SOF 3 in November?


Companion Cube
Jul 5, 2004
Reaction score
Apparently so! :O
But that might not be so great. Turns out its a budget game and doesn't involve Raven Software or even the GHOUL body separating tech D:

Thing is, it is! Kotaku Australia's Logan has pinged us to let us know that yes, the game is real, and was quietly announced at Activision's recent Activate Asia 2007 promo show. Why the lack of fanfare? It's a budget game, being launched under the Activision Value label, and won't feature either Raven Software or the series' GHOUL body-separating tech.

More screens and the poster here:

Sucks, when I heard a third one was in the works I was so happy. Enjoyed the first two games a lot! Shame this one will probably suck.

Way to kill it Activision. Not that it was a masterpiece, mind you, but it was at least a fun agme with some decent MP. A proper sequel would have sold well, methinks.
I just might get cause of Mullins, he better be in it. The Ghoul part sucks though.
SoF deserves better.
It says that there will be "gibs" in it.
I have both of the original games and the only reason why i bought it was because of the GHOUL engine.It's disappointing to hear that Raven Software is not working on it.
Not to mention,it being a value game.
Well,November is almost here.
The fact that they took out the GHOUL system makes it anything but a SoF game.
I reckon, the 3rd game should of gone the direction of the A-team, or Farcry2: America or something, whereby you can choose your own missions.
But I've already had my fill of of Middle Eastern and/or Terrorism settings, I want to go to South America and battle drug lords
Ugh what crap...

''The developers that make 'cabela's deer hunter' games are proud to bring you this shovelware with Soldier of Fortune in the title.'' lol :p
New game play videos with with gore in them this time, this doesn't look as bad as that first trailer they showed.... now hoping it has a decent MP like SOF2 had(/creams.) and

Looks okay, piratable atleast.

The gore is simplistic... in the originals you could actually shoot bits and pieces of off enemies.
In this it's like, shoot their knee... their whole leg flies off.
Shoot their head... it gets disintegrated.
Oh well, the blood and graphics look nice.

I'll definitely give it a download. :D