

Feb 17, 2004
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So, this morning I ran out of shampoo so I decided to use a bar of soap instead. I was amazed at how soft my hair was, wtf is the point of shampoo anyways? It is like a cheap form of soap but scented. The bar of soap made my hair softer than shampoo ever has. Has anyone else used a bar of soap instead of shampoo? There must be some sort of drawback, it seems too good to be true...
Hmm, I've often soaped my pubes but never found them to be smoother than normal.

Maybe I'll give it a shot.
My God, man. You run the very real risk of split ends, dry hair, and less managebility. Do you want that kind of blood on your hands? Please think of the children!
Murray_H said:
It may dry your scalp out
Hey you are right, I can see the scalp flake off, literally like it is snowing.
Pesmerga said:
Hmm, I've often soaped my pubes but never found them to be smoother than normal.

Maybe I'll give it a shot.
This thread is useless without pictures.
Foxtrot said:
Hey you are right, I can see the scalp flake off, literally like it is snowing.

Shampoos will probably have some sort of pH buffer to keep them around about the skin pH, whereas soaps are usually slightly acidic/basic.

Stick with shampoo, otherwise it will be snowy every day and a white christmas won't be as special.
eww thats gross. i use old spice body wash, it leaves me so fresh and so clean clean
My hair is really soft no matter what I use. Yay.
There, I got you your picture.
It looks like crap because I had to get it down in size.


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Here, I got a better one.


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Kamikazie said:
your hair has a crack...thats funny
**** you! I am very self concious about my crack.

Actually, I think my headset did that.
A survey said that most people use shower gels opposed to actual bar of soap? really wow that's so old school

...well maybe not :p
just you wear your headset back to front? cause thats the only way that could be...maybe it was a...hmmm...i got nothin'
chrisuk27 said:
A survey said that most people use shower gels opposed to actual bar of soap? really wow that's so old school

...well maybe not :p
Shower gel is for lesbians in pornos, and gay men.

Kamikazie said:
just you wear your headset back to front? cause thats the only way that could be...maybe it was a...hmmm...i got nothin'
My old headset was on of those that went around the back of your head, but that broke. I just got a new one, that goes on top of my head. I use the mic for ventrillo, and the headphones just for ventrillo.
chrisuk27 said:
A survey said that most people use shower gels opposed to actual bar of soap? really wow that's so old school

...well maybe not :p

that survey is for losers!

jk :E

Foxtrot said:
My old headset was on of those that went around the back of your head, but that broke. I just got a new one, that goes on top of my head. I use the mic for ventrillo, and the headphones just for ventrillo.

that explains it
i use to have horrible dandruff a few years ago, now it's getting better but it's still there sometimes
chrisuk27 said:
um and maybe most of the civilised world

and how would you know that exactly?
I am an ambassador to the gay kingdom, in a completly non-sexual way of course.
Kamikazie said:
i use to have horrible dandruff a few years ago, now it's getting better but it's still there sometimes

I can only recommend head and shoulders from personal experience, cleared it up good and proper. Plus, it makes your hair so soft, and girls love soft hair. Unfortunately I lather my hair with shite so it is lost on me :/
Murray_H said:
I can only recommend head and shoulders from personal experience, cleared it up good and proper. Plus, it makes your hair so soft, and girls love soft hair. Unfortunately I lather my hair with shite so it is lost on me :/

well i use the garnier fruits crap and it seems to be working fine.
Kamikazie said:
well i use the garnier fruits crap and it seems to be working fine.

It's a bitch is dandruff, used to get it really bad and tried everything and I was so chuffed when H&S did the trick. Funny how I tried out medical shite before that and then a commercial product sorted it.
Bleeeurgh... you people and your soap... you disgust me.

On a slightly more serious note, I don't use soap. Or shampoo. Or anything. I am allergic to anything artificial with smells or colors. Of course, there are colorless/smell...less soaps, but I have just grown accustomed to merely giving myself a good rinse everyday. It seems to work, anyway.

yet, I still have dandruff =O
damn...that sucks to be allergic to artifical stuff...but hey im allergic to latex (in the face so i can still use a condom)
Kamikazie said:
damn...that sucks to be allergic to artifical stuff...but hey im allergic to latex (in the face so i can still use a condom)

I've always wondered abut that (ppl allergic to latex not being able to use condoms) and I never realized it could be limited to just one part. I guess this clears that up.

Unfortunately, I get real bad rashes all over my body, especially bad around my hands, feet, and lower face. torso gets it rarely, and rather mildly.
head and shoulders = sex. I tried using soap in my head once; it got soft and very tangled up. Same result with head and shoulders but it wasn't tangled up at all :E
Soap weathers away by using it in hair, because hair is rough and course. I might try it.