So what was the surprise supposed to be? *Spoilers*


Sep 17, 2006
Reaction score
When you finally reach GLaDOS she starts to deploy a surprise, until she gets interrupted by the sphere falling out.

What was the surprise supposed to be?

Its not the sphere falling out, she specifically says this is not the surprise.

I assume it has something to do with killing you.

It can't be the neurotoxins as she couldn't activate them until the sphere was destroyed.

The only other thing is the rocket launcher, which isn't very effective at killing you anyway.

Any ideas or was GLaDOS lying again?
Must be the cake. :LOL:

The monitors showing seemingly random, but actually relevant images along with Glados' speech, were nice touches though.

Those I noticed:

"Violent bevior" - picture of a violin (lol)
"the only thing you managed to break is my heart" - anatomy image of the heart
"Surprise for you" - smiling biscuit?
"Stupidest thing" - Black Mesa logo
"Woah woah Woah woah..." - Picture of a cow (?)
"Neurotoxin" - Skull of a cow
Considering the cake recipe included poisonous rhubarb, it may have very well been the surprise!
So if GLaDOS presented you with a cake, would you eat it or would you assume that it was poisoned?
When you finally reach GLaDOS she starts to deploy a surprise, until she gets interrupted by the sphere falling out.

What was the surprise supposed to be?

Its not the sphere falling out, she specifically says this is not the surprise.

I assume it has something to do with killing you.

It can't be the neurotoxins as she couldn't activate them until the sphere was destroyed.

The only other thing is the rocket launcher, which isn't very effective at killing you anyway.

Any ideas or was GLaDOS lying again?

It was her intention for you to destroy her morality chip, so I believe her declaration of deploying a "surprise" was the first step in her bluff and reverse-psychology scheme (the one to trick you into incinerating the chip).
I guess the morality part was where she left you the option of not destroying the chip. :/
I don't know what it was, I just know I laughed through that entire sequence. Who ever did the dialogue for her did a superb job. The song especially, was priceless.