Soccor Mom finds porn, goes into hysterics, universe on verge of collapse


darn... well, you know what to replace the **** with.
Krynn said:
darn... well, you know what to replace the **** with.

Eh, can you believe it took me 3 tries to guess the 4 missing letters?

Now what are the odds little Johnny downloaded that porn off the internet and told his mom it came with the memory stick when she caught him looking at that stuff?

No wonder it wouldn't work. I kept copy pasting the entire thing into address bar.
she should look in my harddrive, she would commit suicide

She must forget that in order to make children like hers, she needs to commence to the activities shown. With a few exceptions.
I wasn't aware midgets were required for conception. This puts a whole new angle on the stork thing.
I'm a teenager, and I don't watch porn, most likely because of (but not limited to):

This reminds me of when I first got my internets, Oh I was so happy, but my mum found porn installed on my interwebs and took it from me and sued the the company. :|
who says the kids didn't put the stuff on the card before the mom saw it?

nevertheless, i think it was a GREAT practical joke. might try it on my PSP at k-mart