So what's been happening?

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bAbYhEaDcRaB said:
guys calm down we all know jesus was combine
Noooo everything my life is based on has been ruined how could you bAbYhEaDcRaB?

/Me goes to contemplate life and thinks about suicide.
Even though I don't give a rats ass about a man who was killed hundreds of years ago I do know one thing. There is no f-ing way he was white as pure driven snow. He was in the friggen desert and he was born into a poor family. If anything he was darker than the crevis of my ass (which is dark). I also don't care about this stupid movie THE PASSION. If I wanted to see the authorities beat a man 3/4 to death I would go downtown and watch the cops profile some more people. I don't care what colour of skin you got (it's just a friggen tan) nor should anyone care about other peoples beliefs. All I do care about right now is HL2...were is our messiah now HEH were is GABE at.
religeon if for uneducated suckas
religeon stops a thinking mind
religeon causes violence
religeon is the reason for alot of racism and many acts of genocide
yadalogo said:
religeon if for uneducated suckas
religeon stops a thinking mind
religeon causes violence
religeon is the reason for alot of racism and many acts of genocide

Uneducated suckas like you? :dozey:

Just kidding, you spelled religion wrong. :rolleyes:
yadalogo said:
religeon if for uneducated suckas
religeon stops a thinking mind
religeon causes violence
religeon is the reason for alot of racism and many acts of genocide
Funny, it's also the cause for some people to do a lot of good... :upstare:
wonkers said:
Even though I don't give a rats ass about a man who was killed hundreds of years ago I do know one thing. There is no f-ing way he was white as pure driven snow. He was in the friggen desert and he was born into a poor family. If anything he was darker than the crevis of my ass (which is dark). I also don't care about this stupid movie THE PASSION. If I wanted to see the authorities beat a man 3/4 to death I would go downtown and watch the cops profile some more people. I don't care what colour of skin you got (it's just a friggen tan) nor should anyone care about other peoples beliefs. All I do care about right now is HL2...were is our messiah now HEH were is GABE at.

1.) Jesus was crucified thousands of years ago.... hundreds would be when the United States was formed.

2.) He definitaly was not white (like you said), Isrealites are light brown... sorta.

3.) Isreal is not a desert. The entire middle east is not a big desert. There are some PARTS of the middle east that are desert. Certainly it is more arid than say Washington state, but it is not all a big desert.

4.) How else do you catch criminals/terrorists than profileing the PEOPLE MOST LIKELY TO DO IT? Everyone gets all excited when the word profile comes up. Well who is the most likely to be a terrorist: A young arab guy or a 98 year old white guy and his rich wife?
yadalogo said:
religeon if for uneducated suckas
religeon stops a thinking mind
religeon causes violence
religeon is the reason for alot of racism and many acts of genocide

There are religious people far more educated that you will ever be.

There are many religious "thinkers" who have doubtlessly thought about things you will never even relize can be thought about. Not a difficult task though seeing as how all you probably think about is how many more times you have to flip the burger patty before you can add the cheese.

Alot of things cause violence. Religion is doubtlessly one of them, however, the lack of religion has caused just as much if not more violence. I doubt your puny little mind can grasp the concept though. Do you know what the holocaust is? Though I'm sure thats not a good example because in your twisted little brain you would probably come up with something like "well religion caused that too because if the jews hadn't been religious then the nazis wouldn't have tried to kill them all".

Do you perhaps characterize evolution as not being religious? (though actually evolution is a religion considering how fanaticaly devoted some people are to it even when so much of it has been disproved but we won't get into that discussion). Well think on this, if everyone believed in evolution how much more violence and hate would there be in the world where everyone believe that they evolved from slime a long time ago and are nothing more than animals that are smart? At that point you have removed all concept of right and wrong since if there is no God then who decides right and wrong? Answer: you do. What great fun, now I can go out and kill you (its not murder anymore cause its not wrong because there is no longer a God to say it is wrong) and take all your stuff and its great fun.

Please also note that many wrongs done in the name of religion have simply been men in their own greed/hate/whatever intentionaly missinterpreting a religion so they can justify (not really justify since they intentionaly missinterpreted it to begin with) whatever evils they do.
Hundreds is the same as thousands, when you have enough hundreds...

For the terrorist question, I'd say: Whovever's the ignorant one who thinks that he/she has something to prove or get, and the right to do anything to prove/get it.

Evolution? Disproven? That's news to me...
we are all just turning mad because we just can't get any news from HL2, so we just talk about jezus. Sooner or later there wiil even be a Jihad against doom 3 lovers :rolleyes:
Brian Damage said:
Evolution? Disproven? That's news to me...

Maybe thats because you don't do any research. There are lots and lots of books that totaly smack down evolution (or at least facets of evolution). They just don't get much publicity because many people who would be involved in the distribution/endorsment of said books are fanatical evolutionists and when someone brings up a good point countering evolution they respond with a STFU RETARD (this responce is not exact, it has been translated into standard internet forum insult).
Parakeet said:
Maybe thats because you don't do any research. There are lots and lots of books that totaly smack down evolution (or at least facets of evolution). They just don't get much publicity because many people who would be involved in the distribution/endorsment of said books are fanatical evolutionists and when someone brings up a good point countering evolution they respond with a STFU RETARD (this responce is not exact, it has been translated into standard internet forum insult).

Lol, you must mean typical books like Darwin's Black Box - Michael Behe right? Those are all disproven and considered bullshit.
I follow news pretty closely, and I haven't heard about anything that disproofs evolution.

And Parakeet, please just STFU about your narrowminded opinion that atheists are apparently beasts without a concept of right and wrong. I don't need a God to know what's right and wrong. I could eleborate on this further, but I've gotta go now.

Oh yeah, some reading about irreducible complexity:
k, this thread is on the fast track to being locked.

you can always tell the second anyone says anything about religion.

I have my own beliefs and if you dont agree with them, well, I'm sorry. But 'm not going to try and prove yours wrong. Don't press yours onto me or others either. Respect what someone else believes. It doesn't mean you have to agree.
PvtRyan said:
Lol, you must mean typical books like Darwin's Black Box - Michael Behe right? Those are all disproven and considered bullshit.
I follow news pretty closely, and I haven't heard about anything that disproofs evolution.

Since you pay so close attention I assume that you don't beleieve in evolution either? Since it most certainly has not been proven itself, it is still a theory.

Oh yeah, some reading about irreducible complexity:

Well I can't argue with that because I am not a scientist nor do I wish to start a debate of links to other peoples opinionated websites. If you wish to press the issue however I can give you the phone number of someone who will be more than happy to argue with you about evolution. He even offers 250,000 if you can prove evolution.

And Parakeet, please just STFU about your narrowminded opinion that atheists are apparently beasts without a concept of right and wrong. I don't need a God to know what's right and wrong. I could eleborate on this further, but I've gotta go now.

I didn't say you don't have a concept of right and wrong. Everyone has a conscience... but that isn't really an acceptable means of judging right and wrong since everyones consience is different (to a certain degree). Not to mention that it is easy to deaden your consience. As for elaborating on this particular subject, please feel free to do so, when you have time of course.
This isn't even remotely about HL2, and it's starting to turn nasty. Closed by the evil, godless moderator (evolution in action!)
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