So what happened to Breen? (spoilers)

Fussion reactors are much safer than fission reactors.

I doubt City 17 will be eridicated. Come on... realistically and fictionally, that's lame.

I could realistically see the tip of the Citadel getting blown off, or seeing the Citadel collapse by falling in on itself.
MiccyNarc said:
But..Absinthe. How could they survive?

No idea. But this is a video game, and it's going to have some stretching in terms of its science and its narration. From a story-writing perspective, killing all those characters off (or more importantly, killing Alyx off) in such an impersonal manner at an endgame is not wise.
Absinthe said:
From a story-writing perspective, killing all those characters off (or more importantly, killing Alyx off) in such an impersonal manner at an endgame is not wise.

Those are my thoughts. Realistically, they'd all be dead, but what is the purpose of books, movies, videogames?

To escape the consequences of reality. You can beat someone to death with a crowbar.... no consequences.
does it even matter if he died or not? gman controls gordon's existence. its as if nothing happened and everything happened. he controls time for crying out loud. think of it as a bad dream..a very bad dream
I think Breen was teleported but slow teleported to some random place (very well could be the combine planet) so it is going to take a while for him to show up again. That way The gman will have another job for Gordon and let him sleep for a while. As for alyx and friends i dont think that they will be killed. Maybe thought to be dead but really. if this is the case then most likely teleported with breen. but i dont know. but my best guess is that HL3 will not be a combine kill fest. Most likey they are going to get in to the story of the gman and get into more detail on what the combine are. But it may not even be this and i wont care because in the Imortal words of some of the users here "In VALVe we trust." and thats what i am going to do trust valve to make the best god d*mn game i have every played.
L337_Assasain said:
And where does it say that the reactor powering the citadel is at the top, it just wouldn't make sense, at least to me...

Uhm maybe the part where Alyx points at the top of the Citadel and says, "Look Gordon the fusion reactor!"
Okay, am I missing something here? "Singularity Bubble" be damned, you blew up the teleporter... Breen tells you that you'll create a huge explosion... The big fireball that you see in slo-mo look almost identical to slo-mo fusion bomb explosion footage...

What does that equal? Alyx, being all of 50 metres at the most from the flashpoint will be dead within milliseconds. (Which is a bit of a waste, but I found her kind of annoying anyway) Eli, Mossman, Barney, the rest of City 17 will be screwed. Breen is dead. Supposing you can survive a rapid fall from that height, there's a fusion explosion waiting to finish him off.

By all the evidence, everything there is doomed but the G-Man's goals are fulfilled. He doesn't care about Alyx or Eli, he wants Gordon to live. If Gordon somehow got the G-Man's powers of time stopping and all that, well, he might go back for Alyx, but I wouldn't count on it. Still, I think some time travel might be interesting... Arrive in Black Mesa and witness yourself doing some things, or view your actions from another perspective in City 17...

Sorry for the noobish post, but I just beat HL2 and I've got a lot of 'wtf?' running through my head.
Well, maybe the Combine practice the 'scorched earth' policy of wiping out everything on a planet before moving on. If that's the case, who's to say Gordon won't be leading the remainder of Earth's population in a war against the 'real' Combine who come to finish the job? I would LOVE to see a Call of Duty style battlefield with Source... and HL3. ;)
ranmafan said:
Well, maybe the Combine practice the 'scorched earth' policy of wiping out everything on a planet before moving on. If that's the case, who's to say Gordon won't be leading the remainder of Earth's population in a war against the 'real' Combine who come to finish the job? I would LOVE to see a Call of Duty style battlefield with Source... and HL3. ;)

The combine are going to use up all natural recources on the planet before leaving Earth, it will be scorched, that is one of the main purposes of the Citadels.
unfourtunatly im under the immpression that hl3 will be based around time travel or time portals.
Theres alot of clues in the g-mans final speech about time.

it kinda makes you feel like hes already expirienced whats happend and has been time portaling to key moments and changing small events to shape the outcome of his future.
would explain how hes always lurking watching and intervening with npc's right before major plot or action sequences take place.
The resistance finds his pod, vortigaunts make sandwiches from the remains :thumbs:

I reckon that HL3 will be based around the Dark Energy that was talked about ingame. Do we know the extent of the explosion at the end?

And besides Breen said something about the benefactors coming from another Universe, so perhaps, the combine launch their second Wave from Xen to catch every body by surprise, causing all Xenian species to take refuge on Earth and lauching a massive counter attack
For some reason I think the "slow teleport" is going to have something to do with HL3. Just seemed like it was something that would have importance in the future when you an Alyx arrived back in Kleiner's lab....
Breen says when you start attacking the portal that "Think about what your doing, you could bring this whole citidel down" I very much doubt that unless Breen and Alyx had some intervention (Breen's energy ball perhaps and Gman rescues Alyx?) that they would have most undoubtedly dies, especially Alyx, look how close she was to that explosion.

Ovcourse we dont KNOW, but I think the idea is that at the end of HL2 you are lead to assume that there all dead. Hey look on the bright side, now at least Gordon gets to inherit Dog.
Valve havealready confirmed alyx will be in half life 3, so she didnt die
dudes the breen is probably gonna be alive. he was in the freaking portal when he was about to leave and it was gonna decend him to another planet. maybe the portal teleported some of his body parts with the head and he survived somehow. it would be cool that he comes back but not as the main enemy. he kinda pissed me off that he did that to his people. and eli and alyx mossman and all them had to have survived cuz they were a big part of the game. i dunno. my speculations.
Archangel said:
well, the current score (combine vs Freeman) is
couple thousand Soldiers, 6 Striders, 5 Gunships, 1 Helicopter and a few jeeps-thingies to 0. That was just one man...

If i'm not mistaken, a singularity is a point of infinite gravity right?

Then it's like there was a black hole inside the citadel, i'd say most of city 17 imploded, anyways, didn't breen say that after the teleportation, everything would blow up?
Naw, I think he just said that anyone in the immediate area of the reactor would be screwed.
insig said:
Naw, I think he just said that anyone in the immediate area of the reactor would be screwed.
well a singularity is still a black hole.
In astronomy, a term often used to refer to the center of a black hole, where the curvature of spacetime is maximal. At the singularity, the gravitational tides diverge; no solid object can even theoretically survive hitting the singularity.

Whatever that means. Looks like you're right, if the thing really did spawn a black hole, nothing in the immediate vicinity of the PLANET would survive. I think that the explosion is evidence that this didn't happen, at least not while you're there as Freeman.
How can you be sure that the explosion you saw, was an explosion of the dark fusion reactor? the explosion which happened at the end was at the very top ofthe teleport platform. With the limited space given on that platform I doubt that there was the actual fusion reactor. Therefore the explosion can't be the fusion reactor, instead probably only the explosion of some kind of device which kept the .. let's call it singularity.. in their ways. After that device exploded the time for everyone at the top stopped since you are cought in the singularity. And that's the only current logical explanation to me why there would be a chance that alyx survives and shows up in a possible hl3. You maybe have to free her from the temporal vortex.. who knows :)
[Sorcerer] said:
How can you be sure that the explosion you saw, was an explosion of the dark fusion reactor? the explosion which happened at the end was at the very top ofthe teleport platform. With the limited space given on that platform I doubt that there was the actual fusion reactor. Therefore the explosion can't be the fusion reactor, instead probably only the explosion of some kind of device which kept the .. let's call it singularity.. in their ways. After that device exploded the time for everyone at the top stopped since you are cought in the singularity. And that's the only current logical explanation to me why there would be a chance that alyx survives and shows up in a possible hl3. You maybe have to free her from the temporal vortex.. who knows :)
this is possible, but a singularity would "Curve" time if i that makes any sense (relativity) so time wouldn't stop (or slow down) for people atop the citadel, it would accelerate (because of the infinite mass of the singularity). So i guess Gman stopped time, that's why gordon is still consious.
[Sorcerer] said:
After that device exploded the time for everyone at the top stopped since you are cought in the singularity

interesting point there

we don't know what happens in the singualrity (or black hole for that matter), there are theories that black holes are passageways or tunnels to other universes or distant places in our own.

so time could stop for them, and then enters the G-man...
'cause it not necessarily was him that stopped time, maybe he only used the singularity's explosion and time slowdown (notice that you can actually MOVE a bit and that the fireball slowly changes) to pick Gordon out of the mess and do whatever he intended to do with him.
maybe he is some kind of an interdimensional being, that is able to move stuff from one universe to another, but without stopping time (like anyone of us is able to move a fish from one fishtank to another) - 'the right man in the wrong place';)

maybe after the explosion (of something like that) our world merged with the combine world, which would lead to some interesting ideas for further storyline;)

just another theory...
Hmm... well according to some black hole theories, any observer watching an object "falling into" a black hole would never actually see it happen. Time would essentially stop for the object falling in, and they'd hover at the event horizon, or the point of no return, indefinately. On the other hand, these same theories say that the object would turn into red spaghetti, so I don't know how much stock to put in them :laugh:
why would g-man save alyx? it shows him walk through the portal ALONE.
what does he just decide to come back out a few seconds later and grab her?

doesnt make sense... i think if anything its gordon traveling back in time from hl3 to resque her from that part in hl2, then story continues from there.
breen was a horrible villain. no charisma whatsover. valve should have completely re-made him.
Absinthe said:
Are you saying that Alyx, Eli, and Mossman are also dead?

I somehow find that unlikely. I doubt they'd spend years creating these characters only to kill them all off in one big explosion. Especially Alyx, of all of them. Starting off Half-Life 3 only to find out to find that everybody you know is dead doesn't strike me as a good way of pleasing your fans.

You know, you could insert the movie Aliens 3 into this quote as i've done here-->

'I somehow find that unlikely. I doubt they'd spend years creating these characters only to kill them all off... Especially Newt, of all of them. Starting off Aliens 3 only to find out to find that everybody you know is dead doesn't strike me as a good way of pleasing your fans.'

The moral of the story is: Never say never. I'd also hate for them all to have simply died in the explosion, or (as what happened in metal gear solid 2 with meryl, a cool character) to simply never mention them again. But it IS possible these things will happen.
lowercase said:
breen was a horrible villain. no charisma whatsover. valve should have completely re-made him.

Breen had the best lines in the whole game.
"I loved when he said "you will be destroyed in every possible way you can BE destroyed... and in some ways, essentially impossible"

He also had the PERFECT tone when he said "first you deliver Eli Vance? then YOURSELF? if I had known you were going to come to my office, I wouldn't have wasted time hunting you.
Breen is chum...

I think Breen does buy it folks. The pitch of his voice drops as if he is being warped...well, parts of him. For a few econds through the portal, you can see the Combine homeworld. Anyone noclip real quick and see what happens? :naughty:
Anyone noclip real quick and see what happens?

I did that and he just drifts down in his bubble, through the reactor until it reaches that energy ball at the bottom that seems to be powerign the ball.
BlackWolf said:
Eventually Freeman will resist G-Man's orders and what better way for G-Man to control Freeman than using Alex as hostage bait.

"Do this or the girl gets it!" - That kinda of attitude.

I think this is one of the more overlooked points here. I read it, and it makes sense. I have a feeling that in HL3, the G-Man may use Alyx as a bargaining point to keep you following his orders. HL2 had to have ended on a total cliffhanger for a reason. We were warned about this cliffhanger months before the game's release.

The idea of eventually rebelling against the G-Man's influences is intriguing.
I just played through dark energy again, and something tells me he might just die...i think because when you destroy the portal breen begins to rapidly decscend and says "NO!" normally and then theres a white flash, as if somethign is teleporting (i.e when the gunships arrive from the combien universe) and then he says "You need me..."

The way he says the last line, it as if he is somewhere else, its very hollow. Now he is just below the portal, and with that just blown up (or whatever actually happened to it) anything could happen to breen because he is below my guess is because the portal became unshielded when you destroyed those plates surrounding it, breen was exposed to the portal field.

Like kliener explains "You cant just wade into the will peel you apart!"

So i think perhaps breen was peeled apart and was exposed to somesort of wacky teleport thing that sent him all over the place...hence the way he delivers his last line..

Just a thought
It's implied that there are other races out there -- supposedly the ones that would hire Gordon, maybe to fight the Combine in other dimensions.
Yes, i hope we go to the combine dimension...i wonder what these "interesting offers"...
There was more then one citadel, so probably more then one reactor.

Remember, even though Breen is dead, there are still plenty of human/combine people on earth. This is only City-freakin-17.
indy said:
why would g-man save alyx? it shows him walk through the portal ALONE.
what does he just decide to come back out a few seconds later and grab her?

doesnt make sense... i think if anything its gordon traveling back in time from hl3 to resque her from that part in hl2, then story continues from there.

G-Man can stop time, make it go slow, or do just about anything. Besides the major graphics updates in his face, it does not look like he has aged a bit. So he could just go back to time from a future place after he saved Gordon and save Alyx. Kinda confusing ^^
I think that Gman saved Alyx and Barney. In half-life and opposing force Gman at the end always saved the main character .... Gordon , Shepard etc .... so I think he saved her / or at least let her choose if she want work for him. I do not know how was it with barney in Blue shift because I didnot play it but I guess gman was in it no ? And Breen
I am not interested in , so survive or not... I do not care .
Eli and Mossman probably don't need anyody's help - when you and Alyx run after breen their first priority would be to speedily GTFOD. The two are probably resourceful enough to get past the troopers beating down the door.

HL3 will focus on what makes the first two superior, or else it will suck. That means that the G-guy can't simply pimp our Gordon to the highest bidder, which he promises at the end. The core will be the same - Gordon running about a community that he cares about (Earth, or what's left of it) and interacting with people who he cares about, with a brief jaunt to some exotic locale. With luck HL3 third act > Citadel > Xen.

My prediction: like before, most stuff will happen without Gordon - the resistance will win on Earth and we'll repopulate. We'll see folks herding ant lions, pet bullsquids trained to hunt headcrabs, etc. Earth/Xen pastoral. Interplanetary resistance forces headquartered on Earth.

So knowing nothing at all except for probably too-many hours playing HL1 and HL2, here's how I expect it to play out:

Act 1: Random Gman pimp mission. Bug hunt or some such.
Act 2: Homecoming. Big wow-factor as we see what's happened to your planet. Something goes wrong, combine show up pissed.
Act 3: Combine home-world. HEV given the blue-gravity gun treatment so that you can survive over there. Mind numbing, show-stopping set pieces that force game reviewers to invent new words.
i think it'd be interesting as hell to have the singularity explosion whatever crap that happens right at the end all teleport to the combine homeworld and wreak all kinds of havok over in their dimension, sending them into disarray. since i think the gman is working against the combine, gordon will have achieved an end. and maybe hl3 has something to do with a ... i dunno. something with the vortigaunts and gordon against some combine or something. bleh.
I wonder what it did to them, but i dont think it would effect them...they just had a big blow after losing all connection with earth...

But who knows, i wonder what will happen to earth with the singularity collapse