So when does Lost Coast coming out ?

Due to a lack of answers I shalt bestow my vague answer onto thee (better than nothing u know).

I think they said Lost coast was being made to appear in end 2005, and Aftermath in summer 2005, might be the other way around tho, I keep confusing them.

Also, its "So when is Lost Coast coming out ?" or "So when does Lost Coast come out ?" not "So when does Lost Coast coming out ?" as above

Ahh nice not to be swedish ;o))
bad grammer.....

anyway, it could be 3005 or something... or it might NEVER come out...
There's a thread asking the same thing right below this...
This is ridiculous. Not one solid answer. I guess I better start another thread about the release. Maybe I will have more luck.
If my life ended tomorrow, I would have endless flashbacks of threads about when Lost Coast is coming out. Why must you ruin my death!?
chu said:
This is ridiculous. Not one solid answer. I guess I better start another thread about the release. Maybe I will have more luck.

Don't even think about it.

nobody knows when its coming out.
why does valve have to always announce something new months or years before realeasing it?

just announce and release 2 or 3 days later when everybody is talking about the new fantastic game that they're planning to release!
The usual "HL2 is delayed" nonsense...

And its because it can add to the hype, and people will talk about it amongst friends at school, or work, then get them know..kind of like the Star Wars fans...
I do not think that this link entirely answers the question, but it does contribute a bit more background info:

"We talked with one of the Valve reps giving the presentation, and he said that although Lost Coast would require a pretty high-end system (3.2GHz CPU, 1GB RAM, 6800GT or X800 Pro, et cetera), the Aftermath expansion pack would allow the player to disable HDR and tweak the visuals as usual. He also mentioned that HDR would be partially implemented in HL2 in a future patch, but that they probably wouldn't completely overhaul the lighting for two reasons: one, it would require a download on the order of five gigabytes; and two, they felt that there were certain sections of the game that were actually better, gameplay-wise, with the current lighting."
Such as outside, in City 17 and the like i bet. From what ive seen so far, HDR is best indoors.
I just saw a video from E3 where they said First half of the summer and system required is at least 2GHZ 1Gigs of ram and the latest hitech card.
We have to wait till ati release their new r520 card, wish they would hurry up, the slowpokes.