacher doesn't know how to use Word. We're just 'finished' our first piece of coursework, and because our teacher doesn't know ANYTHING no one knew what to do. So I'm only a quarter of the way through it :(
I wish we could make propaganda posters...Im second year of collage by the way (English collage, which is like the last 2 years of highschool).

SHIPPI, that sad thing is, you will get B's from doing that work GCSE's are stupid. Everything is almost done for you in the exams.
my slogan would be: "Can you be mad at a man sporting such a fine moustache? HM? CAN YOU? CAN YOU?! I thought so"

mmmmh catchy..