So, who has Max Payne 2?

it's Max Payne 2 MAAN!! I never had this problem with my parents so I can't really imagine myself in that kind of a position but a question for you ray_MAN: what exactly is the worst thing that could happen if you simply just disobeyed her?
Originally posted by PriNcE oF SpAcE
hey I just wanted to ask from the trailers and stuff it seems max a capable of some new moves...some spin around kick or some shit...what's the deal?

That move's the reload while in one of the bullet times (1 or 2, maybe both. Can't remember).
Originally posted by Abom|nation
That move's the reload while in one of the bullet times (1 or 2, maybe both. Can't remember).

I R ConFused?

lol what's it good for...what exactly is he doing?
Originally posted by PriNcE oF SpAcE
I R ConFused?

lol what's it good for...what exactly is he doing?

It gives you a 360 degree view of the area, as well as minimizing the space allowed for people to shoot at him... while reloading. Somewhat like Equilibrium, really.
If I disobeyed my mom I would absolutely lose my computer and all video games until I leave.
yay i have it! its awesome!! loads of cussing though, so be aware :) the game says **** galore... seriously..

but its great, best physics i have ever seen in a game... the graphics are nice.. even the dream sequences are pretty cool
Originally posted by jAkUp
yay i have it! its awesome!! loads of cussing though, so be aware :) the game says **** galore... seriously..

but its great, best physics i have ever seen in a game... the graphics are nice.. even the dream sequences are pretty cool

Really? Sounds great, but is it alot more 'noir-ish'? That'd be fantastic.
hows the movemnet of the character?

in mp1 I always thought the movement was a bit rigid...hope there's more flow to it.
Post some cool screenshots... :)

But not any spoilers please.
actually the game is pretty noirish... especially the dream sequence.. creeped me out :)

alot of the game takes place at night, in the rain.. etc.
it looks really cool in slow motion when you are knocking over cans, etc. everything in the game has realistic physics.

the movement of the characer... eh.. it could be better, but im not complaining. it still feels ok to me.

the game is pretty difficult, i had to restart my saved game numerous times. alot of the rooms contain tons of baddies and it takes careful planning to kill them all:cheese:

and here is a screenshot i took for your viewing pleasure:cheers:
lol actually she was a friend.. but i started shooting her... so she shot back :)
jAkUp: Damn, looks nice. Thanks for the pic.
LOL , PriNce of Space !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D

This is w0t you're going to say to your beloved mom, Ray_man:

"So , you think it'd be better for me to go out on the nights and hang out , drinking beer, swearing , tattooing and piercing myself , smoking , acting like a rebel instead of playing harmless fictive computer games containing fictive action , fictive people that dont exist , no one getting harmed ? Huh? You think that , punk? PUNK?!" (j/k about this last line ;) )

That's simply the thing. If you're a youth who play games ,you don't stay outside till twelve , you don't swear alot and smoke and drink beer.. People who does this does it because they have something missing in their lives. The young gameplayers fill that hole with this timekiller called computer games, and they stay calm and doesnt fight alot since they get away this anger even at puberty on the action-jackson computer games.
Someone please help me in my Max Payne 2 pwns me thread , Im pretty pissed that I cant play the full on game (its nothing without the storyline)
sorry popov...can't help you...maybe try re-install? or chance desctop resolution(unfortunately that sometimes ****s things up) also try setting colour depth and screen resolution ingame...maybe it'll help.
What are your specs!?
...I just wanted to make sure you noticed this post...
Originally posted by jAkUp
lol actually she was a friend.. but i started shooting her... so she shot back :)

so you've got grannies as allies? sounds dodgy...well as long as it's possible to shoot them I think it'll be ok.
well not really an allie.. it was just kinda a joke, some intruded her house and she shot him with a shotgun:cheese:
Originally posted by PriNcE oF SpAcE
sorry popov...can't help you...maybe try re-install? or chance desctop resolution(unfortunately that sometimes ****s things up) also try setting colour depth and screen resolution ingame...maybe it'll help.

so far ive Reinstalled , change desktop res like you said , changed all settings to low and nothing has changed it. The graphic novels work but the cutscene movies dont. Its like I dont have the files... this sucks.
Can anyone help me out here!
On the official Max Payne 2 website there's a violin-melody buzzing in the background. I ****ing love that track! As far as I remember they used it as the theme-melody in Max Payne 1 as well. Is this song to be found in the Max Payne 2 folder as an MP3 or something? I ****ing love this track! I've opened a new IE window just so I can listen to it while surfing on the HL2 board...
Originally posted by ray_MAN

Ask my mom and it's a VIDEO GAME not real I try to tell her but all she listens to is Lieberman. :x

lol... im 13 and i player bmxxx
man, that stuff is retarded. Video's just ridiculous. Movies, for sure I can see, some can be pretty..iffy, but video games, meh.

You seem to know the difference between right and wrong so you're not going out and shooting up the street or something. God.
Originally posted by ray_MAN
What is that man?

It sez they're trying to prevent kids between the age 0-8 against violent movies, games etc. You're 13!!
And take a look at this:
I like this:
On average, young children:

Watch TV for 2 to 4 hours per day.
Watch 4,000 hours of TV before they enter kindergarten.
Are exposed to 20 to 25 acts of violence per hour on Saturday morning TV programs intended for children.

Show your mom this shit and tell her you'll cut down on the TV-watching and spend your time on building up great reactivityskills. I actually once heard that kids these days have fantastic reactivityskills!
Why? I am not a raging psyco bitch. I still don't get your reasoning. I want her to let me watch and play "violent" stuff. Not take it away.
The thing i liked about the first max payne were the textures, they looked well good. That screenie with the granny, the cupboard looks sweet!
Originally posted by boblemoche0
lol... im 13 and i player bmxxx

...jokes on you, dumbass.

How does the game run on super-high-everything mode?
Originally posted by ray_MAN
Well I am not allowed to watch PG-13 rated or R rated movies. I hate rap and if I liked it I probably wouldn't be able to listen to it.

Oh... My.... God... You poor deprived child. Tell your mom your idol is O'Rielly See what she says :evilgrin:

I thought you said you were 13, how stupid.
ray_MAN, dunno how you stand it man :-|
You got any lock on your door or something?
What's you dad'd opinion then?? Doesn't even he think that you mom is "taking it too far"?
nw909: I know. I know.
Dax: My Dad has to agree. HE would usually let me but my mom would do back flips if he takes my side. I have never asked him if she is taking it to far. He is under alot of stress lately so I won't bother asking anytime soon.

EDIT: My comp isn't in my room and the comp room doesn't have any doors.