So who is going to a cyber cafe?


Jul 31, 2003
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Hey guys just wondering who can't wait to play Counter-Strike Source like me. I am going to a cyber cafe near me in Tacoma, WA that is getting it and I am going to play on Wednesday with some friends... I am pretty pumped.

Im going for an all nighter at my lan cafe when its released! :farmer:
my local lan cafes it only costs like 3 bucks an hour...

There are only 3 cafe's who are running the cyber cafe program, they aren't in the neighberhood. I must travel far to play my share, I'll pass and wait for the final to arrive. But will be playing the Singleplayer of HL2 first :).
There are only 3 cafe's who are running the cyber cafe program, they aren't in the neighberhood. I must travel far to play my share, I'll pass and wait for the final to arrive.

Dude I'm in Brazil, how bad is that, 4000 miles away from the nearest cafe running the valve program =D
I want to go to one, my mate works at a lan cafe so ill ask him if i could have a special price and do an all nighter, itll be my first lan party thing aswell, would be amazing my first lan party playing Cs : S. :D :D :D I'll have to see wheres the nearest is to me otherwise, im in Bristol, UK. Or i could just play Doom3 up untill its actually released, shame im still waiting for my f*cking cop to arrive, i envy you USA peeps.

(PS im new here, can we swear?)

ItchyFish said:
I want to got to one, my mates at a lan cafe so ill ask him if i could have a special price and do an all nighter, itll be my first lan party thing aswell, would be amazing my first lan party playing Cs : S. :D :D :D I'll have to see wheres the nearest is to me otherwise, im in Bristol, UK.

There are two in Bristol so you're sorted then.

The closest ones to me are in Newcastle or Sunderland. I don't think I'll be going because it's a bit of effort. I would go if there was one in Edinburgh (Because I'm going up there for a few weeks anyway). But there doesn't appear to be any in Scotland.
Wowee to in Bristol that are hosting the CS : S ? ****ing ace, i think there are only two cafe's in briz anyway so i reckon i got a good chance of getting in tere wid my mate and playing al nighters :D thanks Feath, u made my day. w00t
k so you moving there? :P I want to buy your house then lol
I will be attending a LAN Cafe which is only 15 minutes from my house here in New Hampshire.
merc said:
Hey guys just wondering who can't wait to play Counter-Strike Source like me. I am going to a cyber cafe near me in Tacoma, WA that is getting it and I am going to play on Wednesday with some friends... I am pretty pumped.

I would, but the closest cafe to me is like a 4 hour drive. there is no cafe in OHIO. Not even Cleveland, ohio or columbus, ohio

Thats Wack.
Yeah Pauly no kidding I live in Westerville and I can't find one anywhere. I know of one downtown Columbus but its not gaming. :( Sux!
Well Feath you should come to Newcastle m8 :D

Never been to the lan place called Wkd, might be worth a wonder over to have a look! :)
U would go to one but its an hour drive to vancouver from here.
The only two in my state are 1-5 miles away... I think i'll take my bike :D :D
i might go to the one in my city centre somewhere........

anyone from manchester?
Off to a cybercafe tomoro with benson to scout the place out and hopefully get a shot at CS Source :P
lePobz said:
Off to a cybercafe tomoro with benson to scout the place out and hopefully get a shot at CS Source :P

if you call 4 hours plus a shot heh.
I'm going to a local cyber cafe, I can't wait. I'm going with one of my friends and my little cousin.
I bet they unlock it late tommorow evening, like most steam updates :O
I will have to travel 10-15 min to get to the nearest cafe... a drive too far if you ask me. :(
Any in NYC knows any CC that is gonna have cs:s? the closer to the bronx the better.
well i cant, no cyber cafe within 50miles has a valve program :angry:
OMG!Only 1 registerd cyber cafe in alabama and it's 3 hours away....
anyone know if there is ant cafe's running the program thing in ontario mississauga
snak3y3z1001 said:
Any in NYC knows any CC that is gonna have cs:s? the closer to the bronx the better.

Where in the bronx do you live? Anywhere near Pehlem Parkway?