So what's an incindiary gun and an ice axe?


Oct 10, 2003
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Ok now everyones been talking about these guns from the leak/sdk. What do they do? Does anyone have any pics?
They are not in the game. I think the "incindiary gun" that you are refering to is really the "pulse rifle". I have seen a picture of it prior to HL2 release and "flare gun" or "incendiary gun" were the names given to them even though facts were not know. The pulse rifle is just a more powerful sub-machine gun except it is an energy weapon and not a projectile weapon. The incindiary gun and ice axe were either just speculation on the part of the fans and speculators, I believe.
Ice axe was going to be a melee weapon but was cut.
Incindiary gun is another name for the Overwatch Pulserifle. Hench it's secondary function.

The flaregun is used by the Combine soldiers in dark areas. I think only twice in the game.
you could also use the cremator's head as a weapon. did nothing in the sb though.
Ice axe was supposed to be this axe created out of ice.
Jesus Lincoln said:
Ice axe was very very fast but a bit weaker than CB

Why would anyone want to use anything other than the crowbar? :laugh:
I really liked the ice axe. I'm kinda a climber and and it reminded of climbing 14er's. It just looked badass too.
Originally the game started on a tanker or somethiing. perhaps it was in the artic and. . . nm.

thinking of national treasure. <shudder>
both the ice axe and the incendiary rifle i used to pwn all your mothers last night. which would explain why you wont get breakfast in the morning.