So, what effects you?

Angry Lawyer said:
Damnit, am I the only one AWESOME enough to have played "The 7th Guest"???

-Angry Lawyer

Yes. That was an awesome game, I remember i got it at a Computer show nearby. One of the first CD-ROM games i ever puchased.
Sorry Jintor, but the 'haunted house' level in Vampire was a breeze compared to the Cradle in Thief, the Cradle is truly a horrible and fear enducing spectacle to behold
hmm, one thing was doom3

the part after that weird generator place where you get the plasma gun, the part where you go into that room, with this "banging" door, and it causes the room to keep turning red.
then i sat there for 10 minutes staring at the door waiting for the enemy to bust out. Nothing happens

so i decided to open it, i walk up to the door BAM this weird-freak monster thing bursts out of the door and reaches for me, it suddenly went back inside, the door suddenly re-formed back to normal as i fired a full clip of chaingun onto it.
yeah, that was it

the fear demo.

the part where you go down the hall, and the girl is behind you walking on blood*shudders*

max payne dream.

Silent hill 2 3, and 4.

the game pencil whipped, played it a while back, i got really freaked out by the drawn-heads that would pop out of the ground suddenly
F.E.A.R. is an excellent game to give you a scare.

Metal Gear Solid series does well by actually getting my emotions out, -tears-

Half Life 2, game that brings interation greatness.
The max payne dream..... uhhhh, The one with the baby crying.. not scary just reallllyyyy frikin annoying.

It's a demo, but the best demo EVER ------ F.E.A.R.!!!!
Dog-- said:
The max payne dream..... uhhhh, The one with the baby crying.. not scary just reallllyyyy frikin annoying.

It's a demo, but the best demo EVER ------ F.E.A.R.!!!!

yeah, that part with the blood in the black room was really annoying, make a slight incorrect move, you die. but the part near the beginning was more scary
where your in your house at the beginning, but your house is all warped and stuff, so you run through the neverending hallways that stretch like crazy, and you keep hearing screaming and stuff, and weird music is playing, and the part where you go in the bathroom, the wooden boards cover the door to the bedroom, then you hear baby music from the babys room.
that part was alot more scary
The Max Payne games. Lots of emotion and drama. And great one-liners.

MGS3's ending. Holy crap man :(.
I really grew attracted to Bastila in KOTOR. Not attracted in that "omg wanna fux" way (although she was easy on the eyes), but in that I really grew to like and care for her character and it actually affected me emotionally when...
...she turned to the dark side.
She was by no means perfect. She was snobbish, self-righteous, and overzealous a lot of the time. But that inspired sympathy from me. And watching her reactions when you flirted with her was amusing, to say the least. :)

HL2 also affected me, but I can't say in what way. Throughout the game I felt that it was tugging something inside of me, but I could never put my finger on it. Chalk that up to the Half-Life mystique, I guess.

And as for scaring the living piss out of me, I'd have to say the end of the HL: Uplink demo. When that big blue bastard came out and thrashed everything, I literally yelled. Me and my friend both, actually. We just sat there as the screen faded to black, absolutely silent. Then we both turned to each other with that look of "OMG WTF" etched into our faces.

ADDED: Oh, how could I forget my introduction to PC gaming? I must have been 7 or 8 when I woke up one night to sounds in the computer room. I go in and see my dad fighting his way through a swath of demons in Doom. I kept watching him play until he opens one door and is greeted by the scream from a Baron of Hell. I was ****ing terrified, I swear to god. I screamed and then ran back into the other room. Cyberdemons also evoked a similar response.

I'm hard now. I swear.
I thought it was pretty ****ing cool in KOTOR II when
Kreia kills the Jedi Elders and you find out you're a "wound" in the force that attracts force-sensitivie beings and leeches their powers
That was cool

Oh and the Revan cutscene in the original KOTOR. Didn't have a clue that was coming.
Ah, the Revan scene. The big revelation. :E

I honestly didn't see that coming, and it was awesome. Everything finally clicked and I was I just like "Ah, now I understand".

Playing through it a second time is cool since you have the knowledge beforehand. You catch all the hints.
Am I the only one who thought it was obvious?

In KOTOR II before you board the Ravager, if you pursued a realtionship with Visas, she says something really sweet :( and loving. I wasn't going to let her die dammit!
Finally, people are posting their experiences... maybe the title was wrong, hmm.

Yeah, I've heard that before. I don't know, Doom3 didn't phase me, but Vampire really freaks me out.
MGS3's ending. Holy crap man .

Yeah, about that. It was pretty sad and all but right at the very end, where Eva is saying
SHE DIED FOR HER COUNTRY! SNIFF! I couldn't help thinking:

"Wtf? Yeah, she did, but I'm not that affected since I'm not American and you're a ****ing Chinese spy!"
The FEAR demo freaked me out a lot more than Doom 3 did. The little gilr scares the crap ouuta me :farmer:

*looks up at poster above* :|
The part in FEAR where the girl was walking on the blood and upside down didnt scare me half as much as when I started down that ladder, then immediately she showed up at the top of it if you looked up. I got off that ladder in a heart beat and tried to run away, but then that guy popped up right in front of you as soon as you turn away from the ladder. I shot a blast of shotgun right into him, without even knowing that I did. Thats how scary it was for me.
Krynn72 said:
The part in FEAR where the girl was walking on the blood and upside down didnt scare me half as much as when I started down that ladder, then immediately she showed up at the top of it if you looked up. I got off that ladder in a heart beat and tried to run away, but then that guy popped up right in front of you as soon as you turn away from the ladder. I shot a blast of shotgun right into him, without even knowing that I did. Thats how scary it was for me.
F.E.A.R. Sounds scary as hell, and I'd only ever play it if there were cheats :P
The part in FEAR where the girl was walking on the blood and upside down didnt scare me half as much as when I started down that ladder, then immediately she showed up at the top of it if you looked up. I got off that ladder in a heart beat and tried to run away, but then that guy popped up right in front of you as soon as you turn away from the ladder. I shot a blast of shotgun right into him, without even knowing that I did. Thats how scary it was for me.
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I recently downloaded it, played through it several times in about 30 minutes, that was the exact same bit that scared the crap out of me, made me pause and look around my dark room and garden for a second before going back to it.