So what's been happening?

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In the HL2 Scene since oooh around Christmas?

I forgot about this place lol and I havn't heard and new regarding HL2.

Any news of new media I should check out?

Hey, welcome back.

Well.. I don't think.. hrm.. I don't think anything is new really..
Have we got a release date yet? or even a rough date they're shooting for?
They are "shooting for a summer release". Other than that, we don't know...
yea the summer release is pretty much the only new real thing unless you count those 3 new screen shots(Oh my!) that were shown ages ago
Oh well, plenty of time to enjoy UT2004 and possibly D3 while waiting for HL2
Sai said:
yea the summer release is pretty much the only new real thing unless you count those 3 new screen shots(Oh my!) that were shown ages ago

Which shots were those?
What about the leak? Anyone get caught? Was it a Hoax?
It was real, and they haven't said that they've cought someone.
Yeah basicly valve is "targetting a summer completion" of hl2, but optimists assume it will be shipped and on shelves the same time they complete it. It will probably be a Summer/fall release though, so there's still time :(
Well we have planty to play till then and we know it'll be worth the wait.
Some houses have been raided in regards to the leak. Some guy put a scan of the search warrant for his house on the 'net. Not much info about whats going on there, but on the warrant they were looking for anything HL@ related and seized all his computer equipment.

And there is a thread a little further down about a new screenshot in EGM magazine. That thread came up last week. I wish I could stay away for 2 months at a time. :(
its takin foreva thats all i know :/ oh and a starship troopers mod would be nice *hint hint at modders* :)
Headwires said:
its takin foreva thats all i know :/ oh and a starship troopers mod would be nice *hint hint at modders* :)

/Me plays with your head wires like a kitten plays with string.
Saying that without linking makes black baby jesus cry.
VU Games has gone bankrupt and publishing has been taken over by EA, all characters of the game now speak Simlish.
there's a good chance jesus was black.

let's not hijack this thread.

1. the new screenshot is tiny... who knows what it really looks like.
2. aparently the SDK will be out "soon" or "in the next couple months"
3. there's a new steam update coming soon that will include a "Half-Life 2 hardware survey" that will scan your comp and compile results... very much like this one when valve was about to put out the patch for HL

Further nothing realy happened, except loads of pointless discussions here...

oh, and you might check the info from valve only thread.
have you ever seen a black person in the middle east?

Xenome said:
have you ever seen a black person in the middle east?


Yes. Thousands.

Not all 'Blacks' are of African Origin.
I am not a believer, but there is a good change that Jezus was black, or a little darker than blank people, i guess... :bounce:
He was asian. Not black.

At least thats what I have read on it :)

Heheh, racists will be pissed!
Jewish ppl are often almost white..but he was certainly not black, because they didn't live in that area.

Furthermore, we're all exactly the same, so it doesn't matter what color he was, he's still the same person, wether he was black, asian, white, arabic, etc. It's about the message he brought us :p
Yes they are.

People from the middle east have what is called an Olive Tone.

Also, we're talking about Israel. People from that area are just a little bit darker than the average white person. I still think they made everyone in the new Jesus movie much too white, but what can you do? :-\
youre talking about things that were about 2000 years ago, colour changes
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