So Who Here Drinks?

How much do you drink?

  • I commonly wake up in dumpsters, surrounded by dead hookers

    Votes: 14 12.4%
  • I usually party on the weekends, but not in excess

    Votes: 25 22.1%
  • A few beers here and there with friends

    Votes: 45 39.8%
  • Alcohol? You mean that stuff my parents drink?

    Votes: 29 25.7%

  • Total voters
i dont usually drink during the week, but on weekends i usually end up passed out on a couch after a ridiculous drinking session
The past 2 weeks have one giant blur to me, but I've already managed to run around Bristol in a pirate outfit, get my flat on security watch due to ripping my amp at full blast at 3 in the morning, ride an abandoned office chair around campus and unexpectedly crash a french person's house with around 30 other people.

My liver weeps at night.
I used party like crazy in High School, but now that I'm in college it's not that exciting anymore. College is all about drinking for most people here, and it's kind of "been there, done that" for me. My parents never cared if I drank, so I sort of got it out of my system.

So for those of you who said you have never and will never drink, what's your reasoning? Not suggesting you should, but I'm interested in why. I mean I can understand if you tried it and didn't like it, or you've seen it ruin a member of your family or a friend. But otherwise it seems like you'd at least want to try for yourself and see what the fuss is about. Otherwise you're just sort of putting stock in someone else's opinion about alcohol, one that you can't back up with experience.

No offense meant here, really :cheers:
I usually go out monday and wednesday night as theyre student nights at my uni, well, the town my uni is in anyway.

Loads of 1st, 2nd and 3rd years are out those nights. Cheaper drinks and entry promotions etc.

Never really get 'drunk' but i have enough to still have a good time. Plus we all drink VKs more than anything. Unless we have a few drinking games before we go out, then its slightly worse but i dont go overboard on alcohol.
I do and it's fun with the right people on occasion. I think it's over rated. I prefer to lose myself to other substances that are much more fun to me and I don't wake up feeling like I want to die.
I've tasted Wine and beer before. Neither one was really all that great to me. I'll never drink. Seems like a waste to mess up other people's lives just for the fun of me.
I used party like crazy in High School, but now that I'm in college it's not that exciting anymore. College is all about drinking for most people here, and it's kind of "been there, done that" for me. My parents never cared if I drank, so I sort of got it out of my system.

So for those of you who said you have never and will never drink, what's your reasoning? Not suggesting you should, but I'm interested in why. I mean I can understand if you tried it and didn't like it, or you've seen it ruin a member of your family or a friend. But otherwise it seems like you'd at least want to try for yourself and see what the fuss is about. Otherwise you're just sort of putting stock in someone else's opinion about alcohol, one that you can't back up with experience.

No offense meant here, really :cheers:

For me, its just having seen other people drunk. Maybe im strange, but dont find the prospect of not knowing where you are, not remembering anything from the night before, throwing up, hangovers, beerstench, turning into a drunk-asshole, and passing out to be a positive experience. :|

Plus all liquors ive tasted are nasty.
But... it's not like you open a bottle and then you're transported to alcohol limbo until next morning. You don't have to get drunk.

Of course, I'd then ask "Why the hell not", but I digress.
I find the after effects of alcohol a minor punishment for the actual taste of the beverage.

I really, really love lagers/beers/stouts and spirits are very tasty if they're not the mass produced nonsense that get's sold in the U.K. by the barrel load. (Exception Smirnoff, that's O.K.).
What about a weekend drinker who wakes up with dead hookers in his bed. :(
I only drink beer for the taste, but getting buzzed is a bonus. Beer tasting good is the only reason I'll drink now. Weed is much better, and I do that all the time.
Im drunk now, it sucks compared to all the other wonderfull drugs in the world...
For me, its just having seen other people drunk. Maybe im strange, but dont find the prospect of not knowing where you are, not remembering anything from the night before, throwing up, hangovers, beerstench, turning into a drunk-asshole, and passing out to be a positive experience. :|

Plus all liquors ive tasted are nasty.
I can understand that, but I still think self experimentation is a better way of deciding this. There is a huge difference between going out and getting wasted just for the hell of it (which the majority of the population does) and drinking a small amount with friends. Getting a healthy buzz on with some friends doesn't do much but make everyone a little more talkative and open. I've had some friends who have shared some pretty personal and lifechanging things with me because they felt more comfortable while being a little buzzed. I feel like most people on a few beers simply act more like themselves, having been removed from their natural inhibitions.

I think the key here is to trust yourself not to make those mistakes with alcohol. It's no devil in a bottle, it's what you make of it. People's dealings with alcohol usually reflect their personality and level of responsibility.

"Everything in moderation" - Aristotle
don't drink

and i didn't vote cause my parents don't drink too.
Alright, for everybody that does drink and has alcohol anywhere near them:

This is not a request - this is a demand :P - Take a shot or drink for my brother because he enters the Air Force tomorrow. I'm trying to get as many people as possible to drink on his behalf.

Thank you.
I'll have a drink here and there and never to the point of being drunk. And never beer... don't like beer. :P
I'm turning 18 tuesday week, which is the legal age here in ireland, although I have been drinking with my parents consent since may...I dont drink too often, maybe once every few weeks, and I only drink with a group of friends...My usuals: Ice Cold Budweiser ;) Mickey Finn's Apple Schnapps (Yum :P) and the odd WKD or Smirnoff Ice :)
Alright, for everybody that does drink and has alcohol anywhere near them:

This is not a request - this is a demand :P - Take a shot or drink for my brother because he enters the Air Force tomorrow. I'm trying to get as many people as possible to drink on his behalf.

Thank you.

Done. Straight Whisky.
I'm turning 18 tuesday week, which is the legal age here in ireland, although I have been drinking with my parents consent since may...I dont drink too often, maybe once every few weeks, and I only drink with a group of friends...My usuals: Ice Cold Budweiser ;) Mickey Finn's Apple Schnapps (Yum :P) and the odd WKD or Smirnoff Ice :)

What you should be drinking is Guinness and cider
18 in a month and 6 days. But been drinking for about 2 years now. That actually sounds really awful. However it's only been in the last year or so that it's been because I enjoy the taste and that I can really handle my drink.

I put the second option because, what with still being at school, weeknights aren't that viable yet.
I drink a fair bit.

My tolerance is really high, and I can 4 or 5 pints and not appear drunk (though I do feel it, and I'd never do anything ****ing retarded like try to drive under influence)

also I never drink alone, it's purely a social thing, if I'm alone I'll just drink pop.
I don't drink, mainly because I don't like drunk people and don't want to be one.

But pretty much all of my friends drink, so I'm okay with it.
I got pretty damn ratted last night. My liver hurts.
I rarely drink, but when I do it's with friends.

And we quite so intend to get smashed.
I can't drink any alcoholic beverages due to the medications I take for my epilepsy. I wish I could have a drink every now and then.
I like a beer every so now and then, with friends mostly. But other than that, I rarely drink at all.
Let's see, sometimes in the weekends I consume alcohol with my friends. I was actually out this last weekend and the weekend before. It was never my intention to party last weekend because I drank too much the weekend before and spent more than 3 hours in the bathroom trying to survive.

It was all fun though, I had more control this time.
I don't drink, of course I've tasted the crap. But I've made a decision to stay as far away from it as possible because I don't know if I could stop if I got hooked on the stuff.
You don't know if you don't try. I said the same thing about air and I can't stop breathing.

I think I'm addicted.
I drink way too much way too often :cheers:
in fact I'm drunk now :)

what can you say about alcohol, social lubricant and happy-magic-juice for whatever you want to do. plus it tastes great in most forms. I dislike people who don't drink if it's not for athletic reasons, because way too often they turn out to be judgemental control freaks, or simply totally distant to, or uninterested in, common social life. I mean, no matter if it's staying at home with friends, watching a movie or playing mulitplayer games, hitting the bars/clubs for chicks or doing crazy shit that results in injuries or drunk cells, fun is always guaranteed.
i party on the weekends.
what do u think i'm gonna do, study.. pshh