so who hates EA?


  • EA is going the wrong way

    Votes: 87 82.1%
  • EA has the right idea!

    Votes: 19 17.9%

  • Total voters


The Freeman
Jan 21, 2004
Reaction score
just that there was various threads about EA games so I decided to make this poll

I think that EA is a company that is making many mistakes and are going in the wrong way

also maybe all this can change whit the game of the godfather cuz really is looking nice,also the new figthing whit the marvel heroes,infact this 2 games are not what you can expect from them

also are many games of EA that I like like freedom fighters and the NFS series

EDIT: crap forgot the poll some moderator can put it?

I believe that explains my biased opinion.
When I have the Battlefield 2 box in my hands and the CD or DVD spinning in my drive, then I'll hate EA. Untill then, all hail EA! ;)
Though I don't like Sports or Sports games, I think EA is going to hurt the series.
EAs idea of making games is like mcdonalds way of making food.

It's cheap, it's wrong, and the results stink.
lePobz said:
EAs idea of making games is like mcdonalds way of making food.

It's cheap, it's wrong, and the results stink.

Macdonalds smell nice.... imo.... :(
I never really had too much of a problem with EA, until very recently. They took the ESPN and NFL franshise away from Sega. Now the only sports games we get, are crappy Madden games. I cannot stress it enough how much the madden games suck. It gets me angry.
I've never talked to EA, I've never seen EA, I have played and liked games with EA written on them.

Unlike most people on the interent, I dont care what others think of me. Your all a bunch of mindless "lol Ea are the suck!" drones who have never seen EA. Now, unless EA had there way with your sister, or run over your dog, theres nothing to hate. "Oh no! EA brought the rights to somthing, there just DRIPPING with evil now!"

Wait, EA is a publisher, not a developer, right? How can people say EA games are bad if EA doesn't make the games?

Am I missing a lesson in the video games business?
EA just has a few internal issues....

Buying out the license is something the NFL wanted to do, and then EA stepped in there and such... They said there were other competitors (oorgle that looks wrong oh well) for the license, so if EA wouldn't have gotten it, we could have gotten some half-assed football game with NFL stuff... Then the thing with ESPN was actually in the works, and it actually closed around the same time as the NFL deal, it was just coincidence.

The AFL is just to provide a different game experience than the normal outdoor football...

Once EA finishes up the internal problems, they will be on the right way... People give into the opinions of others and it spreads like a virus.... Pisses me off that a lot of people can't think for themselves :(
I'm still furious about the deal they made with the NFL and NFLPA. FURIOUS.
Why did they do that? The only possible explanation for it is because they're a money-hungry corporation that doesn't give a rat's ass about the consumer. The consumer wants the best possible game, and the only way to get this is with competition. Do you know how incredible NFL 2K6 would have been next year?

Does EA need that exclusivity deal to make their game better? No. They only need it to rack in the cash.

For shame EA. For ****ing shame.
EA treats their workers like crap, pumps out expansion packs full of content that should have been free, put out half finished games, lie in their advertising, buy out smaller developers and force them to make sequels/ ex packs, and tries to buy the liscences for all sports.

Whats not to like?

Personally, I've hated EA for a long time now but since they make games for the mainstream gamers nothing we do will matter.

Once EA finishes up the internal problems, they will be on the right way... People give into the opinions of others and it spreads like a virus.... Pisses me off that a lot of people can't think for themselves
This is my opinion after following the industry for years anyone who still likes EA must be blind...
Leonard said:
EA treats their workers like crap, pumps out expansion packs full of content that should have been free, put out half finished games, lie in their advertising, buy out smaller developers and force them to make sequels/ ex packs, and tries to buy the liscences for all sports.

Whats not to like?

Personally, I've hated EA for a long time now but since they make games for the mainstream gamers nothing we do will matter.

This is my opinion after following the industry for years anyone who still likes EA must be blind...
Kind of funny how you can switch some of those words around and replace them a bit to get a genuine. Govertment sucks, statement. Though instead of govertment it's EA. If ya know what I mean.
I hold a personal grudge for them destroying the James Bond franchise. Although apparently, Free Radical are set to make the next one. Free Radical are the company who made GoldenEye with Rare and then left to form this company.
Pfft. I've hated them since CnC Generals. Not that it was a bad game, in my opinion the underlying gameplay has yet to be surpassed by a 3D strategy game, just they needed a few months to polish it up. Then, EA throws them into Middle Earth, and we get almost no (and half made) patches....[/rant] yes.
Valve and Blizzard have raised me (lol) with the mentality that you release a game, then you support it support it and support it some more. I mean shit a Starcraft patch was released a few weeks ago..a game that came out 6 years ago?

EA release a game
Release a patch or 2
Announce an expansion
Release expansion
No patches for that
Announce expansion 2
No patches

Announce full blown sequel if the original was successful enough.

If EA owned VAlve you would have payed for CS:S
Received one patch.
Then payed for the CS:S expansion pack (called Ground Zero) which includes 4 new maps, Tides, Prodigy, Compund and Train. It also includes a replacement CT and T model. You also get bot support!

Jesus Christ... I'm obviously missing out on something here and I don't bother reading all this bullshit so what are you gonna do about it?... nothing
Nah i just don't buy ea games. I don't have to experience the bs anymore. I'll sit back and smile like a stupid nerd when all the battlefield 2 fans start spamming the EA forums demanding patches to fix the bugs and gross gameplay problems only to be met with silence , then an announcement for an expansion to be released in 6 months.
6 years ago?
7 in early april.
It's mostly for WCG(World Cyber Games) to elimate a few bugs, it gave more korean support, and new hacks have to be written.

They still release a patch about once a year for WCG.
*raises hand*

Yeah I am pretty much sick of EA, they are either running companies out of business or taking them over and making shit games off titles that shouldn't be made to look bad. If EA would learn not to screw the customer or their workers over maybe people would actually like them, I refrain from buying EA products for a reason.
I am indifferent to be honest. I generally dont buy games from EA simply because they seem to sell games I dont like very much...

We need an option saying "I couldnt really care less" :p
Ritz said:
I've never talked to EA, I've never seen EA, I have played and liked games with EA written on them.

Unlike most people on the interent, I dont care what others think of me. Your all a bunch of mindless "lol Ea are the suck!" drones who have never seen EA. Now, unless EA had there way with your sister, or run over your dog, theres nothing to hate. "Oh no! EA brought the rights to somthing, there just DRIPPING with evil now!"

That's a bit of a stupid thing to say ... you never saw hitler but you should know he had a few screws loose.

Nobody here has seen anybody that works at EA, that is true... but we all know that by their latest practices that they are merely buying out as many licences as they can, and paying a load of developers the minimum wages to release half finished games that suck.

Now I don't know about you, but that's not a good way to do business, and that is why I dislike EA. Specially since there are many developers out there that could do a much better job with the games if only EA werent going round buying all the licences.

So to sum it up, if you don't have anything to add to the conversation, shut up.
EA is obviously on the right track. They have this busniess down to a tee. They're not evil, the spawn of satan, or part of the Nazi regime. They've published some of the best games in the industry. Several of their games hold records in sales figures. How can you argue that the company is doing anything wrong, when all signs show them doing everything right. This whole mess with worker hours and overtime is just a cop-out to try to convince people that EA is an evil corporation. I challange anyone to find a company that doesn't have problems like these. How much you want to bet Valve's employees were working long, stressful hours? During crunch time, practically every company experiences problems with their internal staff. EA is getting a lot of attention only because of their size in the industry, and again the fact that people want so desperately to label EA as the anitchrist of the gaming industry. There's nothing wrong with what EA is doing. It's smart business, and it's making them a fortune. Give consumers a little more credit, if EA's games weren't any good you wouldn't see them selling so well.
EA is obviously on the right track. They have this busniess down to a tee. They're not evil, the spawn of satan, or part of the Nazi regime. They've published some of the best games in the industry. Several of their games hold records in sales figures. How can you argue that the company is doing anything wrong, when all signs show them doing everything right. This whole mess with worker hours and overtime is just a cop-out to try to convince people that EA is an evil corporation. I challange anyone to find a company that doesn't have problems like these. How much you want to bet Valve's employees were working long, stressful hours? During crunch time, practically every company experiences problems with their internal staff. EA is getting a lot of attention only because of their size in the industry, and again the fact that people want so desperately to label EA as the anitchrist of the gaming industry. There's nothing wrong with what EA is doing. It's smart business, and it's making them a fortune. Give consumers a little more credit, if EA's games weren't any good you wouldn't see them selling so well.
Mind Control
Just go with me on this.
I think EA is owned by Aliens.
To make mass profits off of our..civilization these advanced aliens mind controlled tons of kids into wanting there games..


Ok nm...sorry for anyone who had to read that.
madacian said:
I challange anyone to find a company that doesn't have problems like these. How much you want to bet Valve's employees were working long, stressful hours?

Valve employees don't hate it and complain about it.

Gaming is business but it shouldn't be business at heart - EA is the example of a company that doesn't care about the games or the fans nearly as much as it does for money.

Valve is an example of a company that, while still caring about money, GIVES A DAMN about their games. Which is why Half-Life 2 > Supar Baskitboll 2009.
I don't like EA because they cater for the mainstream rather than the actual gaming community.

They try to win people from normal life who have never played any PC game before except card games...a clear demonstration of this is "The Sims", one of or even the most popular game of all time. And as a gamer, I hated it. It lacked substance and depth after a couple of days. But it's better selling than Half-Life for ****'s sake.

However, EA have seen a cash cow in this and milked it for every penny with god knows how many sub-standard expansion packs.

Same goes for their sports games range.

Therefore, I accuse them of alienating the standard gamers, in order to make a profit from the mainstream society. Which is good in business terms, but bad when you look at what actually makes games good.

It's not a brand name, like "The Sims";
it's quality of content. I think EA have lost the fans, in order to try and get new fans.

It's like forsaking your friends because you want to be the friend of the richest kid in school or something. Bit of a crap analogy, but I hope you get the picture.
IMO EA is crap because they are buisness buffs & don't really care much about the games themselves except the money they make from it. The only reason I care about them .1% is because they're developing BF2, which I must say looks awesome as of late BTW. But other than for the Battlefield series they can go to hell.
The NFL license thing was lame..but I don't care about anything else... They make some crappy games...but they're smart...they make loads of cash.
Mind Control
Just go with me on this.

[/quote]The only reason I care about them .1% is because they're developing BF2, which I must say looks awesome as of late BTW[/quote]

Minerel was half right even though he was being sarcastic. They hype their games up, like they currently are doing for Battlefield 2. They did the same for Battlefield Vietnam and I'm sorry I fell into that trap.

Madacian said:
How can you argue that the company is doing anything wrong, when all signs show them doing everything right.

I guess you figure that the only sign of greatness is the dollar sign.

Hey, we should hold concert to bring down EA with the power of rock and roll! :afro: :smoking:
I think the reason of why EA sell so much is cuz they allways go whit the popular an famous things

for example when the movie of 2fast 2furios was launched it got attention of a lot of people cuz are very cool tuning cars and stuff and when EA launched NFS:UG all that tuning fan people go directly to the game cuz are tuning cars and stuff and made the people think "oh tuning cars! cool" ,and whit the second was whit the presence of brooke burke (sp?)that is hot and popular and sure everyone will be atrached cuz "hey is brooke burke (sp?) and cars!"

and you can see that whit the nfl thing cuz sure the average of the american people is a fan of the NFL and stuff so they will get money by sure

the thing is that they are taking advantage of everything popular to add it to theyr games and atrack the masses of stupid people that is under the influence of the comercial things that we see everyday in things like the tv and they make few quality on them cuz sure they think that is they keep the same "formula" the people will see the game diferent and for that they will not like it

IMO sure EA will add popular pop singers or bands or some move like that to theyr games,like the propagandas whit xzibit

and thats what I dont like of EA games,still is the hope to see some quality in the future cuz are games of EA that hav it quality and some upcoming games like the godfather and marvel genesis(or whatever) maybe will be the sign that EA is thinking of quality
ChubbsMagoo said:

I believe that explains my biased opinion.


I'm also with Sieg. (n)

All they care about is money, they don't care about the quality of games they just want to pump out as many as they can that will cater for youngsters who will just mindlessly buy thier crappy games that are based on every movie franchise out there.
Leonard said:
I guess you figure that the only sign of greatness is the dollar sign.

So there's never been a worthy game that has come from EA? Besides, they are a business, and businesses are there to make money. In that world, the dollar sign is the number one sign of greatness.
EA makes some good games.

They make a lot of bad games too. And when someone challenges them...*ehem* NBA 2k series *ehem* they try to lock shit up. I think they're more pussies than anything and should grow a pair.

Doesn't matter...if they continue to produce inferior products the market will handle them accordingly.